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Everything posted by Opine

  1. No you aren’t alone. I completely agree. It didn’t just steal from Klein but from all the new DCCs. Epitome of tacky. I wasn’t laughing because that’s exactly what my hair would do!!
  2. A Rockette and a show group judge this year......in an environment that adores the narc, this is likely your answer. I don't know...Dani is getting the Rachel replacement setup. She could be a point.................
  3. Ha! They all have college degrees and great careers? Kelli has surely started drinking!!! There are some for sure, but, come on....
  4. I think Neil usually (but not always?) does the intial judging only. For show group, they tend to have mostly technical folks.
  5. Then my new friend, you have a mission! You must take pix and pix and pix and update your PT pals!
  6. I know! Between her lies and the fact that she is so public! Those attorneys must be dying. Most would have quit by now. These must be schysters that think there is a big payoff..
  7. Can they stop by Tori's also? I think her eyes are the type that look partially closed without the heavy lashes but the heavy lashes make her eyes look tiny and closed. Mel is good. I didn't see whatever faults they saw. The only problem that I saw was that she had a Marissa look, but that could've been changed.
  8. Is Rinna even relevant? God she gives me a headache with that horrible cackle. And she looks like a cartoon character! Speaking of cartoon characters, is Erica moving in a robotic way and wearing absurd outfits and bad makeup on bad skin to deflect attention from the real issue?
  9. I know! I did watch it but wanted to slap her. She was also completely unglam. I mean caterpillar eyelashes with dirty totally unstyled hair?????
  10. I liked Kenny a lot to begin with. Now he has become such a downer! I am going to send him and Eeyore t-shirt!
  11. Kelli says Jay LYNN two words. Her name is Jalyn.
  12. But what if she had been through the kick clinic this week? She had a big fan base in my house esp with the two men!
  13. That is just heart warming. That woman is drop dead gorgeous in body and soul!!! Not a DCC, but a gorgeous woman. I hope she has the best life ever!!!
  14. And Kelli gets that right but we still have a dancer named JAY Lynn?
  15. Agree! I always love their kiddie pics....so cute! Kelee is adorable but that hair......yeah, I can't wait either!
  16. For all of you that watch the old season's on Pluto: Am I dreaming this? They just showed Lexie in her bedroom talking about being a medical transcriptionist and I swear it is the exact same bedroom they showed Brennan in one time! The reason I noticed is that it has only a single bed. I don't know anyone over like 9 that has just one single bed!
  17. Y'all keep bringing this up, and I am clueless! What is this about Mormon underwear???
  18. Lookie! Even the TCCs can say her name! I am looking at you Kelli!
  19. I love Lea now. I wasn't so sure I would. Her dancing is off the charts compared to others. She def looks like a vet. Funny that Kelli can still call Jalyn "Jay Lynn" after hating on her so much. I would have killed for a tour of the Kalina house! I am doubting there is an elevator, a pool and a panoramic view there! KayDianna.....expect to love her someday. Don't now.
  20. I got confused....I was thinking she was ex-Raiderette not ex-GSW. Sorry for the confusion.....
  21. I agree on Amanda. What I saw of her she didn't look bad, or maybe I just missed the rough stuff? She did look a little older than some of the others. But she was pretty. Wonder if she is staying with Mandy? ALSO...... this weeks sob story was off the charts RIDICULOUS!!! I swear, it was the longest sob story and off the charts ridiculous. Instead of these stupid sob stories (who hasn't had a grandparent die??) maybe they share a little about their life before TCC. Like college, jobs, etc.
  22. Dying to know if the Kalinas did!!!!
  23. I didn’t hear them call her a legacy once. Did y’all?
  24. Okay, so which one of you were the knitter and the twins? Loved those segments!!!
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