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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. Ok - you guys!!! Now you have me flinging myself across my bed and writing in my diary - "oh my - Barba is so dreamy! Tonight he said the funniest thng!"
  2. So, this may seem awful but not bad intentions meant... I worked with an awesome, witty gay guy, who catered celebrity parties. He said he did a party for Tom and at some point, Tom pushed him down a hall and pushed hard for sex. This guy said no and Tom kept pushing. This guy finally just pushed him off and immediately left. He was not a liar and very much a good guy, so I tend to believe him. Of course, nothing against gay people, but very against what I consider assault.
  3. Jenna is FAR from normal. Any mention of Scientology and she completely loses it in really sick ways.
  4. God, neoprene... I'd love to try out, only with neoprene. Do you think I could run? I don't sew, but if what's her name could with prints and flowey muu muus, I figured I've got a so shot, right?
  5. Thank you! But I'm just lost on the tinman and lion. Could the lion be Eamon?
  6. Meh, she just broke up with Patrick (or so they say), so i don't think she needs to up her game. The guy was a drunk pig. I'm sure she doesn't want another Jax no matter what. I looked the dental sales guy. He was handsome and didn't seem to drink like an asshole. Her suit was tragic. Who told her or didn't tell her about her nips showing? No way would I spend time with Jax in that RV. Blech. I hope Ariana's bro ends up with Brittany. :) Lala... Just get out of my sight!
  7. Who is the woman behind the wizard with the mask or something on her face? Why no tinman out clearly lion, when they are in a trailer?
  8. What is up with abby and these creepy, everyone's dead or dying routines?
  9. Anonymous' very first mission statement was to destroy Scientology. From wiki "Beginning with 2008's Project Chanology—a series of protests, pranks, and hacks targeting the Church of Scientology". Also, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Chanology.
  10. My son was on a terrible baseball team. Once the coach took the fall for a loss and my son waited and said "coach, it wasn't your fault, we're a team!" He was 6 or 7 at the time and i certainly did not prompt him. He did something like this every game. When he finally hit his only home run, the team, parents and coach flipped out. This is how I expect him to live his life. Best part... Coach was Emilio Rivera from Sons of Anarchy. Lol. But yes, I'm flummoxed by some of the meaness I see and hear.
  11. VPR what have you find to cause me to like Stassi best? Damn it! I was laughing so hard at her comments, like how she goes spray tanning once a week, enjoys blowouts and... Murder! Has she... Gasp... Become a little self aware? I know someone who drank hot tea and coffee with straw because she didn't want to screw up her bleached teeth.
  12. I see what you mean. :). Agree. At the end of the day, I wouldn't want my son put through this. These are kids, not grown adults, making decisions, acting the way they act. Kids. It's sad because if they are painted with an editor's brush, that will follow them. And yes, I know the editors get what they get, but again, kids, without filter. This kid is my fave because he seems sweet, doesn't seem to say mean underhanded things the other older kids say, but he's way out of his league. He should go home soon because his skills are not there. I don't feel like he tattled to Tim, but did seem to be asking for advice.
  13. I thought it was fine going to Tim for advice and that's exactly what Tim gave. I liked that Tim offered to talk to both and the kid said he'd talk to her alone, which is pretty mature. I bet he tried but they edited it out.
  14. My hubby was raised a Jehovah's Witness and although never baptized, thankfully or only elders would be able to speak to him... Yes shunning is alive and well, he's still traumatized by the faith that was taken. He lost his father because he wouldn't follow the church, feels like he lost his family because they are still in the church (although we try to see them often), etc. It's truly heartbreaking what can be done under the guise of religion...
  15. I know the beginning stuff is really "how to be a better you" so you get all caught up in this non-religion, and then start buying classes or getting a free audit session, which sounds great to a person who is trying to be a better person. You know? Especially the, "oh you can be a catholic AND a scientologist" which i think calms some people down. It's definitely creepy. My niece said that to me "oh i could be a Christian and a scientologist" and i just wanted to grab her and shake her.
  16. A friend worked for a law firm who took Scientology on as a client against Anonymous... Within days Anonymous had a video up, talking about the firm, giving names and addresses. I guess the firm dissolved the client relationship within 24 he's of that. So creepy. I took my son to old Pasadena and they have a center. I said "OK if any of those people want to talk to you, RUN!". I hate teaching through fear but I just had no idea how to put all of their abuses into 9 yr old knowledge.
  17. Love that stupid film for sheer beauty and horror. That scene was exactly Cell. Those red Garnet gold "gloves" could have easily been in that film. I love me some VdO, but not here. He's far too fat and mean with stupid non hair. Lol. Love the witches dynamics. They obviously love/hate each other. So is West an opium addict brothel madam? What a horrible way to fall from revered witch. North looked amazing and loved her acting. I guess I need a re-watch for the wizard/witches antics. As for Tip, definitely knew the twist, especially in the bath where I was all "but how can they show young girl boobies.". Then i remembered, oh network TV... Thank you. I'm in for now.
  18. I think the show is doing this interesting coverage starting very far out overlook at it all in the first few episodes and now stepping in granularly on specific horrors and doing really well.
  19. I can't believe how shady Chris came off about Molly's design. I'm not liking some of the attitudes. I bet Izzy was bummed she didn't get to point out that she was wearing cat ears. A'kai just made me so sad over how upset he was. The others seem so much older than him. I just wouldn't want my kid on reality TV. Oh and Tieler? You need to meet Satchel, Rustic and Hero Phantaia... Oh and Elsa Peanut Butter and her brothers Tater and Tot... No lie on any of these names.
  20. I was completely annoyed that Rene called Tim dad. Way too early and familiar. Izzy, you don't need to call out your stupid plant thing. Ugh! The kids are trying too hard. Neoprine!!!! Goodness, can they remove that from Mood?
  21. I'm sorry but Sophia looks like Chaka!
  22. Exactly. She took that crazy bitch calmly. You go little girl! Use it for all you can, then get out! Lol. It really broke my heart when Elianna was crying so hard. That mom is a nutso, so I won't miss that, but hearing that kid cry so hard broke this cold dead heart.
  23. I really like Maesi. Her mom is a nut, but she seems to be pretty ok. Not full of herself. Her mom's a loon but I believe she said Abby's a nut or something like that which cracked me up. :)
  24. I don't think Will and Jayda have actually declared themselves members but they did set up a school based on the teachings.
  25. Someome told me that they get them with the auditing and support first and then they start doing the taxes and I guess that is where they really get them. Taxes. Meh, I dunno. I'm just shocked Katie got away. How was that possible?
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