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Everything posted by silverspoons

  1. Last season they taped the Jamie unfiltered show after the show had finished taping. My guess is Mia is on these first few Jamie shows but won't appear on the ones that follow episodes that discuss her arrest. Last year Molly did not appear on the Jamie show till the very end. She was not there to discuss the uncomfortable episodes with her and Jon and then the recording.
  2. I think the child is Jorge and he knows it. By his age it would make him about 16, when she got pregnant. What can a 16 year old do to really support a baby? Maybe the girl's parent knew they would be paying for the baby and doing most of the work and told Jorge to go away. Years later he pops up on TV flashing money, and the baby's mother contacts him.
  3. I think they moved since this episodes were filmed. On Devar's social media it says new home Miami and the pictures reflect more of FL living then PA. The baby pics are so cute. I agree, Melanie had the finds for 29 trips to see Devar , she could have brought her son once. Most of the island resorts have those kids clubs. Melanie could have had Devar and her son meet and then if things did not work out or she wanted alone time, those kids clubs have so much for kids to do.
  4. I was not able to see all of the episode, TLC app keep freezing on one ad. I was shocked to see him so out of it. I did not see part 3 (it says above he wasnt drinking in that part, but part 2 showed him either on something or having more then just one bad drinking day). I had thought they moved to Miami. I wonder if they would be on the show again since so many couples live in FL, it would make it easy to film. I also wondered if she did move to FL, what it meant for seeing her son. I understand people have all sorts of custody deals that work for them, but moving so far away unless it for a extreme reason (like a parent is dying and you need to take care of them or it is the only job at the time you can find with insurance you need) is a hard thing for me to accept. Melanie was a nurse so I don't think she needed to move to Miami for work. Plenty of nursing jobs in PA. I can understand she felt okay with her ex having her son weekdays and just seeing him on weekends but at least if her son got sick or her ex had an emergency see who be close. Moving to Miami for Devar, is not a smart move. Maybe his drinking stopped, but at least wait a solid year of no drinking and no issues before you leave your son and move to Miami.
  5. Do we know she drove? She works for an airline so I bet she can fly for free. Maybe that is why she was able to stalk him so easily, just hop on a quick free flight.
  6. I'm trying to watch the new episodes, in the middle of episode 2, and ad keeps freezing so I can't keep watching. I want to know what happens to Devar. I was shocked to see him drunk ( was it just drunk? ), and being so out of it and mean. I had just seen happy posts on SM about the baby, I had no idea there was trouble.
  7. I don't know how TLC is going to spin in or edit it, but it is an real apartment at the storage unit place (I hope this is not a spoiler but the apartment has been shown on social media). I live in Utah and these live in storage unit jobs are sought after by so many couples. The storage units that have onsite managers can charge more money because people feel more secure and they get better customer service. Having onsite management usually eliminates people trying to live in storage units which sadly is more common then most realize. I have been in the apartments, here most are small but nice. Here it is the ideal for a young couple where the husband goes to college and the wife wants to stay home with a baby. I'm sure TLC will play it up as a dire situation. I really think David is not in all that bad of a situation. he has to have some hidden money or source of income. This season he has been seen driving several nice cars and trucks. Even if he borrows them he has to have gas money? and grocery money? I also wonder if TLC is making Annie dress older or frumpier. Look at her social media she looks so young, lots of makeup, current fashions and on the show she is starting to appear so much older then 24/25. I'm not caring much about Russ' storyline this year but I sure would not say he is broke. He had a upper middle class income for years and by the look for the house he owned, he was not overspending. His employer gave him a years worth of pay as a severance package so he got 6 figures for being let go so he had time to breathe and look for work. He took a lower salary in FL but it is still an above average salary (it was talked about before that he was making closer to 100k in FL and in OK it was closer to 200k). Of course it seems like his wife is a drain on the money with her clothes , hair, and lifestyle. If he did leave her like was discussed above, he would be a catch to many women IMO. College degree in a good field, 6 figure job, his wife could choose to stay at home if she wanted with kids, his family seemed nice....I think he could find someone else and be treated a lot better but there is some reason he wants to stay and put up with his wife treatment?
