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  1. Such a heartbreaker to lose George. I just adored his character in this series. He reminded me of my own Dad, who also died the same way at a young age.💔😢
  2. I thought Stephen was quite irritated and yes, it carried through the entire interview. I think Patton Oswalt realized he’d said the wrong thing too.
  3. I’m remembering when Allison had left Noah to work on his marriage in season 2, but he showed up unexpectedly at the new age/hippie retreat in the country she was at with her mother. He pushed her against a tree and forcefully had sex with her from behind. She didn’t want to, but he did it anyway. It truly was a rape and he had no respect for Allison saying no. I’ve always seen him as a narcissistic predator type ever since that scene....
  4. Christian’s blue eyes are so gorgeous. I literally am mesmerized by them. :-)
  5. Did they really think the kid from a small village in Liberia would speak perfect English, much less understand it! Not likely! I do like Ryan Eggold a lot and will probably keep watching for that reason.
  6. So sad to hear this show is cancelled. :( I will miss all of the characters. So glad Sofia and Franco got together in the end! And Arthur will have a chance to enjoy traveling instead of working so hard at his age....
  7. I really think Erika is jealous of Teddi, who is younger, prettier, and doesn’t need a ton of makeup and outrageous costumes to look great. I think Erika feels threatened by her and that’s why she is so mean to Teddi. Plus, I think Erika is rather jealous of all the ladies, who all have husbands that adore them. I don’t think Erika has that with Tom at all.... Being the Erika Jayne character is just a coverup for her misery. She comes across as very angry, defensive, and overly needy for attention, to me.
  8. I think Jackie is going to turn out to be a little psycho, and Robert may well regret the relationship in the future.
  9. I really enjoyed this season of The Voice. So much talent compared to past seasons. Best of luck to the final four for future successful careers in music. They are all deserving of it in their different genres of music. I hope the same for Noah, Adam, Davon, Keisha Renee and Janice as well. You don’t have to be a superstar to have a rewarding career in music.
  10. In my opinion, Brooke’s voice is the best one, but each to their own. I do like both Chloe’s and Addison’s voice a lot, but they weren’t at their best tonight. Red has a pleasant country voice, but I definitely think Brooke should win.
  11. Adoption agencies have a lot of requirements, including age and weight requirements. Kate would have to lose a lot of weight and maybe Toby too, to be approved. Rebecca and Miguel are too old to be approved. There really is so much that goes into being approved to legally adopt, which totally benefits the child. They want healthy, stable and younger parents. Many things can make or break an adoption. Not so much to foster kids though....
  12. I’m enjoying this show. Made me really laugh a lot tonite and Mr. Songbird is a fan as well.
  13. I'd love to see Sara and the dogs win. I have enjoyed their act the most this season.
  14. I loved Sara and the dogs! I don't think they will win, but I have really enjoyed watching them this season. All of the singers were just ok, with Mandy Harvey being the amazing one, simply because she is deaf and can still sing on pitch. I'm not a big ventriloquist fan myself, but Darcie Lynn will probably win it hands down. Diavolo and Light Balance were very enjoyable to watch. I felt really bad for Evie Claire....
  15. I'm really sad for Evie and her family with her Dad's death coming so much sooner than they expected....
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