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Everything posted by BigBlueMastiff

  1. While she may have gotten too extra on FB with the new girlfriend, no one deserves what happened to her. I believe her relatives that she had no (not know) idea this back and forth would end that way. Reminds of the Dave Chapelle skit "When Keepin It Real Goes Wrong."
  2. This, and he's a smug POS on top of it. Him thinking he got over on Ghost with his fake hug, did Ghost find his stash? I hope so.
  3. Just saw the Web of Lies ep with the FB live murder, that was scary as hell! That poor woman. This show reminds me how dangerous it is to share so much on social media, and how sad that people are so desperate for attention that they feel the need to do so.
  4. Please let Tariq get caught in a 21 Jumpst style sting.
  5. Let me add to this-no job/or job involves illegal activity, why would anyone date someone in this situation. Also, frequent infidelity, multiple partners, and in some cases those partners have died or disappeared under mysterious circumstances, run away ladies.
  6. Glad Tasha is finally divorcing Ghost. She should've punched him in the face when he was whining about Angela. Tariq needs to die, I wish Tommy had thrown him off the building with 50's ashes. I love that Ghost was smart enough to learn at least Spanish, so he knows what people are saying about him. Tommy is clearly to stupid to even learn basic Russian, so it is hilarious when they talk shit about him, and he smiles, completely clueless. If we are lucky Tariq will OD at Choate, never to be seen again.
  7. Ugghhh, Charlotte, can kick rocks, please leave with Wyatt and never come back. Jonah is the more interesting and multi-faceted sibling, just focus on him. Darlene is an impulsive, out of contro,l act first-think never narcissist. She needs to go, inevitably she will eff things up because she thinks she's being disrespected, and reacts like a thug, bye Felicia.
  8. The asshole's voice was driving me crazy. It is unbelievable how many times this guy swatted people without harm. The whole idea is so frightening, and while I was glad that I don't game, and would never have this happen to me, come to find out the victim, had no involvement in gaming either, smh.
  9. It's where our family room was, tv, games, good times.
  10. I also noticed, her face was much darker than her neck, odd. Also, loved Holden getting his comeuppance, he is such a self-absorbed dick.
  11. cordcutters.com is a good place to start We cut the cord years ago, after I realized with all the money paid to comcast we could've had my dream car, a Porsche 911 Targa. We have Hulu live (which we drop down to regular hulu after baseball season), netflix, hbo, showtime, starz, cinemax, shudder, and masterpiece, all in all less than have of our previous $300/mo cable bill. As far as services, my husband wanted live sports. That left Hulu, YTTV, or Sling, for Chicago Cubs baseball, Hulu live was best for us, and I like the original programming and channel offerings, not to mention being able to drop the live tv when not needed. I've tried Playstation vue, Sling, DTV now, and Hulu, and for our purposes found Hulu to be the best.
  12. I cut the cord 5 years ago because of the outrageous cost, and I get ID with Hulu for much less, Also if you have ATT cellular, download the Watch ATT app for a streamlined version of DTV, which also includes ID.
  13. I also, find it odd that a parent would even have such a discussion with a child that age. Why would you even allow your child to think it was appropriate to have such a conversation with you, let alone expect you to answer them as if they were a peer. They need some serious discussions about boundaries, and child-appropriate conversations.
  14. Does anyone watch For My Man or Fatal Attraction on TV One? IT seems like 75% of the male murderers on these shows kill a pregnant GF/wife and in some cases ex wife/GF and their children. There is no rationale for doing this, these people are just evil.
  15. Damn, that last episode was crazy. Did not expect Josie to go out like that, but I knew something would happen once Junior figured out who she was. What is up with Dad's ties to all of Jett's jobs, hmmmm?
  16. The book was good, but I prefer her first novel, The Secret History.
  17. Agreed, not to mention how will he react when he finds out Maddie lied out covering up Perry's death? She's still lying, how can he ever trust her again?
  18. If I never see Fish Lips again, it will be too soon. I can't stand looking at her face. I enjoyed previous seasons, but this one didn't catch my interest, too may characters and story lines.
  19. Those are the people claiming they are owed $
  20. No it's not the same. Taking ambien or drinking to the point of passing out with random men in a house with your kids, seems irresponsible at best and negligent at worst. And as for your examples, I would check out any adult that had contact with my kids, especially clergy and scout leaders, given their issues. I did not say anything about single mom's being celibate, so don't put words in my mouth. Maybe this Celeste-type behavior would be fine for you around your kids, it is not for me.
  21. Uh, inviting strange men into your house when you have children, and passing out, not knowing what exposure the kids might have to these men is a huge problem. If what ML's attorney said was true, the kids talked to random strange men in their mother's bedroom, and the mother had know knowledge whatsoever. What if one of these men was a pedophile? Random sex is an issue when you expose your kids to it.
  22. And this is the problem with parents who treat their children as friends at an inappropriate age. No good parent would ever share that information with their teenage daughter as a confidant. It just shows what a sick narcissist Madeline is. You don't ask for advice from your teenage daughter on something as serious and personal as cheating on your spouse, wrong on every level. Madeline is a terrible parent. Cheating on Ed has nothing to do with the other couple's relationship, that's all on Madeline.
  23. Wow, I guess I'm the only one enjoying this show. I could do with out the daughter, but I am curious to see how Jett extricates herself from this mess, and I need Junior gone.
  24. Yeah, I was hoping they would move in another direction. Maybe if they had fessed up immediately, but now we have obstruction of justice, lying to the police, possible witness tampering, and who knows what else. Proving yet again, why the cover up is always worse than the lie.
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