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Everything posted by PicnicLife77

  1. Oh no, I actually don't know one way or the other to be honest. If that's a term you are comfortable with then that's perfectly fine. I am not a WoC and am only seeking to understand. All I know is that others found that term offensive and vilified the white woman who used it. But I digress. Thank you for entertaining my question 😊
  2. I have a legitimate question here that I hope doesn't come off wrong. In two posts now you've referred to "colored people" and have mentioned that you are a WOC. On a different show (part of MTV's Teen Mom franchise) a participant was raked over the coals for using the term "colored woman" rather than "woman of color" when she truly didn't know better or mean any harm. A huge deal was made out of it. Now I'm confused.
  3. Darian's pant suit is okay with me.
  4. Ellie's dress is freakishly short, too.
  5. @LibertarianSlut Your description of Alex reminded me of a phenomenon my family acts out from First 48 where suspects shrink into their clothing like turtles. We've counted almost 20 people who stuff their arms into Tshirts or hide in their hoods. And granted, most of those people SHOULD be ashamed of themselves, but the immaturity is still so irritating.
  6. I would just really like to see a show that actually follows couples AFTER they try to parent as teens. I liked this show better than the TM franchise, and 16&P used to kind of serve this purpose, but as others have said, Unexpected was done well yet dragged on in terms of the births. And it's all kind of confusing. Tyra has had her child for a while, but we didn't get to see daily parenting. Then we have the girls who just popped. I get that people are more into the drama than a teen version of "bringing home baby'" but I believe the day-to-day content would serve a better purpose and not just create more D list reality characters.
  7. The navel gazing! 😂 I'll admit I've done my share of it in trying to make sense out of my life, but the more I see and listen to them do it, the further I want to be from that way of life.
  8. Merkin 😂 I did roll my eyes at all that talk by the pool, but I don't think it's fair to say that's ALL she is worries about. She very clearly articulated some raw sadness about the situation in general. I was actually very impressed with and hurt for her. If she had ONLY said what she said by the pool I would see things completely differently. I do think it's ridiculous that she basically thought she was set for life (and was okay with that), but I think now she is experiencing a real fear of insecurity and trying to get out ahead of the situation. And because of the promises and her gullibility and lack of qualms with it all, she now finds herself in quite a pickle that we all (and her own mother) saw coming either way. ETA: I'll just put all my episode thoughts here: I really actually liked everyone this time around. I truly did. With the exception of Alex. Also was disappointed with the creepy vibe of Lawrence's controlling rant at the end about raising his son how he wants. Up to that point I can honestly say all the others, teens and parents, grew on me this time around.
  9. Good, I would have been happy with Mackenzie, Claire, Elli or Dani.
  10. The two I'd most like to see reaudition are Tori and Katy, but it looks like Katy has moved on. I don't blame her.
  11. Is Dawn also any type of "advisor" to B&T? I know she doesn't live in their area, but do we think she communicates with them? The time when they all met at the zoo she seemed to have facilitated that interaction. I just wonder what she says to B&T.
  12. I don't think anyone here is arguing that. Nor would I want them to be her parents. I think we're all just pointing out the perfect storm of a vague system, somewhat predatoryish practices, teen birth parents and lack of resources and healrhy family support. It's all culminated in this mess we are witnessing today. Even a couple episodes ago Dawn was incredibly vague and seemed to be encouraging more contact with Carly. For these two, I can see how they can't make sense out of it all. They need better guidance. And I'm one who believes once a month is a horribly intrusive amount. But nobody is telling them otherwise.
  13. IMO that's because they don't recognize that they've been misled by Dawn. I believe that's half the problem and why they blame "Brandandtheresa" as much as they do.
  14. I agree except that they weren't adults.
  15. Once a month seems way too often to write to Carly. That's an intrusion, especially considering it's coming out of the blue. I understand that it would take a few years to really establish a healthy pattern, especially before the child is old enough to understand, but I think it would have made more sense to set a consistent number of times to write or send something, regardless of what was going on in everyone's lives. Maybe on her birthday and Christmas, and MAYBE one other time throughout the year if she begins to show interest. The consistency would remove the pressure and expectation for all parties.
  16. Any word on Tori? I hope she re auditions.
  17. Yeah, I really wished they wouldve brought up Rhine's absence. That in itself says a lot.
  18. So much that was just icky and frustrating about this one. Normally a little drama is at leastentertaining, if we're being honest, but none of this really was. It was all just ... really, really frustrating to witness.
  19. Ethan is a nice, responsible (likely gay) young man. And I love Myrka crying about motherhood. Hmmm, why do we think your mother was trying to warn you?
  20. The thing for me is, nobody would be commenting on Jen and Larry's relationship with Rhine if Bentley wasn't affected. When Jen and Larry made the comparison to how Maci would feel if Bentley later developed similar issues, it wouldn't be a fair comparison unless Bentley had a child. That's the whole point, here. Handle your addict son however you see fit, but it becomes everyone else's business when a grandchild is involved.
  21. Oh my gosh, I bet you're right!! I couldn't figure out why that was so offensive.
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