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Everything posted by Glory

  1. Okay so remind me - Penny23 can still do magic, right? Penny40 was the Penny that couldn't do magic because of his hands... Penny23 and Julia had a moment and I almost believed it just because Penny could have chemistry with a freaking wall. Are the magic tattoos that the library was peddling trackers or something? I'm still a little iffy on that part. And if Zelda is Head Librarian what is Everett's actual job title? Margo is still a boss ass bitch and she looked so beautiful getting ready to start out on her quest to the desert. Kady also looked badass with her hair pulled up. Totally the new Marina. We never did find out what happened to the old Marina23 that Kady cursed though. Oooh, loose threads....
  2. Well I've binged this entire show in about two weeks and I am so mad that I'm caught up because now I have to actually wait for episodes. This is terrible. How do people live like this? Oh man, you guys, so many thoughts and feels but I'll try to keep them relevant to the 4th season. I am a Queliot shipper hardcore. I couldn't believe they went there with Eliot's memories and I was so happy. If I had a dollar for every time I shouted out "Penny!" when he popped up onscreen after I was sure that he was dead/gone/stuck in the underworld I'd be very rich. Penny is probably my favorite character and I hope that Penny 40 and Kady get a happy ending even though I know it's not very likely. I still like Penny 23, though. But, I am also longing for the Penny40/Margo hookup that would have been FIRE. I, too, have done a 180 on Julia. I couldn't stand her for most of seasons 1 & 2 and now I love her. Also, I have watched the youtube video of "Under Pressure" an embarrassing amount of times and I need a new musical number, stat!
  3. I love this show. It's dark but compelling and the comedic bits are just enough to make me feel bad at laughing at how dark things are. It's perfect. My non-spoiled speculation is that I think they'll find a way to kill Leslie that is less "shoot him" and more "make it look like an accident" kind of thing. Either way, it's going to be terrible and hilarious and I cannot wait. I do feel bad for the blackmailer lady though. No one should have to marry that weasel.
  4. If you guys haven't listened to the "True Crime Obsessed" Podcast on this episode you are missing out. All the outrage and tons of LOLS.
  5. @bosawks got it right. This shit is BANANAS. I watched this while my husband was out and when he came home I tried to explain it to him and I just had NO WORDS. This entire story is bonkerballs. I am telling him "Well, this pedophile seduced a husband and wife to get to their child" and he kind of raises an eyebrows and then I'm like "Well, wait. There are also aliens." OMG. I just feel so bad for everyone involved but also so ANGRY. Why would you continue to speak to this man? I don't understand any of it. Jebus.
  6. Well... i'm in the midst of Kondo-ing my house. My husband was out of town this past weekend so I did my entire closet and dresser. Dumped it ALL out. I've filled about 5 garbage bags with clothes and purses to donate. OMG. I don't feel like I have a lot of stuff, but seeing how much stuff I just never wore or held on to "in case it fits one day" was eye opening. And my closet feels positively empty. I also tackled our linen closet. Can I just say that clear containers are a miracle. I can see just when I'm low on toothpaste and now I realize that I probably won't have to buy lotion or shampoo for the next 5 years. I have so much of that stuff. It's so satisfying to see it all organized and tidy. When my husband got home he was so impressed that we cleaned out our office closet and our guest bedroom closet. Shredded a ton of stuff, consolidated books, blankets, and that kind of clutter that finds its way into extra closets, and even sold a few things on ebay and chegg. Made about $300 last night just from cleaning. :) I have one more closet to do and my crawl space (which is mostly holiday decor) and I'll have done my entire house. Cheers to Marie Kondo and her tidying method. I feel so energized and so pleased when I look around my house.
  7. Lindsay throwing the brick was the funniest thing ever. I missed Edgar. He's definitely the hot one. Oh Lindzer. You are the dumb one by a mile. Not that any of these folks (besides Jimmy maybe) are particularly bright. The "MeToo" thing was funny. "You are a hero."
  8. Yes, the final season just started and we were chatting about the last episode all week. Frustrating.
  9. I loved it! It was a way better redux of the episode with Sandwiches the Pug. When Jimmy and Gretchen finally showed up I was like "YES!" So good... Also Jimmy is looking good. Looks like Chris Geere has been working out? Very nice.
  10. Did anyone like the show? I really did. I thought it was relaxing in a way. And it really helped me to look around my own house and see things with fresh eyes. To be appreciative of the things I have and cherish and use. I'm going to attempt a total closet clean out KonMarie style this weekend. I think it will be really helpful to pile everything up on the bed like that.
