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Everything posted by BeachDays

  1. The taping was a lot of fun! Very very long, basically I am thrilled that I went but probably need a year before I would want to go again, haha. Even though the actors occasionally flubbed, in general they were very well rehearsed and I was quite impressed. But wow was it difficult to get in- We got there early and thought we were a shoe-in but there were 125 VIP and folks who couldn’t get in previously because overcrowded, and they got in first. The people who worked there said the show is getting increasingly popular every week that it is on, which makes sense. But yeah, definitely go early bc the VIPs can show up any time and in great numbers. Ok pregnant character is
  2. I went to the taping last night so I know who is pregnant. They didn’t make the audience sign an NDA surprisingly enough, so am I allowed to say? Or would it be better if I kept it to myself?
  3. I guess I’m in the minority but I don’t think he is the weak link. He is always welcome and funny and I hope we get more of him as the series progresses.
  4. I agree about the message it would send if Harris did everything to prevent a pregnancy (minus not having sex), and getting pregnant anyway.... it just seems very twisted and far-fetched. Regarding David and Darlene, I would agree that it wouldn’t normally be my first choice. I honestly think they are going to get back together (I feel like they are breaking them up to start anew) and don’t need another (perhaps 3rd) surprise pregnancy. Having said that, it is possible that tptb want to give Darlene a more similar set up of mom-of-3, like Roseanne was for most of the series, and it’s now or never time, age-wise. Geena would be the ideal choice for me right now. I would be fine with Darlene. Harris I wouldn’t like, and Becky would be a disaster.
  5. One thing (among many) that I love about this show is the kids didn’t remain static- they were allowed to grow and change, just like real kids.
  6. I’m excited to see more DJ (I’m assuming) in next week’s episode. I have always enjoyed his character and still do. I love his family! I can’t wait to see more DJ and Geena interaction.
  7. I just feel like Harris getting pregnant isn’t likely- she seemed vigilant about getting the morning after pill, she used a condom (although not sure why she thinks they used it incorrectly), not to mention it feels “done” in a way because Darlene got pregnant as a teenager and Emma Kenney’s character on Shameless is a teen mom- but who knows. Im still hoping for Darlene and David but the description doesn’t make it sound likely.
  8. I thought from the description it would be Harris or Geena too- but I don’t think Harris because would she have taken the morning after pill wrong too? I mean it’s possible but I am currently leaning towards Geena. I feel like if it’s her it’s not really THAT unexpected except maybe that it pulls her out of active service.
  9. She is different but I don’t think totally different- she always had a soft streak underneath first the tomboy smart mouth and we got glimpses even occasionally when she was in her “mean” phase (which makes me think, not to excuse it, insecurity and immaturity) - now she is a mom, more mature and free with her emotions, more kind and thoughtful- I think she matured in the best possible way, but I still see Darlene. The ironic thing is she is now the person who would probably be amazing with David versus the previous sometimes almost abusive incarnation.
  10. Well remember Crystal had the job first. I think as long as you are friendly (haha) and do the job it’s fine. Darlene may not be as traditionally attractive but she is attractive enough and seems very fit.
  11. Doesnt Disney own ABC too? Maybe we will see The Conners season 2 on that streaming service.
  12. Yes, last season he stated he feels like a boy, and in this past episode he stated he is a man. Mark is definitely a “he”.
  13. I am going to the taping of The Conners this week and I was wondering if anyone had any advice who has gone before. How early should I get there? Is it pretty cold in the studio? Thanks!
  14. Not to mention the unexpected pregnancy! Although if we find out the turkey had a little baby turkey inside it, I will feel let down lol
  15. Wow, I think Mark is excellent casting and I adore whenever he is on screen. He has reddish hair like his dad and sister, and greenish eyes like his mom and uncle who he is named after. He’s smart like his mom, artistic and sweet like his dad, yet also his own person. But I also adore D.J., Geena, and Mary- I just love the whole gang.
  16. I didn’t know what textbook it was but it did seem above his grade level. Then again, in the next ep his teacher says he is advanced and it’s a struggle to keep him challenged.
