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Posts posted by Featherhat

  1. 3 hours ago, Oreo2234 said:

    I'm sad but also happy it had six seasons and isn't being cancelled suddenly. I like Nia and I wouldn't mind seeing her show up somewhere else. It would be nice to see some characters from Supergirl live on in the arrowverse. Though I'd prefer seeing Alex or J'onn show up again somewhere. 

    That romance really felt flat. I don't think many people are rooting for them to get together. The Alex/Kelly romance really fell flat too but I guess its what she'll end up with. 

    I think it's possible they'll show up in guest spots but I wouldn't want any of them to be regulars on other shows, especially as they don't have any really big ties to the characters. I've seen other franchises try to do it and it's been awkward at best - Sam and SGA anyone? (And I loved Sam). Not to mention they all have a lot of other characters that could be more developed. 

    With Kara/William I don't think many people are really rooting for them to get a big HEA, I was just running through possibilities for Kara. Oliver got a big romantic ending after a bittersweet sacrifice and I'd bet WestAllen will have some sort of big Happy Romantic Ending with Twins but that's not going to be possible for Kara, nor "the adventures are continuing.......off screen!" So Argo City would seem like a good bet. Or sisters Forever. 

    • Love 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Starry said:

    I just hope they give Kara a happy ending. The show never had the best writing but Supergirl has always been my comfort character 🤧

    I would bet money they'll give Kara a happy ending, what that looks like I don't know. It's difficult for any of the shows to do my often preferred one of "carry on the good fight/next adventure" with big crossovers always in play. Unless COVID and other shows potentially ending soon has put those on permanent halt. 

    Probably not time to build an epic romance with William or anyone else (plus restrictions) and whilst I never shipped Kara with anyone and Kara single is often better it still kinda annoys me that the big female superhero doesn't have the full package almost all of her male compatriots have.

    Sisters Forever? Kara exploring the new universe? Or New Argo City?

  3. 6 hours ago, BaggythePanther said:

    In Nicole’s Instagram post she mentioned that we haven’t seen the last of Nia and she can’t wait to see where Nia will pop up next. I‘d love to see Nia join the Legends, though I doubt they could afford her lowers, so I wonder if she’ll move to Superman and Lois once Supergirl is done?


    LOT hasn't really taken an existing character since Wally and they're full to the brim even if one or two leave this year, but it's possible. It's also possible she'll pop up in Lois and Clark sorry Superman & Lois is awkward to say. It's also possible that since Green Arrow and The Canaries is dead that she'll be involved with a potential new redevelopment of a female team up or new attempt at another Arrowverse show. 

  4. I'm not surprised. We were discussing this before COVID, especially due to a combination of her baby and the fact that she seemed to want to do other roles. 

    It is better to end with a plan and before it becomes a complete shadow of itself and of course with Melissa and not try and figure out a way they can work around a star that isn't there half the time or bring in a new character. 

    • Love 1
  5. 1 hour ago, lemotomato said:

    MG’s answer sounds like a noncommital dodge to me. He also doesn’t have control over the existing shows, which have shown reluctance to bringing on the birds any more than they had to. (Remember KC’s “regular across all the shows” status in season 5?) 


    Even with my paranoia about KC and LOT I agree it seemed non committal. But it also wouldn't surprise me to see them pop up anywhere or trying again for a Canaries only show. 

    I like how the guy just ignored KM but even if she wouldn't want to be a part of another go around with the Canaries next season (if Canadagraphs is to be believed) she has said she'd be interested in coming back as Mia again. 

    LOT would be the obvious one for various reasons and I can't see why any of them would really need a Canary in anything other than a special guest appearance, if that. They have their own characters to grow and expand and e.g. Batwoman where they might theoretically fit in best has a huge amount going on this season to integrate New Girl. 

    • Love 1
  6. The Superman and Lois rumour has been going around since January, I really hope it's true and that COVID didn't force them to rethink any plans. 

    With the HBO Max show, my only thinking is that they'd potentially want fresh new characters not ones from other shows like LOT (especially as it's a more well known property) and having John "Diggle" Stewart who's mourning dead brother Oliver wouldn't work for that, especially if it's not directly connected to the Arrowverse. Even in the finale they couldn't actually show the ring or the oath just the green light which suggests they were hedging their bets a bit. 

