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Everything posted by Luvzmutt

  1. Thinking we could do without the opening dance sequence and this really bad, not running opening monologue
  2. I’m really bored by Jennifer Lopez. I never thought she was anything special (though I do love The Wedding Planner). I agree with 27bored...I told my daughter earlier that I love watching him perform, he always looks so freaking happy. And I agree Brenden Urie is underrated. I told my daughter last week (we talk a lot) that I would love be to see Panic! At the Disco in concert.
  3. I’m right there with you, Lamima! I live in Baltimore.
  4. Shawn Mendez always looks like he’s having so much fun whenever I’ve seen him perform. And I’m probably in the older demographic, too, and I do know most of the “pop” and country artists. I have a 26 year old daughter who goes to way too many concerts a year (it’s her way of coping).
  5. Kelly Clarkson’s opening was really enjoyable. So much better than a stand up comedy monologue.
  6. So I’ve been warned... skip FTWD?
  7. My DVR cut out towards the end of the episode for a few minutes. How did Meagan end up in a bed?
  8. Thanks! I didn’t realize they both aired the same night. When I went back to watch the 2nd episode last night I caught the end of the first.
  9. My DVR cut off before the episode ended, even though it was set to go 5 minutes over, right as Alexis was telling Tangey about Jordan and Nina (though I was pretty sure it was being taped). Can someone please update me on how they revealed that, and if anything happened after.
  10. I was fortunate enough to see him in Dear Evan Hanson last year.
  11. Bebe rexha was next to Cyndi, camila cabello was on Kesha’s left.
  12. I was just going to post the same thing about U2. What a waste!
  13. I was a bit shocked that Nicole did not mention her children with Tom Cruise.
  14. Can someone please post the answer to the final jeopardy question. My local station broke away for a breaking news update as soon as the FJ music started.
  15. I have a daughter her age who would never act like that. Her comment to me last night was the first thing they tell you when giving you any medication (and in this case, is bet it was an antidepressant or anti anxiety medication) is DO NOT MIX WITH ALCOHOL! Part of the blame can go to her parents who turned her into the entitiled little bitch that she is. Wonder what the multimillion dollar company she "ran" is doing without her?
  16. I'm watching...while putting away laundry. Right now 4/5 Harmony is "performing". I thought Lorde was so cute, and so is Alessia Cara. Didn't like Tay Tay's video until the very end with all her past video selves. The song sucks, it sounds like Britney Spears before she went nuts. Why does Joe Jonas have a pornstach?
  17. I'm so over all the Mel Gibson jokes and cuts to him chuckling in the audience. Hollywood sure has a short term memory.
  18. My daughter is in the same program at Johns Hopkins that Taylor was got her Masters in (she's in her 2nd semester). She just showed me this from her textbook. We both got a good laugh from it.
  19. My daughter is in the same program at Johns Hopkins that Taylor is in. She just started in the fall, so they weren't there at the same time. We both had a good laugh listening to her psychoanalize Corrine.
  20. My first thought when Elliott and Alison showed up to get married was "she won't have to testify against him if they are married"!
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