  17. It’s still so surreal to me that it exists, like if I could have chosen any show to come back out of all my past favorites, it would have been this one. Did you see ABC ordered another episode? I think it’s odd to literally get one more episode but the article said ABC might order more, or I am wondering if possibly there was a storyline they really needed more room to do an asked ABC if they could and were told go for it.
  18. He also was very proud of the fact that they trusted him to arrange the stone fruit.
  19. I think they can certainly address it and maybe pad it out a bit more (possibly with emphasis on his abused childhood before he moved in with the Conners) - but will they? I’m not sure. But the surprising thing is he now has a steady job in Lanford and seems determined to “make up for lost time” and the kids seem to like him and Darlene still loves him (whether or not they get together again or permanently separated) so it might just be one of those things that isn’t exactly realistic but we just gotta go with it. I personally would love if they addressed it some more but right now they seem to play it off more for laughs - like David taking a second before he realized “hi Dad” was for him, or Dan saying if David disappeared everyone would just think he ran off again.
  20. She said they have been “separated for years” and so David has never been to a PT conference. Last spring in an interview the producer said they didn’t have David and Mark in a scene together when he shows up bc Mark wouldn’t have even remembered David. It’s weird thinking David would have abandoned his family that way but it seems like that’s the backstory. Maybe he was such a mess he thought they were better off without him.
  21. I agree, if they get back together I want a different dynamic. Their dynamic in this one was terrific. Blue was quite interesting. I noticed very parallel concerns regarding the kids from Darlene and David. First at the conference while Blue was waxing poetic, the other two were very concerned about Mark’s well being. And we see it again with Harris. Now obviously Blue isn’t their parent (although she might have met Mark as many times as David has ?), but it was such an interesting juxtaposition. It was like that game “which one doesn’t belong”.
  22. I’m feeling God in this Chili’s tonight ???
  23. Again I wasn’t saying they should get back together BECAUSE have really hot sex together (and his comment about them being really loud as teens make it seem like it was an ongoing thing versus “one or two sessions of good sex”)- rather that was a clue that I think they might get back together. If they had terrible sex for example, I would think it much less likely. ? Additional clues to me- Darlene tearing up when David mentioning Blue as his soulmate, her brining it back up at the end and both parties looking very sad, the fact that Blue honestly doesn’t seem to be his soulmate at all??? ...again they can go any way they want in this. I feel like clues are pointing to a reunion but we shall see. Adding bc another thing occurred to me about this episode- it didn’t seem like Darlene wanted the divorce, but rather she is doing it so David can move on and be happy. And of course hopefully she can move on and be happy. Now neither of them seemed happy in the end at all. But it’s just so incredibly loving in such an ironic way. That is giving me pause- so I can see them separating for good, or coming back together and starting anew. Either way this was such a hilarious and beautiful episode on many levels.
  24. Fictional storylines aren’t going to follow real storylines exactly- Roseanne is great bc it’s realistic but it’s still a tv show and they want to keep it interesting. So basically they can write whatever story they want to write, and they can change that story whenever they want to do so. From my POV, there are more lingering feelings between David and Darlene than I would expect from a couple who has been separated, from what it sounds like, possibly before Mark was even born. So it’s not so much analyzing what would happen in real life but predicting what will happen on this fictional show. I don’t like the storyline they gave David last season because it was the complete antithesis to what I saw the character as, but because he had an abusive childhood and his brother died, and he and Darlene started out so young and immature together, I can come up with a worse-case scenario situation that makes sense in my head. I DO think they need a restart as adults- and looks like they might get it now. But again, depends on where they want to go with the storyline, and if the show will continue. I am loving how much depth we are seeing in their interactions though, and I’m still doing backflips that one of my favorite shows of childhood is back and we can see those characters now at different points of their lives.
  25. I think you might have misunderstood my intent- I didn’t mean that is a reason why they should get back together. I meant it’s a clue (among many) that I think that might be where the show is leading. I could very well be wrong- but I hope I’m not ?
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