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Everything posted by EllaWycliffe

  1. I really don't know that I would characterize the PI who got fired for stealing coke and who routinely harassed people and who pretty openly commited breaking and entering as "a good guy". Agree it would scar Jonah but all things considered I can see it being justified as saving the family.
  2. I was a bit "so why can't Nancy have her own child in her own place?" since you know.... its how things were done.
  3. I agree. Its not the biggest error but yeah, it either should have been split, or Three the sole heir. Easily remedied too, with a throw away scene of Darlene saying "Did you make your will? The property needs to stay in local hands" and there's how Ruth is the sole heir.
  4. Well, he knows Ruth had a shit ton of money from Darlene and Wyatt dying. He may not specifically know that Ruth used the money for a legal purchase of a majority share in the casino but the purchase was a legal, documented business deal, and now Ruth is dead and he's the only family survivor so lawyers will be in touch. Its not like we're talking about a stash of cash in Buddy's mausoleum. As it is, the lines of inheritance make me wonder why *Ruth* was the sole beneficiary of Darlene and Wyatt dying. I can buy that Darlene might not have had any other relatives alive, but Wyatt had Ruth the cousin and Three his younger brother to inherit... Regardless, Ruth had a lawyer and Rachel was aware of the money. Rachel is reasonably honest and unlikely to somehow screw Three over and if there's no will, there are trackable known financial assets, and there IS the reality that Ruth had legal custody of Three, her cousin so after the estate lingers a bit, it goes to Three as the last Langmore standing.
  5. Three made it to the end. And now likely owns a substantial portion of the casino
  6. The PI showing up and having Ben's ashes after breaking into the Byrd's home was a weak point for me. Mostly because his loyalty to chasing the case made no sense, and worse, once you let yourself be bought, you can't regain the moral high ground. He knows the Byrds are in the cartel and that they consistently "make things happen" to people. He knows that they had the power to wipe out a drug charge and get him reinstated. He's a cop - a reinstated cop - so he has to know that *breaking into their house and stealing Ben's ashes* makes Ben's ashes as evidence inadmissible. Also, maybe I am over thinking this but didn't the Byrds install a massive, super loud alarm system after Darlene etc got into the habit of breaking into the house?
  7. Yeah the "and Camila takes over the cartel" concept is a fail point for me. I don't believe a woman would ever be accepted in a cartel as the leader.
  8. WHy not both? I rather like the idea of Three shooting Camila but I did like Jonah killing the PI too.
  9. I thought she was trying to get a foot in the door by alluding to what they wanted from Charles
  10. Nope. She did have like 5% I think. Rachel and Ruth bought their majority stake from Charles With The Lake House who was pissed with Wendy for basically throwing him away once she used him.
  11. Agreed. Wendy got off on the power - that she decided to tell Shumer the senator or whatever to fuck right the hell off purely because she felt her power rising was so a sign of that She loves the power to be that bitch wolf. Oh yes. Its basically a fail on getting out. The kids maybe - despite probably shooting the PI, Jonas isn't likely to be reported by his parents for murder, so he could move forward with Charlotte and live a crime free, cartel free life. But Marty and Wendy? Are tied to the cartel and to the FBI. Frankly, as is, there's a lot of problems here. Navarro is dead but his sister seems like a bit of a bitch wolf herself. Of all people, Three Langhorne is the largest owner in the casino, and Rachel is likely to be a continued opponent to the money laundering. Marty and Wendy are not free of this at all. And you know what really creeped me out? Was how much he looks like the guy who played the dad on the Waltons now that he's an older man. And just how creepy he was - I'm still musing, seriously, about who was telling the truth, Wendy or him? Was he genuinely always evil or was Wendy such a wild hateful teenager that she drove him to his behavior?
  12. Let me get all deep here. Jonah shooting the PI was the ultimate corruption of everything Marty and Wendy wanted, Marty in particular. What did Marty want? For the kids to be safe and uncorrupted and untainted by the criminal life. Up until this point - they could have moved back to Chicago and pretended the Ozark interlude was just that. Wendy in particular has a deep center of denial and Marty was willing to go along with it because the kids were safe and uncorrupted.... and now Marty is forced to see the truth. That it was ALL FOR NOTHING and his family has gone down the shitter. I wasn't upset over Ruth's death in that I figured storywise she would have to pay for killing Javi - it just didn't make a lot of sense. Camilla had much more reason to suspect the Byrds of killing Javi and she didn't seem that motivated by revenge. I also don't see the cartel or any mexican cartel accepting a woman at the head... but I am ok with Ruth not getting the happy ending because Ruth basically made the choices that led to her death. Wyatt was a dumbass who could have gotten out of Dodge and chose to marry crazy pants Darlene instead and that got him killed. Ruth didn't have to kill Javi in vengeance. Ruth could have taken the money she inherited and gotten out of the Ozarks herself but instead she chose petty vengeance.
