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Emily Thrace

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Everything posted by Emily Thrace

  1. I really don't think it had anything to do with Carol. (If only because some small part of that episode has to not fucking be about the shows emotional blackhole). I think it was about what Beth said about letting go of his past. I think its part of Daryl ongoing arc of being open and trying to change. He wants to be better and thinks the book can help him.
  2. I have no problem with Ty and Sasha greiving. I'm a big believer in the idea that your feelings are your feelings and they are alway valid. I also think that Ty and Sasha are not just mourning the people they lost but the loss off hope that the new relationships came with. Particularly Tyrese since they were in such peaceful happy place at the prison at that point. That said I do have a problem with Tyrese allowing his emotions to get so out of control they put others in danger the way he did when he was on the med run. Tyrese is grown up he should be able to keep his feelings in check. I don't have any issue with the fact that Tyrese feels deeply I've always believed that is a braver choice than shutting down ala Carol. I just think Tyrese goes a little too far the other way. I actually have trouble believing a black man his age who has apparently lived in the South his whole life has as little self control as Ty does frankly. (Although thats a whole other conversation about the writers being tone deaf to the racial issues they have blindly stepped in.) Also I think with fandom as long as your having fun your fine. As long as your not stalking anyone specific or are saying peoples pets due to them being a bethyl shipper. (No thats not an exageration sadly it has actually happened). Fandom is only really dangerous when you actually take it seriously IMO.
  3. I've only seen one "insider" post over at spoil the dead who says Beth is dead. It was the same person that said Glenn would die, Noah would be mentally disabled and that Maggie would be pregnant. Seriously they had Ten predictions for Consumed and two of them were right. Those predictions were that it was Caryl bottle episode and that they met Noah (easy to see from filming pics). So I don't put a lot of stock in that particular insider. EK has been in Atlanta plenty of times since the MSF more than makes sense really if she doesn't have a reason to be there. The other issue I have with spoil the dead is most of folks tracking Beth want her to be dead. There is a fairly obvious bias there and I don't trust that any of them are anything close to objective. For instance MMB and EK both were both seen at two diferent Senoia location. MMB was immediately assumed to be filming EK was dismissed because of the time of day. Except the pictures while on different days were taken within a couple hours of each other. Thats just one example, I feel like when it comes to Beth I don't trust most of the folks at spoil the dead to keep their feelings out of it.
  4. Something people have noticed that the scar on Beths cheek is similar to one that Andrea has in the comics.
  5. EK hasn't been seen on set by stalkers but that doesn't mean she has never been on set or that there isn't some other explanation for her absence. As I've said over there the only "proof" spoil the dead has is a lack evidence. Tyrese and Hershel they had other sources like set pics or a death dinner. The only other source spoil the dead is EK s instagram, which had her in LA , NYC and New Jersey last teusday. Some of the pics she was posting from that video appear to have been posted on different days than they were taken. I've also yet to here an explanation for why Morgan would be at the hospital set other than to meet up with someone from CDB
  6. Except Lawrence gillard was also spotted on set after the MSF so clearly tptb are on to us. Lennie James wasn' t spotted on set either but I doubt he flew 7000 miles just attend a party. I actually wonder about Eugene because his actor was seen in Senoia last week but hasn't had a confirmed sighting since(I believe he had one sighting that was a really long blurry shot that might have been Eugene might have been a crew member kind of thing.) I would laugh so hard if TPTB built up all this hype only to kill off Eugene. Also there have been reports of EK on set for most the back half they just haven't been from stalkers. Also there was a report from that seems to have been confirmed by more than one source. Like Lennie James I doubt she was just stopping by considering how busy shes been with her album. Personally I just dont think it makes narrative sense to kill Beth right now.
  7. I actually thought she might be trying to get Carol to wake up quicker. Or whatever was leftover in the drug cabinet was a diluted form of epi. Like it was what you use for anaphalaxis rather than a heart attack. Or most likely tptb didn't want to risk MMB having an embolism by having EK hook up an actual iv drip and its easier to hide the meds dripping out the side that way.
  8. Well this didn't feel like a complete waste of time at least. We saw Beth at least and she did stuff. Plus Sasha did stuff. Im cutting her some slack on the losing the prisoner .Afterall she wouldn't know he was an evil hydra guy like I would. However he was totally obvious about trying to get out of his ties so there isnt much slack there. Its possible it was just a holdover from another discussion where I got irritated about token LGBT characters but Tara bugged. She just seems really pointless she came off as younger than Carl tonight. Why not let Glenn be funny instead? Stevev Yeun is so much better at it anyway. I mean we have Father PeePee Pants as a token newb and at least his story has a thematic payoff. I just don't see the point of Tara. Especially since there are so many characters struggling for screentime.
  9. The difference between Andrea and the others is that with all the others he had moments where he was honest and didn't reach for the sarcasm. With Andrea he always had to antogonize her even in moments where they are connecting. Like whenshe apologizes for shooting him he didn't need to make a crack about the book but he was trying to push her buttons. He obviously cared about otherwise why was he asking about how she was when they went looking for Sophia. I'm not sure Daryl even realized what it was but he definitely had a specific reaction to Andrea.
