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Emily Thrace

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Everything posted by Emily Thrace

  1. I actually think the thing in the woods was what they actually are turning the outliers into. The other guys were the test not what was being tested.
  2. I still had a soft spot for Diogo. He reminded me of a lot of the boys I grew up with. He wasn't so much born bad he just never had a chance to be good.
  3. I think just because the show isn't what you would like it to be doesn't mean the show is doing it wrong. Its always been a mix of older and newer stories. Its all history and genealogy. By that same token I don't think being affected by these stories is silly. The stories are meant to be affecting. I don't think getting upset is odd some of these stories are terrible. I regularly get upset reading stories about people I have never met. I also don't think its completely true that things that happened generations ago don't affect people today. Megan Mullaly's family was probably still being affected by the famine. Slavery has affected everything from how African-Americans form families to thier blood pressure rates. Some things do repeat themselves like all the actors in Bryan Cranstons family tree. That's one of the most interesting aspects of the show for me.
  4. Because it wasn't actually about starting labor. June made Waterford feel small by pointing out his infertility so he decided to remind her of his power. The induce labor part was just a line to get Serena to go along with the plan.
  5. I don't see that happening. He might report something and have it blowback on his parents accidentally but I can't see him actually turning them in. He too much of his parents authority issues to conform to anything that much. He knows what jobs they have and how to find Will I would think he has noticed Charlie isn't with them. Hell he might have found Charlie's body at the camp since I doubt the red hats bothered to bury them.
  6. My guess is James didn't have much choice. He was burned with Camilla and no other cartel would have him given how he left her. He could have gone straight in theory but I don't see that working out. I also think he does care about Theresa.
  7. I can see Brossard seeing Katie as more of a risk. While Will may be a mess he is at least grieving. Katie justs seems to be pretending she is fine which is a bigger red flag IMO. Like I said before when Katie finally falls apart it will be bad I can see Broussard deciding he doesn't want to risk it happening in the middle of a mission. Plus Will was a proffessional soldier so even if hes falling apart he will still complete the mission.
  8. In the aftermath of their near-death experiences, Harlee and Wozniak discover a mysterious and grisly crime scene.
  9. I wonder if the Martians try to seize the Roci and Alex is threatened if that might make her change her mind. I can see her going through a similar journey to Naomi. Where she gets pushed to far and realizes she doesn't belong there anymore.
  10. Yeah it actually makes sense especially since he's a generation older than the other. With Belter being such a newly emerging accent a difference between generations would make a lot of sense. Not too mention with how spread out the belters and isolated they are its almost weirder if they all have the same accent. Like the reserves up north. I'm sure to outsiders we all have pretty much the same Cree accent but a lot of the locals can tell which rez your from by your accent.
  11. Wow Josh Holloway always had potential as an actor even in the pilot of Lost. He never quite got a chance to live up to it on that show but damn if he didn't tonight. He was a walking nerve ending the whole episode it was heartbreaking. Even at the party when I was almost laughing at his irritated small talk ihe was still obviously in pain. At least he is grieving though. Katie on the other hand has completely buried her grief to the point I'm worried what will happen when she snaps. The fallout in thier marriage is a little over the top but it not entirely unrealistic. Some marriages are extreme in thier highs and lows. It is a little convenient they have a major bust up right when Broussard shows up. I was hoping his new friend meant we had truly seen the last of the sexual tension between him and Katie. Bram covering his grief in public but drinking and carrying on at night is fitting to. Even in grief he is a mix of both parents.
  12. I think what Molly said was something like "I realized there were issues with religion but I never thought it was here". A lot of people think only Northern Ireland really has religious issues. The south is always portrayed as strictly Catholic in any modern media. A lot of other sources put emphasis on the divide as English oppressors versus the Irish rather than the religious angle. She knew about the Famine which is more than most American's if this show is anything to go by. I think expecting the celebrities on this show to know everything is a little much. Also for her the whole point was that she didn't know about her mother's history and was trying to find out more. I feel like that was one of the best episodes the show has had. It was poignant ad the story was fascinating. There have been other Famine stories on the show but the Mangle story was a new one and a particularly interesting one. Molly being so interested and engaged was great. Her story about her mother was heartbreaking and for once the show didn't milk it for all its worth.
  13. Its a weekend country place they mention that in the first episode. It was meant to be country not really rustic. The house may seem like its in the middle of nowhere but its actually pretty close to Toronto and is outside a decent sized town. Like the Baemlers place its in farm country but the burbs are just around the corner.
  14. Its possible he stayed because he was already a double agent. He could have initially been going along with the sons of Jacob and them realized what they were about and turned double agent ages ago. Before they even moved against the government. He could be a Canadian spy for all we know. I don't think we know enough about why Nick stayed to judge hom for it yet. We haven't heard anything about his family maybe he stayed because his mother was dying. He got pissed at Eden because she went through his stuff that's pretty normal human behavior. Especially since her snooping could get him killed. I also think some of his anger in that scene was what was building for days about the fact hes in an incredibly dangerous situation and she is making it harder. He's not even pissed at her as much as the position she is putting him in. I do think he had to scare a bit. If he hadn't she might have kept digging. As twisted as it is Nick needs Eden to be afraid of him. That way she won't ask so many questions.
  15. I think he felt responsible and I do think he cares about the Bowmans to a point. I also remember he thought Bram could be useful as a mole. I also think Snyder puts himself in the positions he does to protect people generally. He is his first priority but he does care about others.
