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Everything posted by BeachDays

  1. Seems early for a baby shower 🤔. There is probably a reason though.
  2. It was filmed the day I went to the taping so 11/9.
  3. I think we can assume she is getting good grades and did score well on her ACT- otherwise Darlene wouldn’t have said “it doesn’t matter how smart you are” - having said that, she is definitely interested in boys and her friends and living that rebellious teenage life too.
  4. Regarding Harris and college, I think the plan is that she will go- again this ep feels SO OFF for me bc Darlene was so out of character. She is the Conner who went to college and got a good job and has always been aware of how “the other half” lives- meaning it’s not her style to find a lawyer being advertised at a gas station. She would be the one on her laptop doing the research and finding the very best option. But moving past that, in an earlier episode David mentions Blue will be there when they take the kids to college. In another episode Harris mentions her good grades and high ACT score. In this one she knows she has the option to go to a trade school or community college or whatever that building by the freeway she referenced is- but wants to be able to go elsewhere. I think it’s ok to show setbacks and whatnot but I think they should stay true to the characters. This one, and the one where Darlene was yelling at the principal, felt like they basically were giving her Roseanne’s role, but she isn’t Roseanne. Also regarding Landford, anyone else feel like it’s actually not that economically depressed? Mark’s school seems awesome , they have nice modern coffee shops, Trader Joe’s, I think Whole Foods was also referenced, I know other areas can have all these things but it just seems like a typical middle class suburban town.
  5. Ok I just rewatched this episode and it really does seem like it was written for Roseanne and they just gave the part to Darlene. It doesn’t at all seem to be Darlene’s personality but it does seem like Roseanne’s. Also the part with Dan on the porch I think we are supposed to really feel for him bc he has to disappoint his grandkids, especially Mark, but it doesn’t exactly come out the way I think it’s supposed to come out. I think one reason is it doesn’t actually feel like they are deprived normally, it seems like they are pretty much middle class usually.
  6. I’m not so sure this was the extra episode they ordered- Yes it was the last one filmed but that was probably done to accommodate some other actors schedules (possibly Galecki) or whatever reason. Just playing devils advocate, I really have no idea, haha.
  7. It was in the Hold the Salt episode too. I have a feeling they filmed a lot more and scenes got cut out- in fact I think that is a recurring thing. They film a lot that connects the story and then take an ax to it so we just see little snippets versus the entire story they thought out.
  8. Honestly I think the reason they aren’t doing better is because they want this to be a show about the lower class and struggling. So the stories are written to keep them there.
  9. Another line I loved- “You think I’m pretty? Just kidding. I know I’m pretty.”
  10. I’m thinking more deportation or something versus somebody dying- but of course I don’t know.
  11. Here are the stills from the next episode. Emilio is there too so we will have 2 episodes with him. And Blue! https://www.disneyabcpress.com/abc/shows/the-conners/episodes/dont-shoot-the-piano-teacher/
  12. Ah David is back!! Let’s see if my (and I know I’m not the only one) theory that he and Darlene will get back together will come true. Regarding Becky, it looks like it’s the main menu screen to me too lol. Also I’m wondering if the tears scene is before or after the scene in the snow.
  13. Definitely wasn’t one of the better eps- I still enjoyed it bc I Iove hanging out with this family but the structure should have been a bit different. Honestly I don’t see why Darlene was so mad and gung ho right away at the vending machine guy, and lawyer-happy - that doesn’t seem to be her personality. Also I feel like D.J. could have had more to do in this ep versus Darlene. It was nice to see him in the beginning and the scarf thing with Harris was funny. I did like Jackie confronting Becky about her needing guys for validation- she might not have brought up the pregnancy bc she wants Becky to do this for herself. I also liked how much Mark loves art, just like David. And I’m glad Harris has aspirations to go to college. The “Grandpa I love you more than Mom” bits were funny.
  14. This is a seemingly random post but it is something I have been thinking about all season and I just saw something else that reminded me of it so here goes ;). I have noticed the overall “sound” of the show is different than the original series, and I can think of 2 reasons why. The first is nobody is really too loud. In the original, we had Roseanne (the loudest of them all), Dan, Jackie- All these really big voices. Now they are older (and one absent), and their voices tend to break as they rise up instead of staying strong. NOT that this is an issue, it’s just something I noticed. In fact, I think the only two who could be bold and loud right now are Becky and Gina. When Darlene “yells”, it’s more emphatic than booming. Even young Harris has a very cool, yet scratchy voice that gives out. Again not saying ANY of this is an issue, just something that I noticed that has changed. The other thing I noticed is the speaking cadence has changed. And this is what I was reading about that prompted this random post. Every decade or two Americans change the way they speak. If you go back and listen to recordings from the past, there is definitely a certain sound and tone and style. The 80s/90s way of speaking in the original series isn’t the same way they are speaking today. Most notably?? is this type right here?? And a softer version of that. This type of half question/have statement way of speaking I think first became common online and has made its way into dialect. I have noticed a LOT of the characters (well actors, but you know what I mean) speak like this, from Harris to Mark to Becky to Dan, and it’s not a way of speaking that was as common in the original series. I dont know if this made any sense but it’s just something I have been thinking about so decided to finally share even though it’s useless haha.
  15. I just watched the season 9 episode where David was so excited about the new toaster and kept talking about and Darlene was laughing at how dull he was being- and it made me hope that we get a future ep where David and Mark are so happy about something and Darlene and Harris share a look like omg these two ridiculous dorks.
  16. I see them disagreeing, bc as Becky said, they are very different people, but I do think the genuine love and support is there. They will still mess up but it’s a relationship that is a lot stronger than I would have thought from the original series, and that makes me all the more invested. Also I just realized- if anyone is young (or old) and just started watching the show this season- they wouldn’t have any idea that Mark and David were brothers. Was it even mentioned in Roseanne season 10? I can’t remember.
  17. My guess is the slouch at this point isn’t just her hunching, but probably she lost muscle tone and needs to work to get a straight back. It happens a lot with moms unfortunately and she is so tiny she probably has been using counterbalance for years to pick up her kids. Regarding her nose- I actually love it and thinks it looks pretty cute. Not that I am for plastic surgery usually but I’m not taken distracted by her nose.
  18. Yeah it was awful and Darlene learned that by the end. I like that this sitcom shows people making mistakes and then growing from it- just like real life.
  19. I feel for Darlene, she is trying to do her best, but yeah Harris does need a more firm hand. I felt really bad for her both in this ep and the one where she finds out Harris slept with a boy. In both instances she was utterly dumbfounded. I would love to say a strong parental presence would help but Roseanne and Dan were that to their teenagers and they still made some very poor choices.
  20. I’m wondering if they are also talking to Johnny Galecki about next season.
  21. I don’t think Darlene was out of line with what she said to Harris. She wants the best for her kids and for them to not head down the wrong path. The issue itself was that Harris was drinking and saying calm down mom, I’m getting awesome grades. Darlene wasn’t saying she herself is perfect, but rather just wanting Harris to make better decisions.
  22. They haven’t said how he died. This episode gives us more background than we have gotten. Its interesting that Darlene was pregnant with little Mark when David left them- obviously triggered by Mark’s death, but there must have been more going on. I think someone previously said Harris is 15 but she is actually 16 this season. So his death was 11 years ago when he would have been about 35?
  23. I don’t think she cheated on Mark. My assumption was she took some classes after Mark died. She seemed to get into her risqué behavior after Mark passed. Again, I don’t know, this was just what I had assumed watching that episode last season.
  24. I took it to mean she slept with some of her professors at community college.
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