  10. I wasn't reffering to Glenn whining I was referring to the fact th Carol spent most of this episode whinig about a whole bunch of stuff she has been moaning about forever. At this point that all her navel gazing feels like because there is zero forward motion H er speech about Karvid was only different from the one from Indifference because of the metaphor she used . I don't begrudge Carol for mourning I just feel like if she blames everyone but herself for what shes done. She talks about wanting to "do something" but can't seem to grasp that the only person making Carol miserable right now is herself.Worst of all I could have told you that 5 episodes ago. For me the only way this episode is redeemable is if its Carols swan song.I don't really feel we got anything out of Daryl except for the moment with the book. Which could have been even better with Glenn because getting acceptance from someone who comes from a different background would be a big step to Daryl accepting it himself. Especially considering Glenn has always looked up to Daryl. Having Daryl see that Glenn can know Daryls truth and still do that might help Daryl realize there isn't anything to be ashamed of. It would even give Glenn a chance to show how much maturity and growth hes had.
  11. With Andrea its not really anyone moment but more his overall attitude. He really went out of his way to antagonize her. I literally can't think of a single conversation where he didn' go out of his way to get under her skin . Plus she played into it . To quote one of my favourite shows ( although knowing the character probably from book) "when a man and a women take against each other so strongly its usually a sign of attraction". Plus he had the same class issues with other characters but he was never as confrontational with them about it.With Beth its mostly fromAlone but there are half a dozen times he touches her either more or in the case where he carries in house its entirely unneccessary. I did a longer post on this inth Beth thread . As for being asexual while I'm sure its possible I think its about as likely as Daryl being gay. Daryl is a sex symbol tptb are going to want pay that off at some point.
  12. I think that might be part if it but the episode was marketed almost entirely on the "Wheres Beth". I just think supports what I've said elsewhere that internet popularity and popularity in the overall audience are two different things and don't always corelate. Afterall if we were basing ratings on this board Consumed and Slabtown would have very different. Honestly in Glenns case it a lack of storyline more than anything. I thought the other day this episode would have been so much more interesting if it had been Glenn and Daryl going after Beth. 1 Glenn has a connection to Beth so would have an actual interest in mission instead of standing there looking apathetic 2 Glenn and Daryls relationship has never really been explored which makes for a meatier character story 3 Glenn clearly knows Atlanta so he could have actual affected the plot instead of just whining about the same old crap. 4 Even the previous episode might have improved if it had been Maggie standing up to Dolphin smooth on her own.
  13. Considering Slabtown is one of the seasons highest rated episodes I doubt Beth hate coould break the internet. However Daryl hooking up with any could probably break tumblr at this point. Something that made the painting scene funnier to me is that NR is actually is a painter and I think he actually does modern art.
  14. Never being in a relationship and never being attracted to someone are two different things. Its pretty much physically impossible to never have been attracted to anybody even If Daryl is a "total virgin" . I just find it interesting that the two people Daryl has shown overt attraction to are a fairly similar physical type. I also think it would be pretty much impossible to go through what Daryl and Beth did together and still think of her as a kid. He had to rely on her and work together that meant treating her as an equal. I think that's part of what Daryl was saying this episode when he said "she saved herself".
  15. I don't think Daryl is repelled by Carol they are freinds after all.I just don't think he attracted to her either. I think Daryl has so many issues relating to women he tends to view his female friends as "one of the guys more than anything else . I don't think he really see Carol or Michonne as women at this point there just his buddies. I suspect thats why he had so much trouble with Beth at first. Beth is such a girly girl and what liitle interaction they had was about Judith and Carl so it was harder to view her as just a buddy. I also wonder if it isn't just a matter of Beth being more his type than anything else. Afterall the one woman Daryl always went out of his way to antigonize was Andrea.
  16. Well now I know how some of you felt about the Beth episode. The flashbacks felt like padding. A least the death anvils are falling fast and thick for Carol good news IMO. Especially since they don't seem to know what to do with her character besides be an utter misery. Thats why I liked Daryl's little moment with the book he least knows he needs to do something besides wallow. I love character episodes but tptb need to figure that they actually need to teach something.A good character episode either teaches us something about the character ( like 4:09 did with Carl and Michonne) or teaches the character something about themselved (ie Still). This did neither, it just gave Carol an umpteenth chance to jusify killing karvid Well now I know how some of you felt about the Beth episode. The flashbacks felt like padding. A least the death anvils are falling fast and thick for Carol good news IMO. Especially since they don't seem to know what to do with her character besides be an utter misery. Thats why I liked Daryl's little moment with the book he least knows he needs to do something besides wallow. I love character episodes but tptb need to figure that they actually need to teach something.A good character episode either teaches us something about the character ( like 4:09 did with Carl and Michonne) or teaches the character something about themselved (ie Still). This did neither, it just gave Carol an umpteenth chance to jusify killing karvid
  17. 1.Exactly judging by the speech she gave Beth Carol already felt she knew all about Merle. (That would be those preconceived ideas I was talking about btw). I think it negate a lot of Still and Daryl's journey with Beth, if he was sharing that with Carol. I also feel like sometimes Caryl shippers try to downplay not just Still but all of Daryls other relationships. I never deny that Carol is important to Daryl I just don't think she the only person who is important to Daryl. Daryl has bonded with most of CDB and they are all imprtant to him. I feel like his relationship with Beth is unique and special but I don't think it needs to override all others. 2. You would be right about that Nowilltoresist. 3. I think you could interpret that scene more than one way and if you disagree thats fine. I just think judging by the way Daryl moved away from Carol when she said it he didn't like what she was saying. Personally it reminded me of when my freind hit on me and I treid to shut him down without hurting his feelings.
