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Everything posted by caitmcg

  1. From childhood on, everyone in my immediate family (parents, stepparents, me and my brother), when speaking of my father or mother in the third person to any of the others, has used only his or her given name, never Mom and Dad or "your mom/dad." In adulthood, I've called my mother and father by name around half the time, and my father, at least, always signs cards and email to me with his name rather than Dad, and my mother does some of the time. All my maternal grandparents' grandchildren always called them by their given names, not Grandma, etc., by their request (my brother and I have also always used only given names for our aunts and uncles). All of us, elder and younger, find this all just fine. And by younger, I mean currently in our mid to late 40s.
  2. It's true tat the show has not yet said that she is not a midwife. I think we have all assumed that to be the case because it has been stated that her nursing experience was as a military nurse, which would presumably not, in that time, call for midwifery. We shall presumably learn more in the coming episodes.
  3. They established in this episode that a Mrs Someone was at their house with her when the parents are away. She was mentioned when Patrick and Tim were discussing what was for dinner (that she'd left) in the first scene at home, and Patrick told Tim he'd sent her home when Tim returned from visiting Shelagh in the the hospital.
  4. Phyllis objected to the male candidate who responded to the placement ad because he wouldn't be able to do midwifery duties, and when Sister Julienne brought up district nursing, Phyllis pointed out that 50 percent of their time is spent on midwifery, and nixed men for that reason. So it did seem they didn't want someone with no midwifery training, even though I assumed all along that the new nurse would end up being Vera in the end.
  5. I hear that, but while I don't know if they'll actually follow up and provide that resolution, the mention by Stan this season at least means the show hasn't forgotten about Gaad's murder. And this is a show that plays a long game.
  6. As I recall, Stan suggested the CIA ought to be looking into that, rather than trying to use him as leverage to turn Oleg in Moscow, so it seems there's nothing going on that he's aware of, anyway.
  7. So many moisturizers are oil-free these days, and Dramatically Different isn't, which can be an issue for some people's skin. Me, I need something not oil-free, and I swore by it for about 10 years, starting at 18. But then I decided I wasn't going to use a moisturizer without SPF, and now I also prefer something richer for my tending-toward-dry skin.
  8. A little little preview article and video from ew.com. Victoria Yeates's (Sister Winifred) exuberant blond hair was unexpected!
  9. Do you mean only on Amazon Prime, i.e., included in Prime service? (That's just previous seasons, and they become available about when the DVDs come out.) If you're asking about the current season as it airs, I don't have cable or satellite and that's how I watch it. Once you purchase an episode or season pass, you own it and can stream as often as you like or download to a computer or device, and play it on that. (For Prime streaming, there are no limits on how often or how much you stream as long as it remains on Prime.) As for when the new episode becomes available, I usually get an email alert shortly after midnight, so not long after it airs. I'm on the west coast, though, so I don't know if it's available any at a comparable local time elsewhere or whether it's only after it's been broadcast in all continental markets. I don't think most networks offer any real-time web options, and most basic cable networks that have online options, including FX, don't let you watch their content unless you're a cable/satellite subscriber, anyway.
  10. They didn't. As Moose135 said, there was the house they were using for their pilot/flight attendant/Tuan's parents guise, which was shown in one of the preseason 20-second previews, but in the season premiere, both the exterior and interior of their actual own house were the same as ever.
  11. Season 4 was available for purchase to download or stream on Amazon as it originally aired, generally within eight hours of the weekly broadcast, just as it is on iTunes. I haven't had cable for years now, so this is my (legal) option for watching shows on FX, AMC, and the like during their seasons. You do not need to be an Amazon Prime subscriber to purchase episodes/seasons of TV in-season. Things only become available to stream with Amazon Prime membership when they are released on video (streaming services/DVD) generally, same as Netfix, which for TV is usually not long before the next season begins airing.
  12. From the ew.com link: "Also, Henry is there." Laughing here. Poor kid.
  13. It's not pomegranate flavored, or at least, I don't detect any flavor at all, but it has pomegranate seed oil as a botanical ingredient.
  14. My favorite cheap lip balm is Burt's Bees pomegranate moisturizing. I haven't liked the texture of other Burt's Bees balms I've tried, but the pomegranate is pretty hydrating, and neither greasy not waxy feeling.
  15. Plus, people who were that poor and had always lived in the same area, may not have had the wherewithal for that kind of mobility, psychologically if not also economically.
  16. My regular extra-moisturizing hand cream is the shea butter hand cream from L'Occitane en Provence (or, to be honest the relabeled stuff at Trader Joe's for $4.99 rather than $20+ for the same size). I've gotten cracked skin on the back of my hands a couple of times, and the Burt's hand salve healed them. It's a bit greasy going on and has a strongish scent, but absorbs in a couple of minutes and the scent dissipates.
  17. I don't watch a ton of TV, and in recent years, TGW was literally the only CBS show I watched (and like a lot of us, by the final season I was hate-watching my way to the end). I haven't had cable for years, and there have been a few shows on basic cable channels that don't provide streaming access (like FX and AMC) that I was willing to buy a season of on Amazon or iTunes so I could watch as it aired (and then own). I would never buy a streaming service (especially at $10/month) for just one or two shows, even if they're high quality. And of course, we have no idea whether the spinoff will be on par with the first two seasons of TGW, or the last two.
  18. Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys were both nominated for Golden Globes, though the show itself missed out on a Best TV Drama nom.
  19. My skin tends to moderate dryness, but more so around the eyes and I find a lot of eye creams too light (perhaps since so many are oil free). Clinique All About Eyes Rich is an exception for me.
  20. That site's a good resource. I was able to confirm through them that my favorite bra has sadly been discontinued. I've still got a few to wear (it was from Warner's, and I was always able to stock up easily through buy-2-get-1, sometimes even buy-2-get-2 sales at Macy's or online). Then I'll have to go bra shopping, which I dislike, to find a sub.
  21. A sweet story about Victoria Yeates, who plays Sister Winifred, getting engaged while they were filming the Christmas special.
  22. Sooo...Carrie is both wigging off her meds and brilliant: check. Carrie and Dar Adal are against each other: check. Saul can't square his loyalty to/belief in Carrie with whether he can trust her judgment: check. Phil Collins cover: ack. Homeland seasons 1–5: rinse and repeat. That's all I got from that minute of my time.
  23. Hey, I was coming here to rave about Boy Brow as well! Superior to any gel I've tried. It's a pomade-like formula and the texture is very supple; it holds well but isn't stiff at all, and it's easy to apply. I've never used a brow product with color before, but the small brush keeps the color on the hair only if that's what you want, which I appreciate (I barely wear makeup compared to most of you, and my aesthetic is very natural). The Blonde shade works perfectly for me (dark blond/light brown brows). I don't know that it's a holy grail, but I'm liking Glossier's Stretch concealer, too. It's got a light, creamy and comfortable texture that blends easily into bare skin (important to me, as I don't wear foundation) and doesn't get cakey or crease and settle into fine lines under the eyes. It's not highly pigmented, but coverage is buildable.
  24. No one has mentioned the pies? Coincidental to this conversation: Waitress was turned into a musical, which has been running on Broadway since last summer.
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