  8. When looking up to see what David's real degree or real past jobs were, I saw that he and Chris are promoting a Thailand tour. It is one of those pay for a guided tour of Thailand with the hosts being David and Chris. It was post 2 weeks ago and the trip is planned for the fall. So obviously Chris and David are on good terms and David probably isn't going to get a job. Who would really want to tour Thailand with David as their tour guide? I'm sure the trip is not cheap. The facebook page is Fantasy Thailand. Notice they use pictures of David 100 lbs thinner. Is 90 day and all the drama and talk just a big free ad for their tours?
  9. Don't consider yourself a stalker. Quite a few teachers are not certified where I live. Sometimes I'm an okay with it like when a retired doctor teaches middle school science but other times I am not like when a out of work contractor that is BF with admin becomes a special edu teacher and is clueless. I'm glad the records are out there for all. I check every doctor or dentist I see on the DOPL (I was flat shocked at doctor's issues, lots of self prescribing violations) I check contractors or just about anyone liscensed. I think most people do not check teachers doctors, contractors and are foolish not to. Records are public to protect the public. Our state publishes every teacher's salary . I thought that might be a privacy issue but it showed parents the SPED are the lowest paid by far but usually have the longest hours and heaviest work loads and the teachers that coach sports the highest paid and have fewer students and classes to teach. It got parents to push for change. I would love to see David whole resume. I'm sure it is inflated by someone like Chris and Nikki to look like he has way more education and skills. I doubt Chris had three college majors. He probably had 1 major and took a few aviation classes? Or maybe has tried to get a pilots license or has one for small planes. I would be curious to know if he does have some pilot experience , have Chris buy him a small plane. Make it an Uber type plane service. This is very profitable to rural areas. My son's closest doctor is over 400 miles away with no super fast highway route to take. I found a rural "uber" like flight service that offer to take us there and back in a day for under $600. Comparing expenses for us, gas, hotel, 2 days off work, the flight was less $100 more then a 2 day drive to fly (of course I am chicken of small planes). The pilot was making over $350 after landing fees and fuel. If David wanted Uber (my guess is because it is a job you can turn on and off) why not Uber flies if he really has an pilot's license.
  10. While I agree ESL teachers are needed badly, at least where I live, I'm not sure David's certification is the same as what you are I are thinking of as an ESL teacher in the US. David was teaching English classes in Asia. You do not have to be fluent in any Asian languages to teach English. Whitney from my big fat fabulous life used to teach English in Korea and she doesn't speak Korean. I think David's certificate is just that a piece of paper from some school or program in Asia saying he is "certified" to teach English. Lets say best case , he was an actual certified ESL teacher, I can't see David waking up at 6am every day and teaching. David needs something that he can set his own hours like real estate , mortgages, or life insurance but he does not have a outgoing friendly sales personality either.
  11. I wonder what in Jorge's upbringing got him so hooked on the idea that money is everything. Did he grow up poor? There has to be something that makes him think that money buy happiness. Did his dad give his mom a gift everytime they have a fight and then they were happy? While not brought up on the show, I feel like Jorge and Anfisa value education differently. While we don;t know what Anfisa's high school education was like, she obviously learned English very well and is able to do well at a variety of American college class including learning Spanish to communicate with Jorge's family. Has Jorge learned a word of Russian? I have seen nothing to indicate Jorge values education. He just wants to make a fast easy buck. I almost got the feeling that Anfisa would be okay if Jorge admitted his business isn't going great and got his butt into college with her. I think she would be okay with apartment living for the next 5 years until careers could be established. She is only 21/22. Jorge I don't think would ever agree to this. I wonder if the Jorge's legal issues will be the end. They would be a good reason on paper for her to file for divorce. I also have a feeling Jorge is telling her the charges will be dropped or it is no big deal , when he knows the charges are bad.
  12. Late last night not only did Swaggy not wash his hands, he drank right from the mouthwash bottle. Yuck! Others used it after him.
  13. Winston seems to really like Steve. Not sure why? I wondered if he thought Steve would be a good 3rd man to him and Brett? or he thinks Steve is loyal? It just seems like from the minute they went into the house Winston targeted Steve to be on his side.
