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TigerLily is married, had a baby and is happy with her young husband. Nothing to see there. She’s quite able to remove herself from that relationship if she wants.
Niles is Eating!
S08.E24: Tell All: No Limits Part 5
Eme replied to TwirlyGirly's topic in 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After
I’ve followed all of the 90-Day participants from the beginning. Loren and Alexis didn’t offend….until last night. Once Sophie and Thias mentioned Loren’s entitled attitude, she immediately confirmed it. Aggressively stating their entitlement to leave early then chastising others for not doing the same. Very sketchy. Loren then sat down and stated that they could ask her anything because she “had five minutes.” As soon as Sophie started telling her what their issues were with her, Loren started yelling and defending herself. She did not allow any questions. Loren had nerve begging for hugs then calling the them out as being “half assed”. Guess what, Loren? They don’t like you. They didn’t want to touch you. They had a point. During the show, they appeared, allegedly, to have some tricky issues. None of these were pried into like other’s on the Tell All. While the scenarios could all be made-up for entertainment purposes, I can only comment on what was shown during the season: 1) Alex, allegedly, not wanting to care for his children while she recovered from elective surgery. No offense, Alex, but single parents do this Every Day. They work hard jobs, they arrange for childcare, they cook and clean and manage to attend to their children also. Then they wake up the next day and do it again. If he doesn’t like how much work his kids are, then he should invest more time and attention into them. Bringing home the money is not enough. 2) Loren’s alleged lack of self-esteem. She wanted the surgery and claimed it helped her mental state. Alex did not care one bit about that. Allegedly, he wanted her back doing household chores as soon as she was cleared by the doctor. Their date night was ruined when he got ugly about her wanting him to be supportive. When she tried to explain how she wanted to work again, he shut her down. He’s really good at that. No amount of plastic surgery is going to make her whole. (see Jasmine). Allegedly, Loren should spend more time working on her own family issues rather than being a Mean Entitled Girl about others. Emily playing all sides was also unattractive. We see how she should have been concentrating on her own fight to not name her baby after his best friend who doesn’t respect her, allegedly. Instead, she also looked like a mean girl at the Tell All. On another note, Sophie not smiling was her prerogative. She’s got major issues with her husband and she has real reasons to be concerned. Loren pointing out that Sophie didn’t smile was ridiculous. Stay in your lane Loren. Don’t be a person who thinks “women need to smile more.” -which is how her comment came across. Their time should come to an end on this franchise. Along with Ed and Angela. No more Pillow Talk or other spin-offs. They came on to show their relationship under the 90-Day visa. They did that. Once her mother called her a B on screen (when they visited his family) it was clear their family was suffering from the camera time. They’ve overstayed their relevance. -
Mary likely wants to come to the US to get the Money For Nothing all Americans get. Coughnotsomuchcough. It’s gotta be better than the 75cent profits at the store. Kim is 30 and should have googled Indian Traditional Families before she agreed to get married. She lived there for a while but managed to live in a bubble. Weird! No friends to talk to about the culture? No attempt to learn the language? I suspect she sat in her room on the phone all day until TJ arrived so she could complain about being alone. Her language at the Tell-All was appalling. She’s too old to act the Rebellious Teen. Shekinah and Sarper deserve each other. Julio seems to have moved on from Kirsten once His Family put the kiboch on his moving to Europe. He didn’t end it well and I’m not convinced the Dude she was talking to wasn’t just a friend. Her broken-hearted crying convinced me and he was cold blooded about it. She’s better off without him. Danielle RUN! Get out of the DR snd find a spot in the US. Yohan’s liaisons will only continue to humiliate you on that island. Cut your losses and Move On.
Loren & Alexei: After the 90 Days
Eme replied to Drogo's topic in 90 Day Fiancé: Other Spinoffs & Specials
Those “parents” are horrid. We saw how relentlessly rude they were to both Loren & Alexi in Israel. They did not let up, and now the mother expects an apology from THEM? That’s real bullying. Both parent’s anger was so vicious, I cannot imagine how much L&A had to overlook the rudeness just to make it through the vacay. Live and learn….never invite them on any vacations. I’m sure Loren has gotten used to getting help from them, and it’s got to be hard to not have it when she’s so pregnant. Nice time to cut her loose. 😞 So now both the mom (lowercase) and sister, who should be throwing the shower, RSVP’d “No”….no class at all. Hope this propels Loren to move far away….any where really since they said anywhere that’s not their location in Florida, they will “not approve”. Also, why are they so firm in believing their approval is needed? -
90 Day: The Single Life Live Chat
Eme replied to Frozendiva's topic in 90 Day Fiancé: Other Spinoffs & Specials
I’m I the only one who thinks Alonya is not so into Ceaser? They would be a cute couple but, alone, Cesesr is WILD and is ready for a Wild Life (let’s not forget the chocolate underwear he bought for Maria). I’d feel quite bad if Alonya came here to live with Cesear and had to ride on his bike handlebars to get around. It would be sad. Sounded like he wants another season of The Single Life to “ get to know Alonya better.” Um no. Alonya needs to move on and find another Match and not waste more time on Cesear. Oh Vero! How far she’s fallen by going for the pretty face. She identifies that she wants a Relationship, then settles for Kim Jr. who has no qualms humiliating her on teevee by announcing that he’s single and ready to mingle. I loved Tim even more last night. He is the one who Vero runs to when these Bad Choices turn out bad….when she wakes up and realizes she’s the only one who has deceived herself. Her nose was all open for Jamal, which would have been nice if he felt the same, but he doesn’t. Tim is right though….if he’s into you, he treats you Right….right away…..at a minimum. -