  11. Yeah, I'm with you. I was secretly waiting for Steve the entire time - I feel like there was a missed subplot with him being at the airport. But the episode was sweet and I liked that there wasn't any "funny" pregnancy snafu like twins or giving birth in the house or something. Very sweet.
  12. Aww, Steve.... Bryan Adams. So much feels. I really liked this episode.
  13. I liked Fernando's mom - but this episode really drove home the point that there is no reason that Kimmy and Ramona shouldn't live with Fernando next door. I don't understand why they wouldn't move back in next door and let Stephanie and Jimmy move into the attic space. Nothing makes sense!
  14. I found out this was streaming on Amazon Prime and am in the middle of a re-watch. I gotta say - that first scene when Chuck uploads the Intersect 2.0 and then clobbers all those bad guys is still my favorite scene of the series. Plus, I haven't done a rewatch in quite some time so some things are "like new" to me. I really miss this show. There are a few things that don't hold up, though, in this "woke" age. Jeff and Lester specifically, but there are a few other things.
  15. Oh George. You win all the awards. He was the best part of the episode (minus Heather) and I just loved the "What you missed while you were popular" song. It was pitch perfect. And the dancing. Who knew George could throw down! Awesome.
  16. In the Midwest we call that room the "Front Room" or the "Frunchroom" (http://www.upout.com/blog/chicago-2/18-words-phrases-youll-only-understand-if-youre-from-chicago). The room usually doesn't have a TV and has the "fancy" furniture in it. It's kind of like the fancy area of the house for the "company." LOL Most houses then have a "family room" that has the TV and the comfy couch.
  17. Yeah, I'm pretty darn bored this season. I've rewatched the first couple seasons so many times and this.... is just not doing anything for me.
  18. Did anyone notice that the back of the picture of the high school girl Brendan had a crush on was a guy? I thought for sure it was going to be a bait and switch where he came out as gay and that he was secretly hiding the picture of the boy he had a crush on, instead. Too much TV Tropes for me...
  19. I was late to the DA2 love. I bought it when it came out, tried it for a hot minute and got annoyed and then it took me years to get back to it. Now, I love it though. And I especially love that it's a quick game to play through. I can get through the whole story in a long weekend and it will take over my life for a few days. It's really great and definitely underrated.
  20. The sound tracks to all the DA games are on a permanent play list that I listen to while I'm working. They're all so great. And I'm right there with you on Anthem. I'm not sure, exactly, what they're going for with this game. But I will definitely be happy when they can stop all the coy "maybe we'll work on a dragon age game again, soon" nonsense. Just admit that you're working on it, Jesus. Whether or not you admit to the development does not mean I'm any more inclined to play Anthem. I prefer single player RPGs for a reason. I don't really like MMOs - hence, not interested. Also - I wonder how truly burned they got on Andromeda. My husband (a big Mass Effect fan) only played through Andromeda once and then put it away. Contrast that to the other games in which he's played through multiple times. I just really enjoy the Dragon Age series - I've tried the Witcher and I've spent a lot of time in Skyrim - but Dragon Age is a class above, IMO.
  21. I caught a marathon of the post-split episodes and I'll say that while I don't really care why they're getting divorce, Christina's snark is next level. She's definitely got the Jim Halpert eye roll at the camera down pat. If either one of them was using this opportunity to prove they were "star" enough for their own show, then I think that Christina played her cards exactly right.
  22. OMG!!! I know who you are! I read your blog all the time!! I really appreciated your recent post about mind chess and Solas and Iron Bull!!
  23. This is a super old thread and a forum that maybe doesn't get a lot of traffic, but I just saw this post and I agree with everything you said. It's been 4 years since this game came out and it is still absolutely a phenomenal game play. I just made up a new Quizzy this past weekend and I'm playing through and making different choices and seeing different dialogue options after FOUR years and hundreds of hours of gameplay. It's so richly detailed. The relationships are my favorite part and I find myself thinking very seriously about my character, what her motivations are, the decisions she'd realistically make and who she would romance. I sit through each cut scene thinking "how would this specific character react to this situation." It's so much fun and so very immersive.
  24. Season 2 is now streaming in its entirety so I figure we can talk about it here! I feel like I'm the only one who watches this show, but it cracks me up. The Big Bear cabin episode had me cringing in all the right ways!
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