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Everything posted by DocTerv
I would love to see some background footage of what the heck these people are up to when the cameras aren't on them. It's like they have two totally different "shows" going on. My theory on Austin is he liked Becca and then excitement of being on TV at first. Then the thought of bedding a woman who wasn't thin got the better of him. He doesn't want to say that out loud so because it wouldn't play well on TV so he just bobbles along till he can escape. They could have been good friends if they hadn't had the sex thing to deal with.
S14.E80: Where Are They Now: Boston
DocTerv replied to Emma Snyder's topic in Married At First Sight
Alyssa must have threatened to sue the show for not giving her the husband she ordered. There is no other explanation for her getting all this air time 😆 -
MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation
DocTerv replied to Bella's topic in Married At First Sight
The MAFS Gravy Train's last stop is Divorceville for Jamie and Doug. Beth has been been after that Unfiltered job all along. While she can be super annoying with her over the top fame whoredom at least she doesn't seem to share every burp and fart like Jamie. -
Ever notice how Ryan NEVER looks directly at Brett? He just has this blank out of focus look and a monotone way of speaking. I thought it might just be him but in scenes where he's talking to anyone else, he looks and sounds engaged. I wonder some of Brett's messiness is a sort of passive-aggressive FU to Ryan for not liking her? Bao, honey, you are not Johnny's housekeeper and sex slave. Get yourself on up outta there and be done with him.
MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation
DocTerv replied to Bella's topic in Married At First Sight
I wouldn't watch On the Road with the Hehners if it were the only show on TV, HOWEVER I would never miss an episode of "Where the fuck are we going to park this thing tonight" starring StatisticalOutlier! -
I can't break free either bichonblitz! 🤣 Wouldn't it be interesting to see Eric's first wife and Virginia have a chat? And Elizabeth, please move somewhere off my TV. You are NOT the next big thing you pathetic fame whore. Jamie,for all of our sakes, stop enabling her.
I'm really having trouble getting into this season because there is not a single couple to root for. Usually there is one couple who have the flexibility and sense of humor to give things a go. This bunch is a complete disaster with the exception of Gil who seems to regard his shrew of a partner with a sense of bemused disbelief. Run Gil! RUNN!!!! And take Bao with you because she seems like she might be redeemable if paired with a partner who was looking for an actual human to marry.
Does anyone else get the impression that production may finally be getting a little tired of Jeff’s shtick? In the past he’s been presented as the ultimate manly man survival beast. This round he’s getting quite a different cut. His immature obnoxiousness is being highlighted. Stop staring directly into the camera dispensing your infinite wisdom. You are not the next big thing. SHUT UP JEFF.
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Ok Jeff, because as we know you are the BEST AT EVERYTHING let's see if you can be silent for 60 days. GO!
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Jamie and Beth really seem to think they're going to break into show biz with their very own reality show due to the HILARITY of their ANTICS (insert giant eyeroll here). They are cringe-worthy in their frenzy of attention seeking. It's fast forward for me too.
The overarching theme for this season seems to be contractual obligations and how to fulfill them.
Ok, hear me out on this one. I think for the next season of MAFS they should produce "Couples Consult", a spinoff featuring our favorite still married couples who would Zoom in and give advice to the couples on the current season. It would be a super cheap hour for Lifetime to produce and we all know the couples would be way better at advice than the experts!
MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation
DocTerv replied to Bella's topic in Married At First Sight
Here to agree that deciding to go off your meds a short time before a super stressful life event seems like a really bad idea. To paraphrase gonecrackers and Retired at last said above, take your meds Christina, nobody cares. That marriage is not long for this world. I want to hang out with Woody, Armani, and Miles! They seem like good hearted fun people. Karen is starting to remind me a bit of Perpetual Virgin Iris. She's awfully persnickety. Bennet and Amelia seem to have mastered the idea of not taking themselves so seriously. Having been married for 41 years (last week!), I can definitely say it's an important part of a long term relationship. Mr. DocTerv agrees. 😉 -
I'm trying to imagine what Henry's interviews must have been like. Producer: So Henry, you want to marry a stranger? Henry: Silence. More silence. Yes. Producer: Are there particular traits you are looking for in a wife? Henry: Silence. More silence. Uncomfortable twitch. No. And they came to the conclusion he'd be great TV? I find it painful to watch someone so incredibly uncomfortable in social situations.
Jamie and Beth got their dog on the plane unrestrained by claiming it's an "Emotional Support Animal". ESA dogs fly for free.See the little red vest with the wording on the sides? You can order those vests from a multitude of places and while they may look official, they mean nothing. Then you buy a letter from an internet "doctor ormental health professional" stating you have to an ESA to fly due to your overwhelming fear issues. No doubt there are people with a legitimate need for an ESA, but in many, many cases it's nothing but scam to fly your dog for free and to avoid putting it in the cargo hold. People who use this tactic with their untrained pets cause a huge problem for people who need to fly with their legitimate Service Dogs. Service Dogs are a totally different thing and they are covered under the ADA. Yes, it's confusing. People who take advantage of this make me want to throw them off the plane in midair. Thank you for coming to my TED talk on Service Dogs vs. Emotional Support Animals.
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It was bugging the heck out of me but I finally pieced together than my vision of Amelia seeing patients is based on Dr. Kylie from MadTV (yes, I know, I AM old). The only thing Dr. Kylie was missing was the bird on her head.
