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Everything posted by Aquarius

  1. Dontchaknow that men would rather ask directions than see a doctor willingly, or take his or her advice, and it is a wife's job to endlessly nag at him to do so? It's why women get married. Yes! Although coincidentally I saw a Lipozene commercial last night and no woman, just a male voiceover. Who could pronounce "fat" just fine. The anti-smoking commercials are just so over-the-top ridiculous. I understand that some people have complications like Teri or that woman who lost all her fingers, but seriously, how many of those do you know? I get what they're going for but the examples they use are just so worse, worse, worse case. If I was a smoker and those ads came on, my eyes would roll right out of my head. Here's one that INFURIATES me. I don't know what it's for, it infuriates me so much. But it's the one with the two women on the airplane, with the child behind them who is harrassing them beyond belief. Yelling, screaming, pushing their seat backs, hitting them in the back of the head. Cut to fantasy sequence where the little terror is standing there apologizing for being such a hassle. Oh, too bad the world isn't fantasy where toddlers aren't terrors but <x> product can give you the same effect. Cut back to reality and the little terror is hanging upside down between their seats screaming. So yeah. Who the fuck expects a child that age (they describe him as a toddler but that's stretching the definition I think) to apologize so maturely? Not me, that's for sure. But you know what the fuck I DO expect? The kid's PARENTS to control their child and offer an apology if for some reason they fail to do that for a moment or two. I cannot STAND the message this commercial seems to reinforce - that we all have no choice but to put up with the bad behavior of precious children that no one seems to be able to discipline. This is a super pet peeve of mine. Yes, children will behave as children. This is why adults need to teach them how to behave properly. And children learn by repetition. So it may take a couple or two hundred times to correct the behavior. You may have to do it the whole fucking flight. But you know what, that's your job as a parent. It is not anyone's job to put up with your obnoxious kids. Toddler boy should have been pulled back by his hair when he was hanging over the seat in front of him. Rant over.
  2. Probably a UO, but Seinfeld is one for me. Maybe I never got over the final episode, which pissed me off mightily, but whereas when it was airing I'd be upset to miss it, now I just pass over the reruns.
  3. Bill's a pirate. You can also tell by the cocktail sword he wears on a cord around his neck. I agree with you about the suit. It was snazzy and the best thing about the episode was seeing Bill run barefoot through the sand in that suit. Otherwise . . . oh, gosh, words fail me at how much I HATED Brooke being led away from her wedding by the hand like a goddamned child. Allowing herself to be led away. Oh, words are really failing me. I thought my head was going to explode at that moment. And then there's this. Sigh. That even took some of the fun out of the cheesetastic shot of Ridge going overboard, or whatever it's called out of a heilicopter. :-/
  4. Ugh! The Lipozene woman! I cannot STAND the way she pronounces the word "fat." It's like it has two syllables - fay-et. For about 10 seconds once another lady did the Lipozene spot, and I thought it had to be because the original couldn't pronounce "fat" properly.
  5. I caught the last couple of minutes of Guy's Grocery Games. I watched Justin's season all the way through and I thought, "Who the heck is that guy?" He looks different. Less . . . ruddy. Of course, I only saw him for a minute or two standing with the others.
  6. Not too many people did. He had that one special at midnight on a Sunday night, then POOF! I wasn't sad to see Donna go. As a low carber, the "healthy eating" contestant always grinds my gears. And she was whacko in a not-fun way. Rhinestone Cowboy can hit the trail any time now. 'Course, his food was good (shucks!) And Tush found his POV just so interesting (dagmabit!) So I guess they're fixin' to keep that pardner around for a spell. Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll have an unfortunate lasso accident. I do not understand the rules of a universe where Lenny is praised for being the real deal and Pageant Girl is dinged for putting on. I really don't. And I am the only person who believes that Nicole must be related to Mira Sorvino?
  7. Oh God, this! And if Bill was there, and shirtless, and silent, it would be my favoritest.scene.eva.
  8. I don't get it either. But sadly, it has been the Ridge storyline. For many, many years now.
  9. He didn't say the same thing to her that he said when Eric asked that very question? About how he had to make sure she was safe, and how she is a Forrester and not a Spencer? Color me shocked.
  10. And for a few moments, Paulie Tight Pants.
  11. To me, it looked like Eric did too. Because it cannot be said enough, Ridge is truly King of the Tools. For so many reasons, but seriously? The pilot tells you that you'll be taking off in 10 minutes, and you're like 'Make it five!" Damn the safety checks, every second counts! Yeah, sure, it's worth going down in the Persian Gulf over five damn minutes. I hate Ridge so I'm okay with that part, but the pilot's done nothing and he doesn't deserve to risk death because Tool is such an impatient spoiled brat. Dubai does nothing for me, but damn did Brooke look beautiful in that color, and Bill looked good too. I love how much fun they look like they are having together. It makes me forgive Bill for being such an asshole control freak with the wedding. And it was so nice seeing a young Brad Carl - err, Bill Spencer! No friggin' kidding.