    • Love 1
  7. On 9/16/2020 at 5:50 PM, adora721 said:

    Well, season 7 is the end of her contract (along with everyone else's). After that, it's not about her choosing to leave, it's about CW/WB choosing to extend that contract. If CW/WB chooses to keep her, I hope they transfer her to "Star Girl" or "Doom Patrol"; that's the next best option for me.

    I doubt they'd do that. I think it's the Flash or nothing for DP, even LOT brings in it's own original characters (mostly) these days. She wouldn't bring anything to the table for them and they have a lot of their own characters that could benefit from more screentime/exploration. 

    I don't particularly see what either bring to the table beyond the snark and exposition but I wouldn't be surprised if DP wants to renew her contract that they do so, provided she doesn't ask for an astronomical raise. 

    The best thing they could have done for the character was to bring back "her" version of Ronnie in a different body via Crisis. He knows and loves her and also knows about sharing your mind and body with a very different type of person.  That might actually generate some interest. 

    I'm still of the opinion that whilst she has had screen time most of her plots can be lifted out of the show with very little effort and don't actually explore the character - see Caitlin being gone for episodes at a time in S6 with no exploration of how that made her feel. Lather, rinse and repeat the next ep. No effort anywhere.


    • Love 2
  8. 51 minutes ago, tv echo said:
    I'm not saying that this is the reason why they were cast, but I recently read an article about how soap opera shows were dealing with COVID-19 production restrictions on intimate scenes by having the actors' real life spouses be body doubles in their bed scenes. Then I read that Jared Padalecki's real life wife (who's an actress) has been cast as his character's wife on his new show Walker. So I have to wonder if casting real life spouses isn't at least a factor in casting decisions...

    I think it has to be a factor. Real life spouses are already living together and don't have to quarantine away from loved ones before/after doing an intimate scene and there's possibly more options for scenes.

    I also think it's awesome for Lifetime's first cheesy holiday movie with LGBT leads. Can't nobody say this isn't wholesome and family friendly! They're literally married.  I hope it does well and Lifetime/Hallmark does more. And they've got an angle for promotion as well. 

    David Nykl is awesome and talented. I'm glad he saved one of Zalenka's best scenes to close out the reel. 

    • Love 3
  9. 4 hours ago, Chaser said:

    I think it’s pretty clear that this was not the show KM was sold. I wonder if this pandemic gave her a way out. If it was delayed to a point where they had to resign, she may have made it clear she would not be on board. 

    Maybe. She definitely made it clear that this isn't the spin off project she wanted. KC wasn't happy either. Maybe that was part of the reason it didn't get picked up originally, the mish mash was very obvious BTS, as well as on screen? And KM's young enough that this is far from her last chance to be a lead (in theory anyway) whereas KC and JH don't have as many opportunities left being in their mid 30s (sigh Hollywood). And (my) general feeling that she'll be the last one out the door come hell or high water. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if they do try and rebrand as a BOP show with or without the name if DC lets them.

    I was just a little surprised that any of his rebranded/repackaged theoretical scenarios in a few months' time were clear that their new GA/KM would be absent as if he had heard something, but he didn't specify. I mean Mia and the chance to see William and FTA were the only reason I was interested in this at all but if they want to try a show with KC, JH and a new up and comer that's fine, it's just one I won't be watching and they'll get to test out if there really are 2 million KC/Canary fans just waiting for it.

    And hey we won't have to watch them pull a lot of stuff about Felicity as a parent out of their asses to give Mia some angst/bonding with Laurel and Dinah when they can't think of anything else and they've run out of Oliver stuff. They can relax in peace. 

  10. 2 hours ago, tv echo said:

    This podcast also included a lot of Arrow series finale talk...

    Watchover with Jen and Calli
    Watchover Ep 83 - The Worst Series Finales

    September 14, 2020

    -- After watching what happened on The 100 (recently) and Veronica Mars (less recently), like Jen and Calli, I am grateful for Arrow's ending with the Olicity ship intact (although I still don't like that Oliver had to "die" in order to be redeemed, in contradiction to other redeemed former killers being allowed to live, like Sara and E2 Laurel). I also agree that too many TV showrunners and producers wrongly believe that their series must have "shocking" deaths and must avoid romantic ships (but not familial or platonic ships) in order to be edgy and not boring. These showrunners are just showing a lack of imagination and a disdain for their fans. Bottom line: Once a series ends, don't try to bring it back. Because if it comes back, a fan favorite character will inevitably die.

    -- Jen and Calli still don't think that Oliver and Felicity are dead-dead, but are just living somewhere else in the universe (due to Oliver's Spectre power).

