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Everything posted by Mountainair

  1. The Chicago couple was gorgeous! It seemed to me like a pole room was a bit of a crazy ask but she made it work. If I'm going to be pole dancing, exercising I'd prefer to do it in my own home instead of in front of people but her body was banging so she didn't have anything to worry about :) The Austin couple realtor was tall- all legs was the thing I noticed. My husband is 6'4 and that guy was way taller than my husband!
  2. I had heard that Mark was on vacation so didn't really tune in to the show like I normally would because I wasn't a fan of the guest hosts. It seemed like his vacation was lasting forever so did some digging and found out that he was let go. It's really a shame since he was my favorite on the show and I probably wont tune in anymore. I usually have it on as background noise anyway but I was surprised to find myself actually liking a daytime talk show (they normally aren't my thing). It's too bad. I thought he was funny, sarcastic and witty enough to provide some laughs for me.
  3. I completely agree. All my original point was that with so much turmoil between Amy and the kids (unwarranted in my opinion) I would have preferred attending Matt's party as it seemed there was a lot less awkwardness. I don't think Holiday's have to be completely kid oriented at all and I asked about Molly and Jacob because I hoped that just because Amy hosted her party two days before Christmas she would still get some holiday time with Molly and Jacob off camera as well. It looked like Matt and Caryn high tailed it out of town ASAP Christmas morning. I loved Matt's decor and got a huge laugh out of him dressing up as Santa and trying to have a serious convo with the boys about Arizona- his mustache was attached to the middle of his nose! I feel like I have to make it clear on this board that I am firmly "Team Amy" and had I been childless and invited to one or the other's house for a Christmas party I would have gone to her house over Matt's in a hot minute.
  4. It doesn’t necessarily have to be totally about the grandkids but if I were Matt or Amy I would make it about the grandkids because you can cut the tension in the room with a knife! Having trains and santa and chaos tends to leave less awkward silences and more distractions which takes the focus off of how poorly the parent/child relationships have evolved since the split. Hence why I think Matt’s party seemed a lot less awkward than Amy’s.
  5. I really like Zach and Tori. They just seem very genuine whereas Jeremy and Audrey are complete ass wipes most of the time. I thought Jeremy did hire a contractor for the second kitchen remodel so how was it a surprise that the oven couldn't be hooked up that day? I'd love to see another Tori and Zach baby- I'm done having kids and like to live vicariously through them and Jackson. He's such a cutie. Ember is cute as well but her clothing choices always seem uncomfortable. We have the same Christmas tree tradition with our kids so it was fun to see them creating that same tradition with their kids. And as much as I hate to say anything too positive about Audrey, my mother in law has all of us kids over for Christmas Eve dinner and makes her famous Chicken Soup. We, like the Roloff's have a large family so we all go to my mother in laws for Christmas on Christmas Eve and then they make the rounds to each of our houses on Christmas Day (they have it great- they stop at my house for a late breakfast- which I make anyway so I'm not going through any trouble, then they go to my sister in laws house for lunch and my other sister in laws house for dinner). My parents come over for dinner. I know it's harder when your parents are divorced but I'm a strong supporter of staying home on Christmas. But, WOW! The difference in Christmas parties between Matt and Amy. I think they were both ok (where were Molly and Jacob?) but Amy's was clearly the more sophisticated of the two while Matt's was totally about the Grandkids- which it should be.
  6. I think things could get ugly but I see Zach not really giving a shit. Like, if it's going to boil down to him or Jeremy having ownership of the farm he'd just let Jeremy have it so as not to cause drama. I think he and Tori have more real life job experience than Jeremy and Audrey do so they would bounce back and probably be in a lot better financial position if they just let Jeremy run it into the ground. I'm pretty sure Tori and Zach despise Audrey anyway so anything to distance themselves the better.
  7. So, Austen got his beer made- doesn't mean bars want to have it on tap. I love a good beer with some citrus overtones in it though so I can't hate on that. Son of a Peach is a personal fave followed by a local beer (New Belgium) Citradelic. Craig, WTF man. His description of Austen's beer was all sorts of crazy- no wonder he sticks to Bud Light. Interesting confession from Kathryn that she hooked up with Shep after Kensie was born. And, I agree, no way in hell is Mama and Papa Shep on board with them having any sort of relationship. I imagine an "over my dead body" type conversation happening between them. What was up with the preview of Kathryn not answering her door? Ashley- I liked when she told someone at the beer party they could call her Assley. That's about all I have for her. I don't care about the Austen love triangle. Chelsea either needs to be with him or not but don't dry hump him while giving him a hug if you don't want a relationship like that. Craig and his non design pillows were funny as hell and I'm usually on Craig's side but dude- get it together. These pillows needed to be done by the weekend and you are just now getting started on it? I also have a serious problem with a 30 something year old guy (maybe he's not quite 30) not being able to manage his anger enough that he resorts to taking it out on the poor wall with a butter knife. His hand get up was great though- especially the scene where he was trying to get into Austen's car.