  16. I really want someone to smack Alya in her smug face. I get thinking Eileen knew something but being a smug bitch about it is something else. I actually want to see Snarla take the factory from her.
  17. Yeah it was amazing how feral they all seemed. I love that Snyder grabbed power in Davos the same way he described earlier in the episode. I'm not sure he has any further plan than he has had all along. To keep his enemies close and protect as many people as he can. The bit about the algorithm was good world building. We seem to be seeing behind the curtain a lot more this year. Which makes me think they are going to have completely flipped the script by the end of the season.
  18. That was definitely a Catholic clerical collar he was wearing. Its actually been predicted in a few places that the Catholic church will have accept married priests in the next generation or so to boost their numbers. They already accept widowed priests whose children are grown. I wish we had gotten more Avarasala in this one. Using her as an announcer seems like a waste. I get she wasn't a big presence in this part of the books but I think it would be interesting to see Earths reaction to this. I was wondering if there is a temporal effect to the ring how they were going to make that work with Naomi. Its good she is coming home. I feel like there is more to Melba's story. I wouldn't be surprised if this is happening because her father planted the idea in her head. Someone gave her those mods and pointed her in Holdens direction.
  19. I wonder if it was people who were escaping to Canada or just running away from the fighting. If they died and people didn't have time to bury them taking a picture on your phone would be a way to memorialize and pass on word to any family that might be alive. Or even if you came across a body while you were running. In the age of the smart phone I could see it being something that happens in a viral sort of way. Odette looked like she was left alone in the woods still in her normal clothes. It didn't look like an organised execution there would have been other bodies if there was. I suspect she was running away too and was left behind by whoever killed her.
  20. I feel like when the show does the personal stuff it can veer into manipulative or even schmaltzy. That's a big part of why I quit Long Lost Family. I don't really care about the celebrities themselves that much so their part of the story is only a bonus. I like learning about the history and how it impacts people and moves them around more than anything. This show gives history a story and face in a way a History Channel documentary doesn't. It also tends to focus on the personal things like what peoples beliefs were and how many kids they had rather than just their deeds and military records. Robert the Bruce I understand. I'm Canadian and we don't mention him in school so I doubt the US does. I know who he is because I read about Scottish history and Braveheart is one of my Mom's favourite movies. Hillary Duff is a little young to have watched that movie. Blackbeard is a little odder since she mentioned the Pirates of the Caribbean and Blackbeard is a villain in the fourth movie. I wonder if maybe she was just surprised that he was an actual person and not someone Disney made up. Or she never saw the fourth movie
  21. I hope next week we get Chrisjens take on the bombing. I don't think she will believe Holden did it either. Their relationship is one of more interesting ones one the show. They have spent very little time together but I think she's followed him long enough to know he wouldn't do this. Not too mention he saved her life. I mean she is a shark who would sell almost anyone out if she had to but she's smart enough to see there is more going on here. At the very least I hope she removes Admiral Trigger Happy. Blowing Holden out of the sky without even asking if there were any more bombs was flat out stupid. Shoot first and ask questions later is not the reaction you want from someone leading humanity's first contact with Alien life. Not to mention Holden is thier own citizen and is surely entitled to due process and a trial.
  22. I can't believe they actually killed Charlie, it was heartbreaking. Snyder's reaction was interesting. I think he is still playing both sides. When he talked about going to Switzerland he used the exact same wording Katie did. I have a feeling at least some of this was planned.
  23. Well that was awesome. The Roci actually stayed out of trouble for a whole episode and three quarters. Between this show and Colony I have sworn so much Avarasala would be impressed. I officially don't like Documentary Girl. Everything she says comes out sexualized like she is flirting with everyone. Its just not a good look on what is supposed to be a professional working woman. It seems like she is trying to sleep her way through the Roci crew and gain access to them that way. The actress was bad for doing that on Defiance too actually. Melba's story so far is still one I've seen before (in fact Colony has used it, and turned it inside out and upside down) but I'm guessing she's not blowing up ships willingly.
  24. I wonder if any of the researchers mentioned to Megan Mullally that Elisabeth and Richard probably came to America because of the Great Famine. She did say she wanted to know the root of her family's dysfunction I'd say that is a likely candidate. I can see how the show might have edited it out since the show has had a couple of episodes that dealt the Famine and it fallout already. Elizabeth would have been around 7 when the famine hit and Richard 9 or 10 it obviously had a profound effect on them. At a bare minimum it meant they moved countries and left everything behind. More likely they went from a rural life in Ireland to a slum in New York or Montreal and lost most of their families along the way. The Famine has been compared to The Holocaust in terms of upheaval and loss inflicted on its victims. It likely helped fuel the alcoholism in Elizabeth and her husband. That's something that's heartbreaking about these shows sometimes how things reverberate over the generations. It been 171 years since The Great Famine came to Ireland and Megan is arguably still feeling its affects on her family. Something else I wondered about "Richard" is if that was actually his name. I don't see how even taking into account an accent and illiteracy you get Ira from Richard. (It actually makes less sense in an Irish accent) I wonder if it was actually Padraic or something like Aloysius that got anglicized to Richard.
  25. He might have said he was grad student or working as a junior prof they don't make much. Watching Eva listening to Peter with Simon and Susie confirmed what I've thought about her reasons for giving up her baby. I don't think it was ever about Aiden and her and more about her not wanting to be a single mom and wanting her kid to have a dad. The show has never said anything about her father but it seems like he was absentee. I think she wants to give Susie a mum and a dad and thought Peter and Toyah could do that.
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