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Everything posted by FizzyPuff

  1. Did Jessa not go to the wedding? or is she posting random photos?
  2. Without a Crystal ball has a video of their vows: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CNOOMd5gQYz/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  3. The link on Reddit I saw was this one but it says private video now and to sign in, I’m signed in and it doesn’t work anymore I’m not sure if this one is the same link but it doesn’t work either https://youtu.be/p8HCS1LqlGg
  4. It was boring I skipped through most of it.
  5. Maybe she did a Jessa and they decided to have their first kiss in private. They’re outside though so a kiss behind a tree or a bush?
  6. Well JB and Mechelle did it and look how great they turned out 🤪
  7. There’s a part of me that would love the Duggar’s too show their real beliefs that’s a guarantee to get them kicked off tv! However from this episode I think this is honestly the most amount of religion we’d get from these people and gosh is it boring (maybe boring enough to get them cancelled going on the viewership of this episode). Also for a group of people sitting around talking about how they were saved they all looked miserable (even Kendra). Plus how can you get saved at four? I don’t even remember being four. What bad things could Kendra have done at four years old? Shout at a sibling, hit them, take their toy, these people are idiots🙄 I wish people wouldn’t push their beliefs on their children but that’s another topic altogether. I’m sure from the leghumpers I’ve seen on Facebook commenting how lovely it was of them to share Christ and their beliefs there is a market out there for them, I just don’t think it’s gonna save this show. I think the time has come to cancel the Duggar’s now, none of these people are gonna change it’s the same BS every year, courtship,wedding, babies and repeat.
  8. Does Khloe realise that he hasn’t cheated on her again because he hasn’t had the opportunity? All the clubs and bars are closed? All the groupies aren’t hanging around waiting for someone famous to be seen with, dance, drink, kiss, sleep with etc. Is there no one in her life who can tell her this? Why would she want to have another kid and be with a man who hurt her so much?
  9. Looks to me like Claire’s marrying Jason not Justin.
  10. Why is Khloe even having another child with Tristian? I can't believe it, I thought it was a joke honestly.
  11. There are pictures here of their engagement: https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/m618mu/its_official_jed_is_engaged/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
  12. True. I’m sure in Jeremys mind he’s up there with the A-listers.
  13. I thought Jill was Mechelles favourite daughter, she called her Jilly Muffin, she said she was perfect right? Jill was what made her want more kids, she cried at her wedding, didn’t seem that bothered about Jessa getting married though.
  14. I wonder if Jeremy realised that A-list celebs don’t post photos of their kids online, only an occasional magazine photo shoot (if that). So him and Jinger aren’t doing that now and if anyone wants to see their kids they better be paying them.
  15. Derek has fans? Who are these people? 🤪
  16. Same I thought he was gonna move to Texas and help out at his father in laws business.
  17. Edit: its ok I found the link now. https://www.tlcme.com/shows/counting-on/articles/jinger-jeremy-vuolo-counting-on-update-family-of-four Here if anyone wants it.
  18. Yes, why are they talking about a dog like it’s a baby?
  19. I was laughing my head off at this comment 😂
  20. In the first photo Austin doesn’t even look happy. The third photo he does though much more natural, if I was Joy I would’ve just posted the third photo.
  21. What! These couples with there 4 month courtship and 3 month engagement don’t know a thing about each other? I am shocked. Perhaps these parents should do a 15 page questionnaire like JB makes any boy who marries into this family do.
  22. Maybe she even got Justin to pee on one 😜 This makes me think how has Best Mama Ever, not been a matron of honour at any of her daughter’s weddings? It’s almost like Mechelle doesn’t have a relationship with any of her kids. And we all know she’d love to be MOH because it’d get her the attention she craves, plus she gets new dress!
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