  8. Luckily when we recently re did our kitchen we didn't have to deal with not having running appliances. We turned our Master Bedroom into the kitchen and turned the old kitchen into the master bedroom so I was never without a completely functioning kitchen (lots of holes in walls and dust everywhere not to mention power tools making noise while the youngest tried to nap but we survived). We've had several large snowstorms that have left us without power for days at a time and we have relied on our outside grill and camp stove. I've also heated bottles in a pot over our wood stove since I was an awful human that did not breastfeed. We have a generator now so naturally we've never lost power for more than an hour since we purchased it. I like Matt with Caryn and I think she's really an attractive lady. I'm still firmly on Amy's "side" in the whole divorce but I do like Matt and Caryn together. There's no way I could give up that beautiful farm. I don't understand why the boys didn't have houses built on the farmland in the first place. That being said, I would have raised my children with the expectation that the farm was going to be theirs someday and taught them how to work and run the damn thing. You know their intentions well before this point in everyone's life.
  9. Hi! I used to live over that way and still have friends with kids in the area and Hillridge Farms is THE PLACE to go for school filed trips with young kids if my facebook feed is any indication! I don't give a crap about Jer and Auj and their house woes. We are in year three of a total house renovation and I have three kids (8,5,2). My husband is doing the work himself in his spare time while he is not working 50 plus hours a week. Difference is my husband knows what the hell is he is doing and owns his own business. Can they not get a camp stove or a hot plate and cook their damn meals in the living room? Entitled ass wipes. I love me some Baby J- he is such a cutie and makes me want another baby so bad! I'm done though so I'll have to live vicariously through Zach and Tori. Did they not have a highchair they could feed him in? I'm happy to hear that so far he is a normal dwarf baby with no major health issues like Zach already had at that age.
  10. Last night was actually the first time I found Kelsey attractive. That nose though in profile view is just not good though and I think she looks best with an updo. My husband walked in on Reagan screaming on the toilet and was shocked that we were witnessing her actually pissing on TV. He obviously hasn't watched enough BRAVO. I wish Barry hadn't immediately ran off to tell Jeff about Reagan being late but the whole idea of having to wait for the Easter Egg hunt pregnancy test was idiotic in the first place. I actually thought she was pregnant the way she screamed like that. Speaking of Barry, he reminds me of someone else famous. Like, a mix between Rev. Run and someone else I can't place.
  11. I'm just catching up on some old House Hunter episodes I'd saved up on my DVR and this conversation about the NC tiny home lady is so funny! I live about a 10 minute drive to Asheville and know exactly where this lady moved to. Asheville is cray-cray as far as home and vehicle break ins are concerned. I rarely lock my doors when I leave my house- I live in a neighborhood but on an acre of land and I have never seen a bear in my yard. My friends that live in city limits have bear all the time in their yard and our office which is located in Asheville has had plenty of bear around. It's because they have no where to go out in the city. I never see them here in the "boonies" because there is plenty of room for them to roam.
  12. I'll have to see if this is on Demand. I think the last episode I watched was Street Meat and I just couldn't get over the fact that a mother was screwing some random guy in a car parked right in front of her house. I mean, I know people have way different standards than me but I'd like to think that no matter how long I'd gone without sex I would still be mature enough to wait until I was behind closed doors and not parked in front of my house where all my neighbors and kids could catch me. Call me a prude. I like both Fisher and Hudson so I wanted to like the show but I just couldn't be on her side after that regardless of how shitty a husband Oliver's character supposedly was.
  13. Yea, I just can't deal with Jer and Auj. I never even attempted to breastfeed my first two. I was going to go back to work and the idea of pumping in an office full of men was not something I wanted to do. Plus, my husband could immediately start pitching in with feedings. With my last baby I was planning on breast feeding but my milk wouldn't come in and I tried pumping and still couldn't produce any milk. My baby was hungry and I had two older children to contend with so I went right to the formula and never regretted it. I'm always astounded at how these people with one child can barely manage- my sister in law is the same damn way. When it was time for me to leave the hospital with baby #3 my husband had a big job he had to finish and couldn't bring us home (we own our own business -but he actually works), I had to call my mom for a ride and then I went straight to the preschool to pick up one child while the oldest was in school until later that day,
  14. I missed most of last weeks episode because right in the middle of it I got the call that my grandpa had passed away so I felt for Kathryn this week. I still can’t talk about my grandpa without breaking down in tears. I’m not a horse or golf fan so if I were Ashley I would have stayed in the pool at the house. In reality I would have never gone on the Hilton Head trip in the first place. I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t gotten knocked up yet since they are still together in real life. Maybe there is some truth to Thomas sprinkling her eggs with Plan B at breakfast. Either way she has no right to be invited to Saints birthday and should be grateful to have not been invited. After the allegations that have recently surfaced about Thomas and the things he has said on camera about her, why the hell is Ashley still with this tool? I totally think those contacts were Naomie’s but she was being a bitch yet again. What was the point of that sit down at Craig’s if you are going to continue to be a bitch? Interesting theory mentioned up thread about all the injuries coinciding with Cam and her potential c section. I’ve had my fair share of drinking related injuries but I stopped drinking that much a long time ago and I’m 33- looking at you Shep. I have a 15 year old maincoon cat who reminds me of Gizmo minus the hissing. She’s been inside/outside her whole life and will walk with you outside like that. Unfortunately I think her time on this earth is coming to a close soon.
