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  1. It's a shotgun approach, but a lot of the stuff challenging the bureaucracy will go nowhere. They can tie it up for years, because you can't out-bureaucrat a career bureaucrat.
  2. And that's not even getting into the ketamine. I've heard some autistic people doubt that Musk even is autistic. Like I said, I recognized the validity of self-diagnosis, but the richest man in the world could afford to go to a professional (after all he doesn't seem to have a problem getting a prescription for ketamine). Hell, he could afford to pay off a professional. I think he's more likely to be diagnosed as a psychopath. Just perusing wikipedia tells me symptoms of psychopathy include impaired empathy and remorse, superficial charm, immunity to stress and narcissism. I think he plays up autism because that brings to mind eccentric geniuses like Isaac Newton or Nikola Tesla, whereas psychopath conjures images of Ted Bundy and Patrick Bateman.
  3. 77% of Americans are unfit for military service according a 2020 Pentagon study. And also the Panama canal is extremely vulnerable to attack. A lone Panamanian attack could blow up the locks or dams and would result in the loss of stored water which could take up to 2 years to replace (that was from a study in 1970, and due to drought conditions, it may take longer now) making the Ever Given fiasco look like amateur hour.
  4. While I'm not disputing the ability of the left to form circular firing squads, it should be noted that deliberate attacks like Cointelpro also played a part. And the "left" encompasses everything from progressives (and even liberals, but not by many leftists themselves) to an-coms its going to be a lot harder to form some kind of consensus. Musk self-diagnosed. He has never gotten an official diagnosis from a mental health professional. While I recognize the validity of self-diagnosis, I would think the richest man in the world could afford to see a shrink. I think he plays it up because it fits with his visionary boy-wonder genius schtick. His biographer describes him as having a Jekyll and Hyde personality, tends to dismiss anything that displeases him as stupid, and claims to never experience empathy. I'm no professional, but to me this sounds like a psychopath.
  5. So I'm not the only one seeing Elon Musk giving a Nazi salute? Thank you for reminding me why I've hated Elon Musk long before he associated himself with Trump. And for years I've referred to him as Elon Musk: Billionaire Dipshit.
  6. Biden gave the weapons that were used to murder their families in Gaza and Lebanon. After which he comes back and asks them to vote for his vice president who said "not a thing comes to mind" when asked what she would do different from Biden. Trump told Israel to "finish the job" in Gaza. Genocide or Genocide. Shit choice. So I can't blame anyone for how they voted when their own family was killed. Everyone has their moral event horizon, but if we can't draw the line at genocide, where do we draw it?
  7. I personally think a lot knew what they were in for, they just couldn't bring themselves to vote for Harris because she failed to distance herself from Biden. And when they saw him as responsible for the murder of their family members, I can't really blame them for that. It was just a shitty choice all around.
  8. Loath as I am to give Trump any credit for anything, even Biden's own state department is giving him credit here. Now I know Trump isn't doing this because he cares about Gaza (He used Palestinian as a slur, FFS), he cares about the optics and I'm sure he's promised Israel horrible things that will probably make life even worse for the Palestinians down the line. But for now, the killing will stop, so I'll take that as a small victory. It's a stain on Biden's legacy that he did not use leverage on Israel to stop this sooner and he absolutely could have:
  9. They can try, and his most cult-like followers will believe it, but the rest have to see that his people have complete control of the government now. *he said hopefully. I'd be happy if they stopped aiding and abetting him.
  10. The supposed reasoning, at least as I've heard it from Trump supporters is that it will force American companies to reshore and rebuild domestic manufacturing. But these companies will not alter their supply chains to come back to a place where wages are high and people can't afford what they're selling. They left for a reason.
  11. I assume you mean firing on US civilians, because they've been firing on foreign civilians for years. I hate to sound callous, but that's one of the least bad things they could do. I'm more concerned they'll start a war with Iran which would be truly catastrophic for everyone. This is why I think Trump will be extremely unpopular in 6 months. I have family in very Trumpy areas and from what they've told me talking to Trump supporters is that they (Trump supporters) expect things to be fixed right away. When prices are still high or even go up (which his tariffs will do) what will they do then? Don't forget Bob Livingston, Bob Barr...
  12. Thus proving once again that Tim Allen's best role ever was Jason Nesmith/Peter Quincy Taggert in Galaxy Quest.
  13. There's a lot we really don't know about the end of the 18th Dynasty. It fascinates me. As for Daḫamunzu, she could be either one, as the Hittite records mention she was the wife of Nipḫururia which could be the throne names of either Akhenaten or Tutankhamun. I even read it could have been Meritaten, Ankhesenamun's sister and possible wife of the mysterious Smenkhkare. And there's also identity of Nefernefruaten/Nefertiti which seems to be a whole other thing. It was a compound fracture and the skin was broken.
  14. Despite his physical problems, Egyptologists seem to think Tut was still pretty physically active and may have even participated in military campaigns. After his death, his wife, Ankhesenamun, was very likely the queen mentioned in the Daḫamunzu Affair which was a fascinating story. A queen of Egypt (that Hittite sources reference as Daḫamunzu, which is their rendering of an Egyptian title so the true identity of the specific queen is somewhat in doubt) wrote a letter to the Hittite King demanding one of his sons to marry her and become king of Egypt. The Hittite King, Suppiluliuma, was suspicious and after a series of tense letters, he did dispatch his son Zannanza to Egypt, but he was killed on the way. Ankhesenamun then married Ay who was her grandfather. However, the Hittite king blamed the Egyptians for the murder which led to war between the two kingdoms. They think that was from complications of a broken leg and/or malaria.
  15. The funny thing is, Greenland is mostly Inuit used to Danish social democratic policies. Looks like he's adding a new blue state. Watters: Canada... the fact that they don't want us to take them over makes me want to invade. I want send a bunch of other, poorer Americans to fight and die to quench my imperialist thirst because I sure as hell won't be on the front lines! Fixed it for you there, Watters! And since Watters set me up so well, I'll just bust out one of my favorite quotes: To robbery, slaughter, plunder, they give the lying name of empire; they make a desert and call it peace.
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