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Everything posted by FizzyPuff

  1. Interesting Jeremy mentioned Halloween! Isn’t that the devils holiday 😜
  2. Jeremy is the only one who looks happy in these photos, Jinger looks like she needs a rest and Felicity just looks disinterested.
  3. What is up with all the Duggar guys growing beards? Is it supposed to make them more “manly”? Because they all look like boys with beards.
  4. All I can think when I see this photo is why didn’t she stop at four kids? That’s when she found out the truth about him, if she wanted to stay with him fine it’s her marriage but to keep having kids with him, I have no words. 🤮
  5. Uh Ben cannot work in a school, how is he gonna control a whole class of 30 kids? Some of the teachers might be heathens? What if someone laughs at him for calling his kid Spurgeon? How could he justify going to a school too teach other kids everyday while his kids are at home being “educated” by Jessa. At least 14! Didn’t JB and Mechelle have 14 kids in a two bedroom house?
  6. Which is weird considering he was her easiest birth, no rush to the hospital where she nearly bled to death. Is that why she resents him?
  7. She could hang out with Kendra, Lauren or Abbie? I mean all they talk about is babies and pregnancy anyway. What’s she talking to Jill about?
  8. Wouldn’t it have been better to make a thread when they’re engaged? I mean these two are only courting they could still split up! Or are they secretly engaged?
  9. I just find it sad that a judge would give them a child, sure the child would have their physical needs met (roof over their head, food in their belly etc) but what about their emotional needs? I just see them treating the adopted child differently and like a trophy to show off.
  10. I don’t think those two will ever adopt. Anyway, who in their right mind would give them a child?
  11. Oh Jilly Bean those two women you saw with a baby were a lesbian couple (I would love someone to say that to her, watch her head explode). Also what’s the problem with a grandma going shopping, with her daughter and grandchild? Don’t even get me started on judging someone’s appearance has she looked in the mirror.
  12. I don’t think any woman on this planet wants him other than Mechelle.
  13. TLC want views, calling it that would’ve got less viewers as everyone knows Jing and Jer are having a baby.
  14. I can’t believe they’re letting a 17 year old boy court! That is way to young, these people are insane. No way is Justin ready to be married and having children, are the courting ones gonna get younger and younger 🤮. I hope this is a long courtship like 2 years at least! Famewhores definitely why else would anybody be interested in these people.
  15. Ben & Jinger I could see together, Jeremy and Jessa would be a match made in hell.
  16. Is it Halloween? Maybe her and crazy eye Michelle should have a competition, whose got the best crazy eyes?
  17. Here’s their video in case anyone is interested:
  18. Maybe Justin is going away to college...can I hope? A courtship would be ridiculous at his age! No way is he ready to be a father in 9 months to a year.
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