  18. Except this is a television show so if they didn't show it that means it didn't happen. Saying it happened ofscreen is unrealistic at best.. I could say Daryl and Beth were screwing like rabbits offscreen that doesn't make it true. It would be a theory at best. Afterall if Daryl was confiding in Carol the whole time what happened with Beth wouldn't have affected as much as it did. Also that scene your referring to was deleted so technically it didn't really happen either . The problem with your other theory is that there was no one else around when Daryl told her to stop. So if he told her to stop its because he didn't want to hear it.
  19. Except there really isn't a lot that shows Carol is his primary relationship. They're freinds but Daryl has connected with Rick and Michonne too. In fact if anyone is Daryl's primary relationship its probably Rick. Carol and Daryl have both brushed off attempts by the other to really talk. Daryl could have confided in Carol but he choose not to. I feel like Carol has her own set of walls and keeps Daryl on the other side of them.I also feel given the way Carol is ready to leave everyone without a backward glance shes not in any kind of place to be in a relationship. I also think if you suggest having sex with a man and he tells you to stop and can't get away fast enough that a pretty clear indication that hes just not that into you.
  20. Except that was just Daryl venting there was no actual communication there. That's the real difference between Daryl's scenes with Carol in season two and Still or even Alone. Even the Cherokee rose scene was more Daryl talking at Carol than really communicating. As for Beth being intimidated by Daryl as soon as he let her go she turned around and started yelling at him. Thats not someone who is afraid or intimidated. Besides its not like she really had anything to worry about Daryl's not a bully he would never deliberately hurt Beth and she knows that. Even if Daryl only confided in Beth because she was there I'm not sure it matters. Timing is big part of falling in love and I don't see Daryl breaking.down like that again anytime soon. Regardless of why Daryl and Beth established an intimacy out there together that Daryl has never had before. SG clearly thinks Beth could get something out of Daryl no one else could as he insistted in putting them together Its also been stated several times by him NR and others that he had never talked about his past with anyone before so he wasn't confiding in Michonne off screen Considering how far Beth had to go to get that out of him it would be afairly big cheat if he did. Personally I do think Beth got to him in ways the others couldn't. Partly because she doesn't judge people as a rule but also because she doesn't have the same preconceived ideas the others would have. Rick and the others have dealt with people from Daryl's background before and know or at least think they know something about it.Beth just knows Daryl and she judges him on face value. Daryl trusted Beth because he knew she wouldn't judge or worse pity him because in her world everyone is damaged and who you were doesn't matter. I also think Beth is someone who understands and listens better than most. She was doing the same last year with Carl.
  21. In Stil Daryl mentions he and Michonne found the moonshine cabin together when they were looking for Brillip.
  22. The trouble with that is they need to be inserted carefully by a medical proffessional in a sterile environment .Otherwise they can cause nasty complications, and even death if you truly screw up (two words: perforated uterus). Implanalon and implants like it are less risky plus they contain progesterone which actually reduces flow. Plus in North America they come with their own insertion needle specifically to make insertion idiot proof. In a world where OB/Gyns are few and far between thats a definite advantage.
  23. Except Daryl hasn't confided in anyone like he did Beth. The meltdown was him hitting rock bottom talking to Beth about his family was his choice. Daryl choose to confide in Beth afterall he went that shack with Michonne but he didn't say anything to her. I also think its less that you can't have intimate relationships with freinds but that Daryl won't. Being romantically involved is different because he won't be able to stonewall or cut and run. Not if he wants it to work.
  24. Yeah thats the joy of posting on my phone :p. I was going to add I'm not sure on quality if this episode or any episode until I've seen it. These writer have not earned my faith yet infact they've abused it more than once. Like I've said elsewhere it kinda depends on how much of the show is devoted to the same navel gazing Carol moaning we've seen a dozen times before.
  25. I'm not saying they'll end the episode hating each other but it does seem like they split up at some point. I think it likely Carol wants to quit and Daryl wants to keep looking. In any case I don't think its going to be quite the live fest some are hoping for.
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