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Everything posted by Hanahope

  1. I agree that the fight between Reacher and Paulie was not choreographed well, Villaneuva's fight was much better. Still eventually they got across that brains will help beat mere muscles and size. I also thought the shooting of Quinn was a bit of let down, but i guess Reacher wasn't going to take any chances this time. but i bet the Russians would have tortured the guy more first. Quinn got off light. and yeah, Theresa was such a non-entity the whole sturm and drang over her was such a nothingburger imo. At least there was something we felt for Richard. Kindof surprised all of the ATF agents were killed in the shoot out. really doesn't inspire much confidence. I really would love a Neagley spin off.
  2. Who knew Elaina was going to the 13th floor? Verin, Siuan and Lelaine. One of those must be the unknown black Ajah and I’m betting it’s Verin. I hear Moraine moaning on about how she must die for Rand to win, but somehow I’m guessing there is another way . So nice that someone finally figured out there’s something in the water at Two Rivers that produced all these people with powers.
  3. wow, no wonder CBS was having problems getting contestants for the all-BB season of The Amazing Race. hard to compete with that kindof payout.
  4. I had no idea who Kraven was, as I am not a comic book reader. However, i have enjoyed most of these comic-book hero and anti-hero movies quite a lot. I had no idea that Kraven is supposed to be a villain and frankly after watching this movie I struggle to see how he that was so. Clearly there was a complete rewrite of him if he really was a villain, as certainly these days, just about everyone would think someone who hunts poachers (and other criminals) is not going to be a villain. i'll have to look up why or what made him a villain in the comic books. obviously there's some hint of his thing against spiders which i suppose would lead to his eventual opposition with Spiderman? i guess? but no explanation is provided, so no idea why. Morally, they don't seem on opposite sides. . I really enjoyed Aaron Taylor Johnson, i've liked him in several movies. He did a good job with what he had, and so did Ariana DeBose. Calypso was clearly underdeveloped, but this wasn't her movie. the script definitely could have been better, but the movie was much better than Madam Web and Morbius, about on par with Venom, imo. the action sequences were really good, well, yeah the animal parts were kinda meh, but the people fights were cool.
  5. PA is definitely purple. it flips and flops. 2 1/2 years ago, statewide seats went to dems. last year, they went gop. we shall see how they go in 26. its all about turnout sometimes. the dems are lucky they have some time because right now, i know a lot that are pretty disgusted. heh, i wonder how many we will get and will anything get done on that. last time, it was a joke.
  6. She also forgot the main reason that manufacturing succeeded in the US, and that was LABOR UNIONS. Which the GOP is absolutely against these days. Nice interview with Josh Shapiro who was absolutely correct in pointing out that Schumer gave away all leverage the dems had in the CR fight. He is absolutely going to run for president in 28.
  7. i'm a bit late to watching this show. i don't understand why the detectives seemed to think that whoever took Gus was someone close to the family. he was taken in a busy market. it was almost certainly someone who looks for unaccompanied children and times of opportunity.
  8. I can’t imagine the grocery bills of the family with 8 boys. The older ladies and men were clearly the first two teams that were going to be eliminated. Racing in the rain must be twice as hard, especially that tower climb. i would love to see that Buddah
  9. I had thought the prince concort looked familiar but maybe he just had that smarmy smirk that I knew he’d turn out to be bad. In more ways than one it seems. So is Verin good or not? How long until we know? poor Min, it must be hard seeing people’s death.
  10. i'm a bit surprised that Reacher hasn't returned to Beck's place to see if Quinn is there. he has to believe that Quinn is really pissed at Beck for another mole in his household and is quite willing to take it out on Richard. i'm afraid the soldiers won't make it in time to save their brother. Neaghly was lucky the guys that went after her were bad shots.
  11. I'm not sure what Perrin is doing think he's going to turn himself into the White cloaks. Whatever for? pretty rude of Selene to be giving Egwene nightmares, but she is still a foresaken and likely quite jealous. I've not read the books, so i have no idea what "destroyed" means but I'm going to guess it doesn't mean what everyone thinks it means. What's in store for Mat besides horn blowing? the White Tower needs to keep an eye on him. I'm glad Elane stood up to Morgause. I get why Morgause did what she believed she needed to do, but Elane's situation is different and she does need real power if she actually has it. And definitely can't wait to see more Shohreh! Since she's now staying at the tower, does that mean she's going to be informed about the Black Ajah?