    -- Like Jen, I don't think the two stars of Superman and Lois have chemistry, although I like the premise of that show. Calli commented that we learned during that show's DC FanDome panel that Clark won't be cheating on Lois with Lana. Jen is skeptical because it's a CW show.

    -- Calli said that some Canary fans did this twitter campaign during DC FanDome, where they constantly tweeted WB and the CW, demanding Green Arrow & The Canaries. Calli also reported on a recent twitter argument between a KC fan and Canadagraphs (who thinks the spinoff is dead). If you're interested, you can read that twitter thread starting here.

    I know it doesn't matter at all in the grand scheme of things that have happened this year but I am grateful that A) Arrow finished before everything shut down and B) that the Big Shocks for the finale were people coming back to lift, not killing everybody off. There are also multiple ways they could have said "screw you" to Olicity fans and gone "oh it was an essential part of the story" BS but they went out of their way to give them a bittersweet but happy ending and bring EBR back for it. They made a lot of mistakes and wrote for plot more than characters but it could have been a lot worse. 

    I agree that GAATC isn't happening as we saw it in January, we'd surely have heard *something* by now. I guess Canadagraphs could have some insider (2nd hand) that they might repackage it for next pilot season. I'm not sure why he'd think Mia would have to be recast if they still wanted the character unless there are rumours that KM has made it clear BTS that she's out of here (in the same way Katherine Newton did after Wayward Sisters failed). Unless he's just thinking she'll have found another job by then. I can see them trying with just the Canaries, especially if KC still has that deal with WB, but does it have enough power to go by itself after over a year-two years of being off screen?

  11. This is a bit of a random thing to post but I saw it during scrolling through DC Fandome stuff and seriously? The show is over and she hasn't been seen since she was unceremoniously dumped in S5. You really need to tweak Felicity fans about her even extremely theoretically showing up on Supergirl? And "celebrate" whenever Fandome "ignored" Arrow and "those fans". Who's the obsessed one again? Besides me for suddenly getting annoyed by it again. 


    I mean if she did show up I'd say "why are you bothering?" but No burning hate because she showed up in the Arrowverse in 2021 and Felicity was last scene in a paradise dimension with Oliver in 2020.

  12. 1 minute ago, Starfish35 said:

    Same.  I like Zari 2.0, and Zari/Constantine is a huge improvement over Zari/Nate, but.....  I loved Zari 1.0.  Next to Sara she was my favorite character.  And with Ray gone too and Charlie and Nora....I’m losing reasons to stick around.   Mick is mostly just a side character these days, and I couldn’t care less about Ava and Nate and I don’t get the writers’ fascination with either of those characters.  

    Zari 1.0 is my favourite after Sara (in the whole Arrowverse) and has been ever since her first eps in season 3, I like Zari 2.0 fine but with this new girl and Behrad (who I also enjoy) it tell me 1) Zari 1.0 isn't coming back any time soon and 2) makes me wonder if this is another MRS/Charlie situation where they give her a "new character" and after the initial idea that becomes a case of side lining and after a couple of years she leaves. She had a bit more to do than Charlie did in S4 and then there's Zari/Constantine which seems popular but even so. There didn't have to be a ticking clock on hacking Zari's history, unlike Amaya that could easily have lasted until the end of the show. I mean even Amaya could have gone on longer. There was so much to do with Zari 1.0. Again I like SS despite grumbling about changing a girl for a boy (never forget baby Sara!) and I know I might end up liking this new girl and it's not fair to pre judge but, GAH. This show. All my favourite characters have left, are side lined or are stuck in the dullest ways to write them. How did it get like this in such a short time? 

    Did MG leaving really let Klemmer off the hook to do what he liked? For HIS characters?

    • Love 3
  13. 2 hours ago, Chaser said:

    I was pretty convinced that KC would show up on LOT but she’s not even hinting at anything. Still could happen I guess. 

    She’s more proud of that costume than anything else on Arrow. 

    Well I did admit I was paranoid but every time she mentions the possibility of another show I end up thinking it's a hint. Just that since MG seems unable to just say it's not happening and that "it's up to DC to announce things" or whatever, that there might be something like a Canary going to a different show. And I think KC will be the last to leave once everyone else has turned the lights off. Plus I'm very frustrated with LOT right now that would fit in with my mood about what's happening to Sara pretty well. Although with another new regular it seems like it's a very crowded ship right now. 