For someone who was so terrified of Covid-19 that she was sobbing in her car about the danger to her baby, Jamie sure had a lot of people at the delivery. A photographer lurking around shooting every writhing moment? Really? I'm needing some personal distancing from Jamie's spawning. 😱
I'm really enjoying this series. I loved Kristine and Keith from the get go as well as Greg and Deonna. Both couples had a undercurrent of playfulness that seemed to bode well for their marriages. Deonna harassing him about a baby reminds me of the time I harassed my husband about buying me a pickup truck. It was understood between us that it was all in good fun. The truck was red. Jamie and Beth seem to enjoy fighting and yelling at each other so I guess if that's agreeable to both of them, have at it. Their dynamic makes me nervous. Jepthe and Shawnice have always been favorites and I hope things continue to go well for them. Their daughter is adorable. Ricky Bobby and Danielle.....fine. AJ and Steph seem to have things together. Steph is awesome as always. Jamie. I swear I have pulled backward tangled triplet lambs from ewes who made far less of a spectacle of themselves. Heaven knows I'm use to looking at tons of gross stuff (I'm a vet) but Jamie is squickin' me out with all the moaning and half naked writing around. Geeze.
Matt looks like he's homeless with his greasy hair and the knees out of his jean sweatpants. He appears to badly need a shower. Thanks to our NC legal folk, I'm now of the opinion that Amber and he are milking this divorce thing for just a little extra camera time. They are both abhorrent. It's interesting how different some of these couples are on Couples Couch (which was far more entertaining than the actual show this go-round) so my observations are based on that rather than the reunion. Danielle looks way prettier just hanging around her house with Bobby than she did when she was "professionally made up. On CC,Shawniece and Jephte seem cute and comfortable together and appeared to regard each other with a lot of affection. I've been married 40 years and it's been my observation that the white hot "falling in love" phase over time becomes a much stronger bond based on absolute trust, humor,and shared experience, . They seem headed in that direction. The reunion seemed to stir up some old stuff between them. Jamie and Beth surprised the heck out of me. I thought they'd have killed each other by now but they seemed relaxed and happy together. Beth wasn't nearly as obnoxious as usual on CC. Shocked. I was shocked I tell you! Sam realized she was an asshat to Neil and she owned her faults and seems to have changed a lot since they are friends now. I shall forgive her a little for being so mean to darling Neil.
S10.E08: Home is Where Your Spouse Is
DocTerv replied to gonecrackers's topic in Married At First Sight
This mess, my friends, is what you get when folks want a wedding but have no idea what's involved with in a marriage. They are responding to pressure from society and family to get married and have children by age whatever. They want a big party with fancy clothes and the spotlight on them. They think people fall in love on a time schedule. What do you mean you may not love me in 8 weeks? They don't seem to get that their partner may not always fulfil their every fantasy. Very few of the people on any season of MAFS seem to grasp what's involved with an actual marriage. When you've been with someone a while and decide that while it drives you insane that he puts the dishes in the sink when the damn empty dishwasher is RIGHT THERE, but you just deal with it because love him, THEN you can get married and have a chance of it lasting. Married 40 years so I have thoughts on this. And on Mr. DocTerv's loading of the dishwasher. 😉 -
Zack's total lack of self aweness makes me wonder what he actually asked for in a mate. I can see him thinking that asking for someone intelligent, athletic, and adventurous made him SOUND good to the experts. What he actually wanted was a blond booby chick who was dumb as a hammer so he could dazzle her with all his big fancy words and complicated though meaningless sentences. Mindy stop clinging and move on with your life. Michael and Meka both look like they are having the world's longest root canal. Without anesthesia. Brandon strikes me as someone who has been petted all his life by the women around him, possibly in an attempt to make up for the loss of his brother and an otherwise tough life. When things don't go his way, he has a hissy fit. He seems to go from 0 to mad as hell in a flash. I watch Couples Couch with the closed captioning on because some of their remarks are pretty amusing and I enjoy seeing couples that I rooted for in the past enjoying some snark just as we do here. Why yes, I am easily entertained, thank you for asking. 😉
Zack honey we all know that describing yourself as brutally honest is code for "I'm an asshole." It's pretty obvious you just signed up for this "experiment" because you thought it would benefit your supposed career as a male model. (insert massive eye roll here). Brandon, being pissy to someone all day because they annoyed you is NOT a panic attack.
Please save me a seat at Table Snark. I only watch MAFS so I can enjoy y'alls comments. Zack seems to auditioning for life as a Z list celebrity. Where will he turn up next? Vanderpump Rules? Judge Judy? Couples Couch has been pretty entertaining. Keith and Kirstine are so adorable. I'm sure it's because some of us were really rooting for them. 😄 Does anyone else think that Doug looks ill? He looks exhausted, thin, and his color is terrible.
I'm going to sit by sometimesjennifer the other people who rooted for Deonna and Greg and so we can clap and cheer that we were right. I think D/G did their work and grew together quietly off camera. I think they share a very dry sense of humor that may not be obvious to outsiders but the two of them get each other. I think they should hang out with Keith/Kristine and RickyBobby/Danielle and have a lovely life. Oh, and IIIIIris. PLEASE take it DOWN about 10 notches with the self congratulations.
MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation
DocTerv replied to Bella's topic in Married At First Sight
Given our seemingly unanimous disgust with the "experts" every season, I propose we speculate on a new set of folks who might actually be able to match these people up while quickly weeding out the BS like Luke, Matt, and Restraining Order Ryan. I hereby nominate Keith and Iris' moms. And maybe Big Red Beth who has no problem asking hard questions and throwing coffee tables if necessary. Your thoughts?