  12. Well that moved things along rather quickly and cleared out a lot of Aes Sedai. And now the group is split again, with different plans and goals and Rand taking charge.
  13. its because they are the creepy men that want to invade high school and college girls locker rooms. see trump and his pagents.
  14. I totally think he distracted Gaitok when the robbery took place and his two friends did it. he is good at hiding his true intentions. I have to admit, Jason Issac's accent may be...something, but his acting, his character, is a hoot to watch. the characters of this season may be fairly boring or awful, but i enjoy watching Issac act the hell outta Tim.
  15. I agree that we haven’t really seen all that much of Thailand this season in the show, and the characters have mostly been fairly unlikable, more so than previous seasons. i can’t imagine what Tim thinks he’s going to do with the gun, he doesn’t seem like the suicidal type. i do hope Belinda will be ok. She’s about the only one I like.
  16. It’s all stupid. Sports were segregated because women were beating men at sports, not vice versa.
  17. This must be why so many were introduced as "this is my last year competing."
  18. I got behind, so caught up a bit yesterday. I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed the Black History Month greeting cards. Spot on.
  19. Boy that seemed like a big bubble love fest without any purpose.
  20. Loved Bob’s outfit
  21. Danielle and Carolyn were both idiots to keep Dylan for so long. Too many faithful folllowed him too much. And he was both of their undoing. and Brit was an idiot for switching her vote for Dani. Had she left it to chance, she and Dani could have gotten Dolo on their side against Dylan at the end. Oh well, sucks to be them
  22. If X is a Secret Service agent, he has to have good vision without contacts. so his vision deficiency to not allow him to be a commercial pilot must be something else, like the color issue. I don't think the VP grew a spine so much as he's still a bit scared about being in charge and he's just yelling out. Jane is clearly a psychopath. I think Sinatra probably didn't have Gabby give psych exams to her or Billy (her chosen assassins) because she didn't want anyone to know that they were her 'secret cards to play.' i bet Jane is wishing she had Gabby did the psych exams now. X ran off after Jane shot Sinatra because he cares more about his daughter than Sinatra. he still believes Jane is a trustworthy (if maybe not a completely competent) SS agent, Presley was safe in her care and that Sinatra was just fucking with him. What will happen with the waitress? She really didn't do anything really wrong. will they let her keep doing what she's doing? i mean, what's the point of putting her 'in jail?' or will they push her out the door? It is a real shame that Trent killed the wrong Bradford, but i can see that in his mind, Cal was probably just like his dad. someone mentioned above about the scientist guy just letting Trent go and not arranging for some 'accident.' i'm sure no one thought Trent was going to do anything and would just let it go. even if Trent believed more was going on and being built in the mountain, he didn't know about the imminent natural disaster, and likely no one "reliable" would believe him (as is shown in the note of all the 'mainstream' news media sources with lines crossed through them). certainly quite the coincidence that Trent got sent to prison in colorado. and then found the librarian that looked enough like him. i'm sure he thought, yeah, i could bullshit enough to be a librarian. what if he found say a calculus teacher? or a chef? I do think that Cal may have hoped X listened to the start of the DVD mix tape and realized he had to go to the library for the book. Its been 3 years, is X so sure that Teri is still in Atlanta? I'm not sure the recording made that clear, but i guess its a starting point. Did they show X making any preparations for the trip? And just going alone? I'm not sure that's really the best thing. but i guess he doesn't have anyone he could really trust to go with him.
  23. I don’t understand why Tim’s office keeps telling him (and Saxon) that they are looking for him. He told them he was going on vacation to Thailand didn’t he? Greg was smart to change his name, but Belinda doesn’t quite seem to buy it. Will Tim get addicted to the pills now?
  24. I think it’s bull that if the server gets shafted on a tip they still have to pay bussers or dishwashers. Frankly everyone should be paid a real wage and get rid of that sub wage.
  25. That is absolutely the truth.
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