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Everything posted by jiminycrispies

  1. I have been living under a rock this past week so I just found out about the potential cast leaks and wow it's all so very underwhelming. I'm not really excited to see Paul, Paulie, and Nicole F together again in the BB house. I felt bad for Amber when her gameplay was trashed by Caleb so I'm glad that she might get a second chance to play. Not really looking forward to seeing Janelle. I loved her and Kaysar but I heard that she's a Trump supporter so idk if those two will have as solid of an alliance as they did before. Maybe location? Donny lives in North Carolina, maybe most of the cast we end up with currently live near California/LA?
  2. I was sick to my stomach when I found out about this. Like you said, I should stop being surprised but I guess I'm asking too much of humanity at this point. Honestly disgusting and I hope he is fired.
  3. I just started watching this show on Hulu and just finished this episode. I have to say, I'm really annoyed that they killed off Eve. I thought she was cute with Malcolm but the main reason I'm mad they killed her off is that it just seemed so unnecessary. She was already leaving, did they really have to kill her off? Couldn't the writers just have her travel the country in hopes of finding her sister instead of giving Malcolm/The Whitly's yet another tragedy they have to face? The whole girl in the box storyline turning into Endicott being the main villain really seems so convoluted and out of left field. I mean we saw a younger Malcolm visiting Martin in a not so cozy cell in the first episode. So now because of Endicott, he was always in that larger cell? It just doesn't make sense. I wish the Junkyard Killer arc had lasted the whole season instead of wrapping up so quickly, it was a lot more interesting than this arc.
  4. But remember, he's only semi-identical! While I also think it's a pretty cheap ploy, I didn't really care because of how much I like Marsden as well. Also I laughed at Jen's reaction and "am I dead" line.
  5. I feel like they introduced way more people in the four new episodes compared to the first four and so I don't really care for the newer ones at all. Especially alex/adam he is the worst. I like the OG alliance that's going on between the original players. If any one of them win I wouldn't be mad. I think my favorite has to be Seaburn/rebecca right now. I'm really enjoying how into the game he is and his reactions and I can't believe no one has caught on that he's a catfish yet. I can't wait to see their reactions.
  6. Antonio is just...there. I feel like everyone else is trying to make connections and starting conversations and he just does nothing unless someone else tries to message him. I think the only people he's messaged are Mercedeze and I think Rebecca/Seaburn
  7. After seasons of hating myself for watching Big Brother I was in serious need of a new reality show with a social experiment aspect to it and I am loving this concept. Who are your favorites so far? I like most of the cast except Joey can be a little annoying and the new guy Alex/Adam seems to be a know-it-all jerk. Maybe I'll warm up to him later on.
  8. Just finished watching the season and I definitely loved the side characters this season more than last season. That being said, last season was a little bit more satisfying since there was at least someone (Peach, Ron) around to call Joe out on his BS. Yea this season had Candace but we never had any idea of what her plan was except to try and protect the Quinns from Joe. The main reason I like this twist is that it sends the message across that Joe is clearly a psychotic stalker, not some misunderstood damaged soul. Here is someone that clearly understands him and accepts him but he doesn't want that. He's a predator and he enjoys stalking his prey. Also - Justice for Delilah! She was my favorite character this season (by the end of the season Forty was up there as well) and I was so sad that she died. Yes, I totally agree. I know that Candace said she was "texting someone every hour" but I'm sure that was a lie she made up to make sure Joe didn't hurt her. Still it would be interesting if maybe she was telling the truth and next season Joe is being tracked down by a friend of Candace's. Maybe it could be that friend that Joe ran into at Peach's party in season 1.
  9. Even though I liked the premiere, I enjoyed this episode a lot more. I liked the case and the flashbacks that showed Grey's relationship with Dex, and I got what I wanted which was some kind of overarching mystery. I'm assuming that Frank/Grey's past is going to be an issue throughout the season. I loved him in Almost Human and Common Law and I'm hoping we get to see him fleshed out a little better in future episodes.
  10. I just finished watching Veronica Mars season 4 on hulu and was in serious need of another detective show so I'm glad I decided to check this out. The pilot episode didn't blow me away, but I still enjoyed it. I had no idea this was based off of a graphic novel so I'm curious if the first season will eventually have an overarching mystery or if we'll just have weekly cases. Hoping for the former because I might lose interest if it's just another procedural. The cast is amazing, though. Looking forward for episode 2.
  11. I just finished season 4 on Hulu and my unpopular opinion is that I thought the season was pretty good. Much better than season 3. I wanted more Wallace and Weevil but I think that the loss of Logan was not a bad thing and a pretty good thing. I have always thought that the relationship between Logan and Veronica should have ended in season 2 and so the season 4 ending made me interested in the future of the show...if we ever get a season 5.
  12. I was looking for a show to help scratch my mystery loving itch and started watching this a couple of days ago. I enjoyed the first season, it wasn't perfect but it was good enough for me to start season 2. What a disconnect! Right off the gate I was super annoyed with Emily's dumb earring. Idk why, the random black hoop bugged me. What I liked about season 1 was that there was a single mystery to latch on to and there was a clear story-line. I thought the cases this season were really weak. I'm not thrilled that they had to connect yet another case to Emily and was bored by the FEMA attack case even though it had potential to be really good. The end of season 1 was already frustrating as a viewer because of how everyone was turning on Emily (I hated her husband and his wife by the end of the season) but season 2 just doubles down on it. Yea, she might not be the best person but everyone seems to forget that she was apparently tortured for SIX years!? I also did not like her new love interest and was so annoyed when they predictably killed off Tommy. I stopped watching after episode 7 so not sure if everything makes sense with the remaining 3 episodes, but super disappointed about this show's sophomore slump,
  13. I was thinking about Powerless, I completely forgot he became the head in Santa Clarita!
  14. I was just thinking about this show the other day since I was watching a show Parker Young was on. I feel like any show Alan Tudyk is on is doomed to fail. He's so funny and picks pretty good projects but he's just cursed lol.
  15. I just finished season 3 and I had to remind myself of this as well! So much happened and yet it never felt rushed or confusing. I have to give props to the writers for that. Also RIP Cotyar, I didn't expect to get so attached to him but I missed him a lot once he was gone. His goodbye to Avasarala made me more upset than Miller's death.
  16. His relationship with Mooney is so bizarre lol. Like during the first flashback when Mooney locked him in the glass room I thought that the reason Joe was so screwed up was because Mooney was abusive. But then the last flashback where he basically tells Joe "I know what you are" was really interesting. Did Joe do something when he was a teen as well for Mooney to recognize the signs of I guess a sociopath is what Joe is?
  17. I was wondering this too but maybe he considers it a trophy like all of the stuff he took from Beck or Benji's watch. I have a feeling that Mooney was put into his current state by Joe and that it wasn't just a stroke.
  18. The "Other side" is Swaggy, Faysal, Kaitlyn, Bayleigh, Haleigh and Angie. I think. I also don't think they've named themselves. I believe Scottie is more aligned with this group and JC is more aligned with the other group.
  19. I believe it's winston, brett, tyler, rachel, angela and kaycee.
  20. Hey everyone, just joined this site because of this show so I could go somewhere to talk about it. Finally finished the second episode and I really like this cast so far. A lot of the people last season (plus the return of Paul) had me not really all that interested so I quit early. But this season seems a little different than the past two. Maybe it's because it's all new blood or maybe it's just optimism but I'm excited for this show again for once. I thought I was going to be annoyed by Swaggy C but the second episode made me like him more and I think I could really route for the group of five he's with if it turns out that's a legitimate alliance.
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