  14. I really don't understand it. Jes is a good actress but there's really nothing very special about Ava. They don't even use what makes her unique consistently. She's every straight laced lead and socially awkward character who occasionally does something crazy. That's a fairly common trope. Nothing wrong with it but there's a lot more to mine elsewhere if they aren't even going to explore clone issues except when it's convenient as a get out clause. 

    I'm really betting Sara gives up the captaincy for the same reason Martin and Rip gave it to her that she's realised Ava's become "the heart of the team" or the "strongest of us" whilst she's been gone and she has to deal with the aftermath. Everything about it from separating her to the return screams sidelining and Rip in S2 to me - and THAT was because AD was busy elsewhere.  

    I said before I had stepped away from LOT fandom because it was making me annoyed and a little depressed in a way I didn't (especially from my fun, cray yet heart warming and earned emotion show) and I don't see anything from Fandome that makes me think this is changing, which is a huge shame. 

    At least the new character probably means if KC turns up it won't be as a regular to be yet another take over of Sara's role. I've been paranoid and annoying people about that in the Arrow forum ever since it looked like the new spin off was dead. 

    • Love 1
  15. I admit I read that and went "they already have that in OG Zari!" And then "I wonder if TA is leaving even though we have Zari 2.0?"

    It's really not fair to the new girl but I'm resentful that she sounds like a replacement for one of my favourite Arrowverse characters even if TA is sticking around as Zari-dashian. Sigh. I'm just not getting on with this show at the moment. 

  16. 8 minutes ago, tv echo said:

    Fan: "Hopefully, we'll see more of you in the Arrowverse in the future, like, let's say, if the spinoff gets picked up and if we seen any of the other shows."
    KC: "Yeah, hopefully. I mean, that's what's interesting - that's what's cool about our show is like, you can - they can bring me back onto any of the shows they wanted. Um, so we'll see."

    Ugh I know I get paranoid about this periodically, but I really can't help wondering if now the spin off is (almost certainly) dead that they're going to announce KC as a regular on LOT any minute. That's all I need with Sara's current story. 

  17. It makes sense from both a creative and financial perspective that Jim Lee would welcome as many people as possible into the fold. No point in gatekeeping yourself into bankruptcy and obscurity and it makes sense to be inclusive of movie and TV fans because that's where the real money is. And there have been so many reboots and cancellations many comics fans are picking from more than one source for their favourites anyway. But it's nice to hear that he sounds genuine about people enjoying all versions of characters no matter where they're from.

    57 minutes ago, RS3 said:

    Let me pile on the funny. That whole thing started when the mods for DC's subreddit stopped being affiliated with Arrow's subreddit because there was too much negativity after/during season 4. Some fans took it as DCcomics, the company, disowning Arrow, the tv show. 

     But during that time that subreddit itself also disassociated from Arrow and became Daredevil (and then Punisher after the Olicity wedding). Because they don't care about shipping at all, they're true GA fans who care about the proper story, not like the monstrous fangirls who ruin it. There were no tantrums about shipping at all. 

    Obviously DC could never disassociate from Arrow because they own it, even when it's doing things some fans don't like. The nearest they might have come is deciding that there needed to be a BC on the show after all, having given permission for Laurel to be killed off. But that's a far cry from "MG did it all on his own, without telling anyone and now he's been spanked and told to bring in Dinah and now BS!".  

    Whenever I think of a different version of Felicity, I always think of the scripts, which don't really shine on their own compared to the scenes, as amply demonstrated by every single one MG has so kindly posted in the last few months. And now Tegan Verhul, who was good as Not!Felicity but shows you can't just put any blonde in a pink shirt near SA and watch the magic happen. 



    • Love 1
  18. 3 hours ago, RS3 said:

    I always found it hilarious how canon was weaponized by comic purists during fan wars while their own comics introduced thousands of different adaptations of namesake characters. It makes no sense, no matter how you look at it. 


    Yeah. Certain things many held so dear weren't even in the New 52 that was being heavily pushed when Arrow started airing or aren't in current Rebirth. 

    I've never really cared if it was/wasn't "canon" as far as DC went. It was on my screen, DC had to approve certain stuff, Geoff Johns was the one to do things like write Barry in via Felicity and tease EBR about her two love interests in S3, I don't care if there's an asterisk by the entire Arrowverse. 

    I'd even be interested if they gave Jurnee Smolett's BC a Green Arrow (and I think it would be awesome if he's introduced as *her* love interest not vice versa) and never tried another version of Olicity because I cared a lot about the SA/EBR chemistry and what they brought to the role, which wouldn't necessarily work with other actors, just as in the case with GA/BC this time.  