90 Day: The Single Life Live Chat
Eme replied to Frozendiva's topic in 90 Day Fiancé: Other Spinoffs & Specials
Why does No One address the elephant in the room where Debbie is concerned? She did her level best (including cackles of glee) to entirely RUIN Coltee’s marriage with Larissa, then his relationship with Jess. She even turned on “relationship-wrecker” Vanessa, so much that she had to flee the house to live with a cousin. Comeon now. No matter how much the Fellow-90-Dayer’s want to rewrite history and make Debbie a martyr, we all saw it with our own eyes-Debbie has always been horrid. She’s mean. She’s been a horrible mother and so judgey with others on the panels. Josh had the best comebacks-there was no way to shut her up, especially when it was not her segment and she was Demanding answers. ?!? Sadly, no one challenged her gibbaldy-gook when it was her turn to bring on the cringe. Sure Coltee is a mess, and Tania’s butting-in to exclaim that She was able to pull away from Her Needy Mom at 18, so Colt Should Have also -is so obnoxious. Debbie had a vice-grip Colt and there was no way he was leaving. Shut up Tania-we all see what a Glorious Success she’s made of her independence. Also, the only thing that makes sense for Nat is that the three of them are all very aware of Mike doing her a Solid by helping her get her papers to stay in the US. That is why Mike sticks around. That is why Nat hugs Mike- to not humiliate him on teevee again. That’s why Trish comes on to bash Nat-The Drama!! Of Course Nat won’t divorce Mike-she wants those papers! Of course Josh will hang around-he’s not interested in anything serious. Of course Mike hangs around, he’s doing her a solid. Would love to be a fly on the wall when Tiff’s Mom heard her commiserate with Colt by saying that she also had a difficult Mom—the one that babysits when you are África for months? -
Glad to hear people are giving the side eye 👀to the play station. I’m thinking it’s the same one she gave the International Superstar because he probs didn’t open the box. Remember when he was trying to give it back to her after that big fight at the video shoot? I think it’s a regift, so Jamal shouldn’t be so thrilled, Userman didn’t put much thought into it. Telling Jamal he wants RESPECT in exchange for the gift is pretty rich. I’ve seen none of his friends or family give Kim any respect despite her bankrolling him…or giving the family a cow! Hope Jamal sees through Userman-I’m here with the popcorn.
Agree! Tania says she wants a child—better get that divorce so she’ll stop scaring away potential Baby Daddy’s! I think we all suspect her looking at women is just to extend her life on teevee. What with her extended vacay she’s as consistently insincere as ever. She has zero intention to move forward with her life and is vacating to escape from reality. Bugged when she “cries” for the “Lost Sinjin Epic Love”....once she told him he was not her Soulmate, it was O.V.E.R. Why cry over a relationship she was not that into because he refused to give her a baby? She needs to get off the show and find someone away from the cameras before it’s too late to have a baby. Just sayin’.....
Much as I like Veronica, and I do, her relationship with Justin serves as a cautionary tale for people jumping the gun before getting to know someone. She was so anxious to be with him that she ignored his “cold sore” (the gift that keeps on giving), pushed away Tim at Justin’s urging, and deluded herself that they “had a relationship” even though he didn’t contact her for weeks after she slept with him. Comeon now. It’s one thing to be excited about a new guy, it’s another to be so desperate that all sense goes out the window. The only person she should be mad at is herself for not being more choosy. Justin is not emotionally available and she ignored that to push her own agenda. Hopefully she’ll be more careful next time.
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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here
Eme replied to Frozendiva's topic in 90 Day Fiancé
I called it! It’s not legal to have a Second wife In the US. Kim’s proudly reading the contract to the Attorney and getting a cold splash of reality was just a treat from Production. Wonder if Userman will go forth with the Visa/marriage or will listen to Mama and marry the PYT and start having children. Also, PYT was Not Having It that she’d be #2. She knows she’s young and cute and doesn’t have to settle. -
All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives
Eme replied to NewOrleansLady's topic in Little People Big World
Can’t disagree that Amy gave as good as she got with Matt, but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t in a relationship where one can look back and liken her to an abused pet. The two are not mutually exclusive. At least in what we saw on the show, Matt had the upper hand financially and appeared to pretty much do what he wanted to do. Amy would complain endlessly and it got on viewers nerves. Maybe she also did whatever she wanted financially, but we didn’t see it or hear him complain about it. YMMV -
All Kim has to do is tell him that she must be The First Wife to bring him into the US. I doubt she could get him a Visa as a ‘second wife’. She should do some research on that and that will stop all the debate because he REALLY REALLY wants to come to the US.
All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives
Eme replied to NewOrleansLady's topic in Little People Big World
“Married Amy and Matt” were hard to watch. I like to think that Amy can be a better person with Chris. I’ve always liked him and he seems to be really in love with her. I think she found that hard to believe at first and had a lot of misgivings, but now they are happily married and moving on. As someone said above, she is like a formerly abused pet who Is navigating a different life. The more she stays away from Matt, the better she’ll be. -
All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives
Eme replied to NewOrleansLady's topic in Little People Big World
Zach said it-Karen needs to stay in her lane....which is not interfering with Family Business. She’s very opinionated and supportive of Matt’s shenanigans, so I can see how Zach would feel especially betrayed by her. So wish Matt and Karen would get off the show.