  14. Christmas broke off an engagement before coming on BB. She got pregnant by a different guy and they have broken up. She posted she will be raising the baby alone. I glance at her SM once in awhile and she is still full on working out, power lifting type stuff and saying how pregnancy does not stop you. Since she has so many followers I feel like it is pretty unrealistic even dangerous advice since not all women can she lifting weights and training intensely while 5-6 months pregnant. Swaggy might be overplaying but I think Bayleigh is going to snap. She did a couple 360's late last night, from happy to angry to crying and back. When she got angry it was no Miss Missouri in sight! Then she cried to Swaggy and I can;t tell if in the long run he would keep or cut her. It seems like he cares about her but then it seems like he wants the money more. I have wondered if he is really a full on day trader or if he is a male nanny to those kids on the intro and does a little buying and selling of currency on the side. If Swaggy distances himself from Bayleigh , she will go nuts.
  15. I agree why shave it but Kaitlyn while a life coach, works a spray tanning and laser hair removal place. I think she really into keeping up the hairless/tan look. Weird she is so into appearance since last night with all that nose blowing , coughing, q-tips hanging out of her nose, all I saw was a bundle of flu germs.
  16. When they started off the different line of questions and Heidi asked about the kissing, I knew the questions were plants (what is not scripted on this show?). I thought no kiss at 20, is he a Duggar family member. Looked Joseph up and he is a religious singer, in fact his dad was a religious singer too. I'm also getting sick of everyone being from a small town. One person last night said 30,000 was small another said 10,000 was small. I grew up in a town of 12,000. I never thought it was small, had some stores, school, parks, and places to eat. It was 30 minutes to a mall or doctor , but isn't the goal of most families to live in a safe smaller town and to drive to the city when they have the need? I missed a good chunk of the show due to election coverage cutting in so I'll watch on Hulu. For anyone else looking Plex is another source to watch for free and it is legal. Plex is my hulu backup since hulu has not been uploading fox shows quickly.
  17. I think her behavior has shown her to be from 19-21/22 as the show has filmed but I agree her look is older. I was shocked that she got botox at 20! I guess her older look is all the procedures she has had done. It seems like from her Gucci tastes she is very influenced by social media. Her 70 year old granny that raised her I'm sure is not encouraging botox at 20! My high school age daughter has never had a pimple and every time she thinks about starting to wear a lot of makeup I'm like why, you are young and have beautiful skin, just put on some mascara and lip gloss. I say wait till you are older and have to cut bangs to cover forehead wrinkles and wear foundation to cover aging skin. I would love to see pics of Anfsia as a teen before the botox, lip injections and whatever else she has had done.
  18. I wonder if it has to do with her DUI's? Since she could not drive at least for part of this season, she could still be under some sort of probation? Molly also could have slid in some sort of prenup. She could have told Luis that she has a business partner and that the business had to be separate from marriage assets and that her business partner demanded it and even stretched it to say the house was paid for partly by child support so it had to be protected for the kids. I doubt Luis would have researched business and child support law and would have accepted it.
  19. Just look at the difference between Molly/Luis and Devar/Melanie. Both women were older (then their men), both men were working on the beach when they meet during a vacation. Melanie crazy at it sounds made her 29 trips to the island and got to know Devar. Devar seemed very ready to be a parent. Even though TLC showed Drama, Melanie knew Devar would send some money home and they agreed on that amount but also agreed that he needed to get a good job. He went to school and has a job that he can afford to send some money home and take care of his bills with Melanie. I guess Molly just drank during her trip and maybe played up her big house and $$ more then explaining her life. I always wondered if Molly ever asked Luis about having his own kids? Molly is 42, which is nearing the end if not the end of having kid without intervention. I cant imagine as poor a stepfather as Luis was, that his manly self did not want to have a Luis jr someday. Pedro seems like he could train for something like Devar did,. $300 a month does not seem like a lot of money if Pedro was an underwater welder like Devar or even if he went to nursing school with Chantel. While it is not ideal to lose $300 a month, some people (like David?) drink $300 or more a month, or buy expensive clothes like Anfisa. I would love to know the success rate of K1 visas. That Molly lawyer said he sees bad situations like hers all the time? I live in rural Utah and K1 visa are common but they are because of missionaries like Alan and Josh and from what I see are successful , I do'nt think I can think of one divorce and they are so common that if I stand at my front door I can see 6 houses that have K1 marriages. The only flaw I see but this is more my opinion maybe is the women are more educated then the men and the women are sometimes bored not having a career but they throw that boredom into educating their kids or a volunteer project or hobby.