  13. I am still weirded out by John Boy Walton saying "have a blessed fucking day" Spoiler - this should tell you my age :)
  14. I find myself wondering what the actual story was - what Granpa Johnboy was really like, versus what Wendy was like as a kid. Was he *really* the abusive monster she claims? I can see some of it being true. Was Wendy really such a horrible teen daughter? Maybe... but they both seem to have warped memories and I'd love to know what the truth is.
  15. Oh we can't blame Auj for this. Jeremy has a long, prior to marriage, history of dressly both oddly and in feminine stylings. I can't be the only one who remembers him wearing skinny jeans, girl styled t shirts and that time he was apparently cosplaying Rerun?
  16. You'll forgive me but I don't think AJ is ready in any way to be a father and is in fact coming at this in a really unhealthy way. His mom has died, he has no family, and gosh darn it, he's going to MAKE HIMSELF A FAMILY! His mom wasn't even in the ground when he made this decision - this life changing decision and he's making it in a grief stricken rush with a flaky woman he barely knows and clearly doesn't respect. She's not but she's not the worst idiot out there having a baby. Yes she lives in a van and has a weird lifestyle. But... she seems to be supporting herself and acts as a functioning adult in normal society. She's not a 12 year old wanting a baby and while it is very nice that AJ is willing to provide a college education and financial support - Padme is clearly able to understand that accepting AJ's money means accepting AJ's terms on her life and AJ's dictates over how HIS child is raised. At least she's not having this baby accidently. I am beginning to suspect that this season ends with Leela and Devon broken up and Leela staring in horror at a positive pregnancy test.
  17. My bad. To be fair, they are interchangeable. ;)
  18. To be fair, SMJ has in prior seasons been a little flakey on her beliefs. Seeing portents and signs that lean toward pagan beliefs isn't new.
  19. I think it can only go to the mid 1970s. Doctors doing housecalls and women birthing at home became a lot less common. Also cottage hospitals like Dr Turner's were being phased out for bigger facilities. There's only so far the concept can be milked
  20. I sorta feel like this should read "our free babysitter has joined the trip" :)
  21. Everything was just so forced and obvious. They literally spelled out the mafia plan to steal drugs with a convenient homeless lady who was "terrified" but also completely open to spelling out the whole plot to where she, the homeless lady with health issues and no car, somehow followed the mafia guy to his mafia hideout warehouse where all the drugs were packaged. Because why the fuck not? AJ's behavior with Padme was so blunt, I don't know how she could have missed the fact that it was his way or the highway. The moment he said he was going to be The Father, that was a huge red flag. Devon had utterly no reason to jump from Leela's bitching about AJ to "So Padme told you about my offer to father your child". He at least seems to understand why it was a bad suggestion. I am not shocked that Leela needed it spelled out by Padma that she was getting Padme's damned eggs but not her boyfriend too. The determined spinal patient and her fun wife meeting Padme who looked like death.... and then Padme NOT getting sleep and Padme getting hauled into a surgery right before her giant 12 hour long surgery..... did we not all know how this would end? I am just shocked the chipper patient wasn't paralyzed or killed. Devon wins the Devon vs Padme fight simply because he really has been open about wanting kids and Padme not so open about how she really isn't interested. Nothing wrong with her choice - but she was avoiding saying it to Devon because she knew it was a deal breaker.
  22. Marceline yes it was Call The Midwife. There it was funny and yes, the person involved had a small clue that they were irritating. Dave has just been a self involved ass since he was introduced.
  23. I like Rob so I have no issues there. I am not seeing the dots between "Dad left us when I was 12" and "Clowns make me think of John Wayne Gacy and Pennywise and apparently my dad" so I assume this will either be a let down or Owen's dad is a monster.... Don't care about TK at all and why am I not shocked that TK promises to take care of it and it gets loose? Carlos the doormat is getting old. I was annoyed by it. Partly because another show I liked did the "obliviously rude house guest" trope and it was very similar except that on that show, the annoying guest was willing to concede being difficult. Dave was a rude, condescending asshole. He was a prick asshole upon his introduction and nothing has changed. I don't want to see more of Dave. I felt a smidge of sympathy for him when the poor bastard in the fire died and then he snots how he's never lost a caller to Grace and my sympathy died. Made worse with his revelation that he's such a perfectionist ass, he looked up the building plans and checked into renovations to make sure *HE* wasn't the one at fault over the poor man's death. Sorry, Dave's a rude asshole and he clearly knows how to manipulate the fuck out of people and its unpleasant to watch.
  24. She's some sort of rocket propulsion scientist at JPL. May should at least consider college because Dispatch will always be there and there's not a lot of promotion opportunities without the college degree. No I am not a pusher of "Everyone should go to college" but she wanted to go, its not easy to get into USC, and employers do look for the college degree. Per a quick google search 911 dispatchers in LA make around 50k a year so her apartment might be a bit much.
  25. She may have been handed the clothes she wore when she entered the convent to take vows. I know I have seen that in nun movies.
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