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Everything posted by BeachDays

  1. Ed Jr???? Wow that’s unexpected and random.
  2. What I really liked about the Thanksgiving ep is not only how great they are together but knowing the little we know about Louise’s family... they are just as messed up or more. So she can handle the Conner clan!
  3. I enjoyed the ep for what it was, really enjoyed seeing the cousins together, but I honestly feel this way as well. I see comments elsewhere that Darlene “deserved” the slap but honestly I felt like Jackie instigated the whole thing and Darlene was just reacting. I don’t understand the digs last week either that she was purposefully trying to hold them back. It’s almost as if Jackie and Becky are reacting to Roseanne in the later seasons who was truly bossy versus the Darlene that is here right now.
  4. The only thing I can think of is she forgave Jackie bc she was drunk? But that’s just me trying to be ok with it myself. Jackie was pretty awful the entire episode, to both Darlene and Louise.
  5. I think I need to rewatch this season bc honestly I never saw Darlene acting like she was trying to be the boss or mom of the entire family (and if she was, it was to help not harm)- obviously she was saying some not nice things in this ep but it just seems like the rest of the family just doesn’t like the fact that she has more of a middle class mindset than working class. I don’t know. I’m confused. I know Darlene was awful as an older teen and was awful with Ben and David but I didn’t see her being awful to either Becky or Jackie. So yeah. I’m still confused.
  6. I just watched this ep and I love this post. I really don’t have many additional thoughts right now except I enjoyed the ep and it also made me uncomfortable and it also felt real in how messy life can be and also unreal in how tidy sitcoms can be.
  7. I’ve been to a couple of tapings and I can tell you there is no applause sign. The warm up guy DOES tell the audience to react however (which they tell every sitcom audience to do)- but the audience is made up of eager Roseanne/Conners/just-excited-to-be-there fans, hence the uproarious laughter.
  8. Yeah I don’t think they are killing her off- they are already dealing with Roseanne’s death and also Mark. She does need a reality check though.
  9. Rewatched this ep- I still love Becky and Darlene’s fight so much. Hilarious!!! “Excuse me I’m in DJ’s room”. “At least I have someone in my bed” 😂 Regarding Harris, isn’t she a junior or senior now? Any college plans? When she brought up Chicago it made me think she probably could be there very soon.
  10. Honestly I was thinking if they are so invested in making this happen they need to go out and make it happen. So the Lunchbox is off the table for now? Try a different location or the food truck idea. I know it stings to not get what you want when you want it but if they are so hardcore THEY need to make it happen.
  11. I loved this episode (this season is on fire!) but I have to agree with the comments regarding Jackie and Becky. To me it seems like they are acting like children. They are being way too hot-headed about things. I’m glad Darlene is standing her ground, she is unfortunately in a bad spot.
  12. She did mention going to a grief group, where some man gave her his dead wife’s bracelet.
  13. Agreed. And his delivery of things is just so... DJ. It works. Its like Mark in the original series. He had such a quiet voice that you don’t normally get on sitcoms- but you get in real life. I appreciate that on this show. I love whenever we get any DJ or his family.
  14. The actress got a role on another show and instead of recasting her (for the third time) they are just having her be deployed - but I hope we see her again, she was great. Actually both actresses were great. No wonder they are getting other roles.
  15. I mostly agree with this. I wanted more, and I would love if Gina was still on the show- I hope we see her back at some point. But I did really like Mark’s advice bc he can only talk from his perspective and I love Mary’s non-response to his smile. I really hope we can see more of their relationship, they seem to get along pretty well. I wonder how old Mary is supposed to be. 10?
  16. I loved this episode. Honestly I thought we were going to get more Mary and DJ dealing with that lady and the feelings Mary had but I’m just glad they were included, it’s an important topic, and that Mark helped her out. And he made me laugh with the vacuum comment. And then of course I got annoyed that Harris had been doing pot in there. At any rate, scenes with just the kids is what has been missing from this show. It was great on the original show so I’m glad they are starting to incorporate them in. I laughed so hard the entire episode with Jackie and Becky and the Lunchbox, Darlene’s issues, Beverly being Beverly, and honestly I felt like Dan was the most old-school Dan we have seen since the show had been rebooted and I got all the feels. And yes, I STILL think Darlene will end up with David. But honestly please pause the love-life woes for a bit. The Ben stuff was hilarious but let’s take a break now.
  17. Yeah... this is what I’m seeing too. This story isn’t resolved. It will be a season long arc in one way or another. But it is hopefully a way for everyone to come at it from a better perspective. And hopefully we get some romance-free eps in between.
  18. That doesn’t mean he can’t find the courage to make a decision now. I really see it as 2 messed up kids who got in a relationship so young and fell into a pattern. David wasn’t telling her “oh you suck and I’m awesome”. He was telling her something that he had felt and didn’t have the courage to tell her before. I’m sure we will get more as the season goes on, including Darlene’s thoughts.
  19. Judging by his expression I feel like he figured it out too.
  20. No I actually think that now- yesterday I was completely flummoxed on the way the episode went Bc I have been CERTAIN David/Darlene would be endgame since Tangled Up in Blue. But after rewatching the episode, I still think it’s David. Yes she agreed to break up with him in the kitchen with Jackie-but then she was stunned that the break up felt so different. “Because it’s the last time”- says David. Well if she is used to on and off with David, then it really wasn’t all that hard for her to decide to break up with him... thinking they can just get back together again. It’s a very cleverly written episode.
  21. I just rewatched the episode.... it really hit me how much what happened in therapy needed to happen, and how the end of that relationship is actually a new beginning. A new beginning of what exactly is still up in the air - my gut is still saying things will loop back around to David in the end but regardless, I’m just so excited for the journey we are on with the characters this season. Also I noticed the cars the guys were driving- David has a Prius and Ben has a Charger I think? Very fitting choices!
  22. Agreed- maybe he couldn’t find anyone else in Lanford but I’m sure he could in Chicago. But I have a feeling their close proximity is so they can eventually get back together again.
  23. I think he look really sloppy too. And very different than how David used to dress in the later seasons of Roseanne, where he was pretty stylish for the times. What I’m hoping is he gets back on his feet, gets confident, and starts taking care of himself. But if it’s just Galecki’s preferred look right now I don’t think there is anything they can do.
  24. This is how I feel- I know it’s a long shot but I will always hope.
  25. Oh man I hope not. I hope this is his own decision. I do think this will be a season long arc, but it’s possible that “moving on” is a part of that arc versus reuniting. Honestly at this point I am not sure (after being pretty confident for a year) if they will reunite. On the one hand, I feel like Darlene has finally “heard” David. And him declaring this is the final time they ever break up does not mean necessarily mean they won’t get back together. On the other hand, we heard her two texts. It’s clear she is more interested in Ben and can open up more to him. She also said she has been scared to stop trying with David.... that’s no way to have a relationship. So all that to say.... I have no idea what will happen. My brain says Ben, my heart says David, but my heart is MUCH more hesitant now.
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