  20. When I first saw Anfisa and Jorge, I was so annoyed by her behavior. I was unhappy when TLC invited them back, did I really want to see more smashed cell phones and cars scratched? Obviously there is more to their story. I certainly don't justify her hitting him and breaking his stuff, but she was 18 when they meet. The first season she was 19. Now we know Anfisa's dad was killed when she was 9 and she did not have a mother in her life. She was looking for security and Jorge lied. She was angry and scared and what role model of a relationship did she have? Compared to Nicole at 24 waiting for Azan calls and working part time at Starbucks, Anfisa at 21 now is going to college and found a way (whether it is social media stuff or webcam ) to support herself and seems to have grown up a little in her behavior. Even if the counseling was set up by TLC, I believe the counselor is a LMFT and should give her at least a resource number if she feels threatened. Maybe that happened off camera? TLC has a way with the edit. In the end, Jorge wants a hot sexy wife and Anfisa wants the dream life. I think she sees that Jorge is not going to give that to her and she has to find it another way. Hopefully she makes it through school even if just to become educated eye candy. Jorge, I'm not sure what he can do to help himself?
  21. I think Anifsa would be okay if she filed for a divorce because they have been married more then 2 years and she has established herself by going to college, working etc. It is an added bonus that Jorge has criminal charges and that Anifsa went to marriage counseling (Ive gone back and forth if she really wanted to save the marriage or if the counseling was just a way to prolong it and make her look better if she leaves). I'm not sure about CA divorce laws but I don;t think she needs to prove fraud that Jorge misrepresented himself as wealthy businessman. I also think Jorge would not fight a divorce. He is all talk and deep down he is more insecure then some legit blackmailer.
  22. What did all these couples talk about while waiting to get approved for the K1 Visa? It is not like these couples fell in love at first sight and got married a week later. In most cases they have 6 months or even a year after meeting and deciding to get married to wait for the visa approval. Could Chantel and Pedro not talk about family and money? Could Nicole and Azan not discuss the cultural and religious differences? Could Molly and Luis not talk about family responsbilites and expectations? Did Ross really live in Columbia and never meet Pao BFF Juan and since she revealed she was a model before coming to the US, did Russ and her never discuss her future career plans in the USA? All these couples had time to wait and talk and discuss the future. What did they do just text I love you's and heart emoji's?
  23. Auntie's Advice youtube channel has an interview with a young lady, Azan tried to "court" online. She seems believable, but I won't say 100% since Azan story is such a mess. She was kind of hard to understand because she had a thick accent. I listened to the 50 minute interview and her is what I got from it. Basically her story was they meet online. They chatted, sent pics, for about 6 months which was mostly 2017. She said Azan had at least 5 different cell phones he used. He asked her to marry him before they even met. He also would say how bad things were or that his family needed money. He did not at first ask for money but would hint of his need of money. This young lady did not bite. When she realized his real story (and Nicole) and broke it off he begged her but she broke it off. She said he did not put down Nicole, like he did not make fat jokes, but he did say he was desperate to get married and leave his country and if he had to he would choose Nicole but it was not the ideal choice.
  24. The step dad seems to be the honest voice of reason, but this 6 month comment threw me. I hope he is not lying to go along with some "storyline". It seemed to be pretty well known Azan was denied during December and Nicole left around mid Feb. My gut says what we first saw was a recreation. The denial, the K3 idea was all a redo. I have a hard time believing that Nicole's apartment and her mom's house had no holiday decor when we know they are a religious family. I feel bad for the dress shop. They have been getting alot of hate about selling Nicole the Dress. The bridal shop posted that they fixed the dress after the last time we saw her try it on to help correct the breast hanging out issues. They also said TLC would not let them offer Nicole another dress. They were told Nicole gets what she wants. It seems like they regret the filming.
  25. I have listened to the stories and recordings and I do believe he was at least using other women for free trips/lodging and possible marriage and money. Nicole has to be the hardest dollars he has earned. If he is a professional scammer, I would think after 2 years of her whining , neediness , disrespectful visits with his family, he could replace Nicole with another lady. Ive watched some documentaries on these scammers and there are older European women that get scammed a lot. I would think it would be easier for Azan to entertain an older European women , then deal with Nicole for his $$.
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