  15. I've had the Billboard awards on in the background and have seen enough of it to know that Kelly Clarkson is hosting. Wasn't she pretty out spoken about liking the show a few weeks ago? We need her to give the show a shout out!
  16. I have three young children and both my mom and my mother in law live nearby. To remedy the problem of who to see and when on mothers day I just decided to host a big cookout every year and invite my mom and dad, my parents in- law and my sisters- in law. Everyone brings a dish to share and I get to stay at home and host a big party- which are two things I like to do anyway :)
  17. I had too much going on last night to really give this episode my full attention and I don't think I'm going to go back and fill in what I missed. The lame dress fitting with Ashley. I really don't see why Patricia cares so much about Thomas' love life. She was trying to set Landon up with him last season. I know there is a double standard at play here but she should have as much disdain towards Thomas as she does Kathryn. The dinner between Kathryn and Thomas was gross. Kathryn is obviously playing him- I mentioned this last season even. She knows exactly what turns him on and how to get him all riled up. Unfortunately, I think the flirting starts out like she is playing him but then he always gets the best of her and she ends up falling for him in the end. Every damn time. Hence the constant post reunion hook-ups. And Saint. I've been induced with two of my kids and it is the most miserable thing ever. I suffered with high blood pressure issues so both babies had to be induced early- one at 39 weeks and one at 37- so still full term. With the 37 weeker I had to be induced twice and the hospital tried to make me do the walk of shame too thinking my blood pressure issues were starting to work themselves out. I refused and it's a good thing I did because things got really dicey there for a while. 36 damn hours of pain and misery later I finally had my baby.
  18. Well, I'm dense. It took until the Paige Cam reveal for me to realize the HO hated the new room. My husband even asked if they liked it because he couldn't tell and I thought the tears were tears of joy. Evidently not. I thought it was a beautiful room if not a bit too formal. Two sets of barn doors in such a small space seemed a bit much and I hated the hardware. Our front door opens to the living room and is more casual in nature but even with three kids I manage to keep it toy free. I keep a small decorative box in the corner for stray toys or things to occupy my two year old when she's on my heels all day :) I liked the dining room but missed a lot of those scenes for some reason. It seems like Balsamic and olive oil could be pricey for a large staining product but the result was nice. I know a couple that stained their wooden bar with red wine. The wood was natural and a red wine spill led them to decide to stain the whole thing with beautiful results!
  19. I also questioned Pat's offer to Craig. He "sews". He doesn't design fabric. But hey, he sews better than me. If I have a major sewing thing that needs to be done I ask my mom, if it's something minor I ask my husband :) I still think Whitney looks much better this season and he obviously only flew in- ha- to film. Still, I think he was mostly to blame for the confrontation between Shep and Austen. Yes, Chelsea is a pot stirrer but Whitney insisted on pulling Shep in from outside so Austen could confront him. I assume that Austen didn't give a shit because the info came from Chelsea and he knows she's a pot stirrer. I'm not sure why women want to see men fighting so much especially over them. If it were me I'd think it was incredibly immature and want nothing to do with either guy. I'm glad Naomie listened to her father and apologized to Payton. Thomas can't keep his bulging eyes in his head when Kat is around. It's gross but I also think she leads him on in her own way. She knows what he likes and she delivers. I don't feel bad for Ashley- she's the idiot that moved across country for this sleaze bag and I'm sorry but a relationship of two months means you take a step back and allow Kat to go Trick-or-Treating with her kids and Thomas. Especially if Kat has been pissing clean. You don't invite her along. Stay your ass at home Ashley. I did get a chuckle out of Cameron and Shep's ride down labor lane :)
  20. Hi! Yep- been here 10 years and the beer scene keeps getting bigger! I think our husbands would be in business together before we knew it! My husband was pissed when the beer bike downtown became a thing because he swears it was his idea first :)