    • Love 5
  19. Those gifs are great but I feel like this is one of the only times we see that. Every other Olicity or proto Olicity argument/break up it seems that Diggle is Team Oliver. 

    I feel like this episode is entirely warped around needing that Hall Fight.

  20. 11 hours ago, MissL said:

    Oh! Those cut lines would have made Laurel seem so much better! As it was I was thinking why the hell are these people risking their lives for PAPERWORK?! I thought she looked ridiculous hanging back and then running through a burning Crumbling building with a stack of files and I got mad all over again that Tommy died for that stupidity. Got in the mood for some season 1 arrow recently....

    I get what they were going for with "we can save their hope" and Laurel's character, I do. But really? Again they don't have digital back ups in 2013? And as Joanna says people's homes are collapsing and they're fleeing for their lives. Their case against their slum landlord is the least of their problems at the moment and the city isn't going to be hearing those trials probably ever with everything going on. There are other fish to fry.

     To me it doesn't justify Laurel ignoring three warnings to get out of the Glades now. They'd have been better off having her trying to help a client she knows is disabled or something rather than any sort of paper work if they were determined to have her in the Glades - like Thea rescuing Roy. Even though it was stupid to do people understood why and she even gets a win with the beer bottle throw. 

    Add to that CNRI is gone by next season, never to return so it felt like it couldn't have been that important and their need for hope and change was on a different scale in S2 with Blood.

    With that phone call, geez, Oliver can you sound a little less enthusiastic? Even with Tommy and everything going on?

    • LOL 1
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    1 hour ago, lemotomato said:

    I feel like it's disingenuous to say that Sara's White Canary is a whitewash of a comic character because she's not meant to be a TV version of that character. She just happens to have the same codename. Just like Felicity Smoak has nothing to do with the original Felicity Smoak in the comics. I've seen similar accusations that Arrow whitewashed Connor Hawke because Arrow!Oliver's son Caucasian, ignoring the fact that Connor Hawke on the show is black, he just isn't Oliver's son. And William Clayton is a completely original character to the show with no comic counterpart. 

    I agree, I get why people are annoyed at first glance but looking at it Sara had nothing to do with any WC storyline in the comics. It was supposed to be the exact opposite of BC and symbolise her new life as a hero and not assassin etc.  They weren't casting a new character they were giving an existing character a different name. I do wish it could have been "Blue Canary" or something to side step this altogether and CL would look great in blue. They have many, many BCs of different ethnicities. The Arrowverse is definitely not without it's problems handling POCs, (and female and LGBT) characters and MG himself can certainly be an issue but I don't think this is one of them, YMMV. 

    IIRC there were initial character names that listed Anna Hopkins/Samantha Clayton as Sandra Hawke but people complained and they either changed it or later made clear that they weren't white washing a biracial character  but creating a new one. I guess maybe people are annoyed that they didn't take the opportunity to give a white male lead character a biracial son and have that be a point of inclusivity? 

    The two/three versions of Connor Hawke they eventually had were pretty awesome and probably would have been in a relationship with GAs daughter at some point if the spin off had been picked up. 

    Seriously MG, Rick Riordan is not "constantly trashing the movies". He released his own emails to show that he tried to prove that being more faithful to the books would actually make them more profitable for the studio. He even said he realised there was stuff he wasn't privvy but they were bastardising it anyway. He also said he has never seen them and none of his ire is directed at the cast and crew who worked so hard on them. He wasn't even really bashing the writers just incredibly frustrated with the studio and producers forcing those changes. You movie was in no way "the spirit of the books" although in fairness the first one trashed them pretty hard before you ever got there and some things that made it in to that movie I did like. 

    I mean I agree with him that things have to be adapted and changed and things don't work out with actors *cough* but PJO is pretty much the worst example he could have picked. 

    On a different topic Beth said Mia's birthday was in mid October? Oliver literally only had a couple of weeks at most with her? I was thinking September so he'd have 6-8 weeks. 😭


  22. I haven't seen it yet but I watched Jeremy Jahns and when he said "it does pretty much exactly what you think a live action Mulan would do" kinda summed up my feelings on it so far from what I have seen. 

    There also seems to be a boycott being organised because of the actress's support for the Chinese Communist Party, especially against the Hong Kong protests. Although it seems extremely ineffective to essentially be saying "I'll wait until its on regular Disney +". 

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