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  1. And this would turn me right the f off. Leave your romantic and grudge relationships at the door please.
  2. Thank you!! Much appreciated.
  3. @SilverStormm I apologize, you should have been brought into this discussion long ago. Now that The Rookie: Feds has been picked up by the network, is in final production, and has a premiere date, can it no longer be a subforum and instead be treated as all other spinoff shows are and given its own bona fide top forum status? I'm sure those of us who do not intend to watch or follow The Rookie: Feds we would appreciate if you could please convert from a subforum of The Rookie. This action would be consistent with the status of all other spinoff shows take for example all the various shows in the NCIS franchise as an example. Thanks.
  4. And yet, as explained to you above (and that you also admitted) you voluntarily elected to follow the subforum The Rookie: Feds and as a result have the ability to unfollow it. Did you perhaps follow best practice troubleshooting practices and try to recreate our complaint? You were halfway there but apparently didn't take it all the way. Once you unfollowed the subforum The Rookie: Feds, go to the forum for The Rookie, you'll see the subforum, click into it, now take a look at that little bookmark looking thing that allows you to follow and usually unfollow a forum. I'll lay money you no longer have an option to unfollow it. Once again, it is not a bug, it is a subforum. No bug report is needed and would be a superfluous and wasted effort.
  5. lol, that is exactly the point. We are NOT able to unfollow it for the very fact that it is a subforum. ETA: But we would all very much like to unfollow it. Hence the initial request to make it it's own forum so that we don't have to get the new post indicators
  6. It is not a bug. It is a subforum. Your screenshots prove nothing other than you were following a subforum and then you were not. Noone is saying you cannot purposely follow a subforum, what we are saying is that because it is a subforum of The Rookie. Those of us that follow The Rookie are by default following The Rookie: Feds as least as far as new post indicators are concerned. Perhaps you missed where I pointed you to your very own screenshot that definitely shows the path for The Rookie:Feds which unquestionably indicates it is a child (aka subforum) of The Rookie. Perhaps you also missed b4pjoe's 1st screenshot that also shows with a doubt that it is a subforum. It is even circled for you
  7. It is most definitely still a sub forum. No matter how many different ways we are given to 'unfollow' it, the fact remains it is a sub forum and there is no way to unfollow the forum. In fact take a look at your 1st screen shot, right above where you wrote "click", it shows the path which makes it quite obvious that "Feds" is a child of "The Rookie" In your case you probably did what the rest of us didn't and specifically chose to Follow the forum thereby giving you an option to Unfollow it (although I'll point out that even if you unfollow it you will by default still be following it because it is a sub forum.)
  8. Honestly, I don't for one second believe Nick is the actual dominant in that family, they are just playing it that way for the show so that they fit into the premise. The dynamics of their interactions indicate to me that April is the one who is actually in charge. Watch closely at their body language and non verbal cues and I think you'll see what I'm talking about, it is subtle but undeniable if you know what to look for. Don't worry, live chat doesn't appeal to me at all so I just skip the first 1 1/2 - 2 pages of clutter to get to the episode posts for some of the more considered thoughts.
  9. yeah, I had to go to the fandom page once you reminded me of the episode when he appeared outside as human.
  10. I forgot about the handheld holographic generators used in previous episode.
  11. Isaac was only able to appear human in their version of a holodeck. He wasn't wondering about the ship looking like a human. So unless the facility the device was in was outfitted in what amounts to holoemitters as far as we know, kaylons can't look like humans
  12. Prior to 1900? So for the last 122 years what we have been doing is not understandable?
  13. lol, but I do actually watch this one and I don't read the boards for BDM so not really hate reading unless I'm misinterpreting what you're saying. It's funny you mention sister wives because I used to hate read there but... well, I just don't venture onto those boards but once in a blue moon. I do sometimes watch the show though but read the forum nah I'll pass.
  14. I haven't watched BDM since the Hannah debacle. Barely tolerated Cpt Sandy and 'whats-her-name" bosun before that, certainly wasn't going to even hate watch and add to their viewers after so I have no idea about any fall last season.
  15. That was hilarious but could have ended SO badly. Ever since they brought that out I've been wondering what they would do if someone didn't let go while over the water or, as in this case, not at all. Now I know, they stand there dumbfounded and mutter 'uh, uh, ok uh, let go now, now, now, oop alright well here you are again we better catch him'. I wonder if we will see it again or if it will be "put away" in favor of reduced liability.
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