  21. I have a hard time getting on board with the whole "life coach" fad. My best friend became a life coach for a hot minute. She's 35-ish, never held a full time job for more than six weeks at a time, bounced around from living situation to living situation, baby daddy drama, etc yet she felt qualified to coach other people on how to have a productive life? Needless to say, that career lasted all of six weeks. I'm not really sure you need to pay someone to tell you to get off your ass and get a damn job. But, I digress. This show is slowly becoming the Naomi show and I don't like it. I used to actually like her and thought she was good for Craig her first season but the more I see of her the less I like her. Austin's talking head was funny with him realizing what the audience realized a while ago- that Naomi was the toxic one in the relationship, not Craig. The fact that not one of her "girl's" stopped her in the heat of the moment from confronting Payton spoke volumes- they all know she's bat shit too! I also laughed out loud when she prefaced the Payton smack down by announcing that she was a "girl's girl". I didn't like Payton on Shep's show but no way did she deserve that. I like Austin's family and his mom's no nonsense stance with him. I also have a soft spot for him due to his family's tragic back story but beer brewers are a dime a dozen now a days. My husband recently came home and told me he wanted to open a bar. I laughed and laughed. We live in Beer City, USA where there is a bar in every corner and a brewer on every block. I told him not to quit his day job :)
  22. Kathryn sure had her stink face on during the sit down with Ashley- but who could blame her! I can't believe what a turn around Kathryn has made so far this season! I hope it sticks! Interesting that per their agreement no significant others are to be introduced to the kids yet Thomas wasted no time in doing just that. Ashley is quite loathsome with her thirst to be attached to Thomas permanently. Speaking of, Craig needs to run far away from Naomie and not look back. She's got a tracker on his phone? I bet last night at 9:53pm Craig was checking his phone app and stomping around the house throwing shit- I would have been! I didn't like Peyton before and I still don't like her but Naomie can take several seats before she gets up in her face about her talking to Craig. And, yea, she has no right to give two fucks about JD and Elizabeth's marriage. Elizabeth will share what she wants when she wants but so what if she shows up to a party with JD in tow? It doesn't make Naomie look bad- everyone in Charleston can see what's going on there. Let it go. Being 21 is no excuse to have your hands all up in someone else's relationship. I knew better in high school! I did feel sorry for that poor waiter having to listen to the vibrator and sex talk. I mean could they not curb that discussion for two minutes so the poor guy could present the wine? Also, what's up with all these dining places that serve food on such short tables while you are sitting high up in a couch? That doesn't seem like a comfortable way to eat a meal. Cameron was pretty much MIA this week but she did have a fun scene with Michael.
  23. Oh, I didn't know next season was it's last. I've really grown to love this family and as much as the story lines and writing piss me off at times I still will miss this show when it's gone.
  24. Holy! Shit! What's it been? Two seasons since Michael's been "dead"? I was so upset when they killed him off and almost didn't come back and even then I only half paid attention like I used to. But! Damn! I loved Michael but grew to love Jane and Raf and was really rooting for them. These writers sure know how to keep you on your toes. I follow Brett Dier on Instagram and had no clue he was coming back! #JRshot who, indeed?! I thought it was going to be Raf. Loved Alba's story line with her party and Jorge.
  25. So last weeks Thomas and Ashley bathroom escapade was all about her bleeding vag? A pregnancy scare? And she's using her cycle has a means of birth control? When you are with someone like Thomas you use two forms of birth control, always. Not just NFP. Condoms and the pill sweetie. But, I know she's trying to get knocked up by that creep. Plan B in the eggs? Really? What a gross joke to make. Thomas and his dad are one in the same. I felt bad for Craig with everyone picking on his baby shower gift. It's probably a good thing he wasn't in the room. Shep just can't help but get his digs in with his "joke" about Craig talking politics with the fridge. Still, I would have gifted something else and hoped to have a finished bear to give Palmer when she was born. I've always been on the Kathryn is a loser train who doesn't deserve her children but it was very nice to see her at home with the kids. It does seem like she is making changes and I hope they stick. This is one case where I would be happy to eat my words and she turn out to be mother of the year! I wasn't all about my first pregnancy either. Thought it was gross, went into labor and delivery with blinders on (the less I knew the better). I did read What to Expect though and I'm sure Cameron is playing up her naivety for the cameras a little bit. I went on to have two more kids so, there's that. What's Austen doing? Drinking beer all day and taking notes? To what? Get paid to drink beer professionally? He said he was tired of working for Red Hare and wanted to do his own thing? If any one on this show is Dehydrated it's Naomie. She's got no room to call Craig out on his shit when she's sitting back living off of mom and dad and Bravo as well. She can take several seats. At least he sews and gardens. What does she do? Last season she was going to school while Craig sat at home doing "womens work" but what's she doing now?
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