  12. Thanks, PatsyandEddie! Aiden Lansing. I have absolutely no recollection of it, even now that you've told me.
  13. So now we have two women marionette and a child marionette. When is a man marionette going to feel insecure about his wires when faced with the comment that wires are ugly or weird?
  14. I liked Ronan fine, until they made him Nina's long lost son. That was such a letdown for me, having watched the pretty much the entire babynapping story, and Nina's subsequent search. And wasn't it all just a setup for bringing in Rose's neice and the whole Looooocy acquisition? Ugh, it's hard to keep it all straight in my head because it was just so disappointing. No emotional payoff. It was like, "Oh, it's you" on Nina's part, and "You never found me!!" on Ronan's, for what, the span of maybe 5 episodes. Then Ronan was snotty to Nina and she got fed up, then . . . what? Ronan stole part of Chance's liver and skipped town? I hated it. The only decent part were the flashback scenes, but even those just underscored how much better this show was at playing drama. Trivia questions, because I am too lazy to Google it. Ronan had two names, correct? His undercover and real one? What was his other name, and which was the real one?
  15. And were Bill and Brooke even TOGETHER when it happened?? I mean, seriously, what is the big frigging deal? Bill never once acted like he wanted things to continue with Quinn.
  16. I wanted to like this adaptation. I knew it couldn't be true to the book because the book was a hot mess that in no way could be covered in two hours. But this just disappointed me. I can't pinpoint why, because I did like Rose McIver and I liked that Carrie's story was one of the ones that was covered. Also I thought Heather Graham sort of rocked this time around. But it still felt off. I think it might be because of the treatment of the Chris and Cathy relationship. In the book they were not making out or making it every time they were in a room alone together. That treatment sort of . . . cheapened the relationship . . . which I know is a weird thing to say about an incestuous relationship. But when I read the book I felt really bad for Cathy, being saddled with the weight of her mother's betrayal, the experiences from the attic, and her obsessed brother refusing to move on while it seemed like she was trying her very best to do so. In the movie, I just felt sort of intrigued/horrified by the events unfolding onscreen and that is not the same payoff. I mean, they had them having sex what, 10 minutes in? That is so not how the whole thing unfolded. I agree that Cathy fell in love with Paul, Julian and ultimately with Bart, and none of that was shown. I guess they gave Chris a girlfriend so that he wouldn't seem so creepy/obsessed with his sister, but that is how he was, and he sort of wore her down with the weight of their messed up shared experiences and her understanding that he could never trust another woman again. In the movie, it just seemed creepy how they couldn't move on from each other. I mean, it was a full TEN years later, they both had other relationships - you can't forget that one incident in the attic and move on? The great love Chris had for Cathy (and she claimed to have for him) just didn't make the same emotional sense as it did in the book. And it sort of pisses me off because I promised my husband he'd understand more after seeing Petals, that it really wasn't as disgusting and twisted as it seemed, and now he probably thinks I'm a perv who likes to read about siblings who like to get it on, LOL.
  17. Whew! I was worried we'd missed the first episode. It's the one Food Network show my husband will watch with me. We love to snark on it.
  18. Yeah, they say refined coconut oil is flavorless, but to me it does have a distinct flavor. Not overwhelmingly coconut like unrefined, but I can still taste the coconut. Plus, I bet refining it takes away a lot of the health benefit.
  19. Is that Julianna Margulies in the Chase Sapphire commercials? It's been driving me nuts because it sounds like her, then it doesn't.
  20. He doesn't need to. Katie repeatedly said she doesn't need a ring. It's one more way that she's just so much better than Brooke. Personally I hope that sanctimoneous twit has to wear that ribbon on her finger through the whole time of their marriage. Seriously. Especially since I bet we'll never hear the other characters going on about how moral and classy Quinn is.
  21. The "w" just makes it sound like you don't know how to pronounce it.
  22. Darn! And I missed the show yesterday! Unfortunately I caught the skin on Y&R though.
  23. I dunno. It's an untapped market, those who like to talk to things. And get angry when they don't cooperate.
  24. So glad to see others remember and loved Colonel Austen! Can you just imagine him today, gesturing with his glass of scotch, saying things like "Because Victor Newman never loses." Or, "And Victor Newman always protects his family." Ah, he had such a way of delivering lines like that. I really miss him. And the sad thing is, he just disappeared. Stupid show. And Miguel! Another lost gem of the Newman household. Remember when they replaced him briefly with that stupid Estellerita woman who ran the front desk of the ranch (seriously, WTH was that??). And the booze decanters! The first thing my brother bought for his own place was a crystal bar set, because of seeing it all the time on Y&R. Good times!
  25. So now Domino's just outright admit they suck. But it's okay. Because sucking IS an option. Gotcha.
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