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Everything posted by BeachDays

  1. Reason #192 I think David and Darlene might get back together- in this ep we got confirmation they have incredible sex together and pretty much have since they were teenagers (barring the initial mishaps ?)
  2. I watched this episode twice more and a moment that keeps standing out to me is when David says Blue is his soulmate- Darlene is SO taken aback and hurt. When she jokes the new guy at the end might be her soulmate she and David seem so defeated. Not to beat a dead horse but I keep thinking these two will end up back together. They aren’t done with each other. On the other hand I can see the writers and actors just wanting to portray the mixed feelings when a relationship truly ends. However it goes I will always be appreciative to how much meat we got in a few moments. Bless Sara Gilbert. I keep thinking about her in the pilot episode, that little girl who barked in class; the teenager who met her sisters boyfriends brother and liked his hair; the MEAN girl who was too smart for her own good; and the utter softness and vulnerability she always had under the rough exterior. I have always loved the character of Darlene but damn. I SO LOVE Darlene now.
  3. They haven’t all been shot yet, they are definitely filming through November and possibly beginning of December- I’m watching a taping in a few weeks ? Ok I am editing this because I just looked it up- They have filmed 5 episodes and have 5 more to go- 1 ep next week, 3 in November, and the final once in December.
  4. I think sometimes jokes are just jokes- she also said that boys are terrible bc they are practicing becoming men. But the joke about David being the daughter she always wanted reminded me of Geena’s joke last week about going to hell- Darlene laughed after that exchange, David laughed after this one.
  5. I agree. I rewatched a bit and will definitely watch over and over bc I love this ep, but there is SO MUCH FEELING between David and Darlene still- I just can’t picture Darlene genuinely loving this new guy (or any potential suitor) as much as she loves David. She looks at him like he is everything. I mean maybe it’s just supposed to be her moving on from her past but Sara and Johnny are just so wonderful together. I know they are super close in real life which helps ?. But yeah, Darlene has been pulling all the weight and David needs to step up. He’s a good guy, we have always known David is a good guy.... but maybe the death of his brother wrecked him and we know Darlene wasn’t always as amazing as she is now (well she was still amazing but not as mature or sensitive), and I just want the best of David with the best of Darlene. ?
  6. I finally watched this episode and omg it was hilarious and moving and just quality. Johnny Galecki is seamless- he belongs on this show. And Sara Gilbert is fantastic. Juliette Lewis and Justin Long did great with their parts. John Goodman was amazing like always and I realized he is reminding me a lot John Mahoney as Martin Crane. I know I’m just listing people at this point but Lecy is still blowing me away, she can do comedy and drama and I’m looking forward to her stories this season. Laurie Metcalf is perfection, I was laughing/crying at her monologue in the beginning. D.J., Geena, and the 3 kids were great too. Ok now that I got it off my chest that I love this show and this cast lol, this ep really left me feeling that David and Darlene still really love each other and I can see them getting back together again. I don’t think Blue is David’s soulmate at all- even when he said it, you could see Darlene is his soulmate. Like either these two are getting back together or Sara and Johnny just have amazing chemistry that no one else will compare. The only thing preventing me from putting money on D&D is if Sara Gilbert feels strongly about showing a divorced family, and from some interviews last season it seems like she does. But honestly their chemistry is so good even if the characters married other people it would still be the two of them in my eyes. Yes i I am a hopeless (and hopeful!) shipper ?
  7. What’s the A word? alcohol? Adultery?
  8. Yeah my guess was always that she got pregnant from that one time encounter, OR that they would be still sleeping together while dating other people. I’m guessing the second won’t happen, but the first is still on the table. It would be interesting if she finds out she is pregnant and she is confused bc she used protection with the new bf and then the md mentions she is already 14 weeks along or whatever. Although if this is her 3rd pregnancy she would likely be showing a gut already. ;) But maybe it’s someone else ??‍♀️
  9. Ah I just assumed if the show was going to make her pregnant they wouldn’t risk fetal alcohol syndrome or something.... but maybe she didn’t drink too much?? Like I said I am still hoping it’s them, I am reading all the articles coming out about this ep and it’s making me so sad! I want them back together sooooooo badly.
  10. I haven’t watched the episode yet, and I actually WANTED the baby to be David and Darlene’s, but I’m guessing she isn’t pregnant bc wasn’t she drinking a lot in the ep? Like I said I didn’t watch but I read stuff about a drinking contest and the new boyfriend buying her a drink.
  11. I could see Harris being pregnant but I feel like that is so similar to Darlene... who got pregnant at 19, even though the reboot made her daughter way younger than she was supposed to be! But yeah it could really be anyone within the teenage to mid-40s age range.
  12. Ooooh interesting- maybe they think they need to make a strong initial showing with the show and having this ep might help hook viewers.
  13. Are they switching the eps? I thought the ep with Blue was going to air in November?
  14. What do the kids call Beverly? Great-Grandma? Or Granny Bev?
  15. I think you will get your wish, but I am always going to want them back together.
  16. Geena and Darlene were both laughing and Geena accompanied Darlene to get coffee after that- I think Geena fits into the Conners really well. We will see more as time goes on but it seemed more like an old comforting back and forth between them than something new and rude. But yes I do think it’s weird that everyone is named for a dead character (I guess not Harris since that’s just Roseanne and Jackie’s maiden name)- I also wondered if a little Rosie will pop up. But that might be too weird with what happened in real life.
  17. It shouldn’t matter if someone looks old. It doesn’t mean they have no value as a person. I am loving seeing the Conner kids at midlife and the adults from Roseanne in their golden years.
  18. Forgot to mention 2 things- I am rewatching Roseanne (currently in season 3) and the boob jokes Becky makes against Darlene are already in full swing. I love how it’s an ongoing thing- and I remember the whole push up bra from last season. Also I saw a mention about the David ep being next- IIRC that’s actually ep #4? I think it was just screened for review along with the pilot but it’s still a few weeks away.
  19. Finally watched this on Hulu and was overall impressed. I laughed and I cried. Regarding Mark, last year Darlene said he was 10 so he is possibly 11 now- I agree with those who said they hoped his storylines won’t just be about him being gay. I do think the two boys he is friends with obviously know him and like him and probably their parents know him too, so I don’t think they will be shocked with the way he dresses or his sexuality. I’m sure some people are but I’m guessing those kids are staying away from him- which is sad but also good riddance. Harris looks so much prettier this season and seems sweeter so hopefully she is a bit more likeable. Geena kinda surprised me with the whole Bible thing but we saw the promo of them in church at one point so it makes sense- I loved her little spar session with Darlene, you can tell they are fond of each other. And little Mary with her fruits and veggies, she is so sweet. Darlene still shocks me in the best way of how utterly and genuinely sweet and kind she has become- Still snappy and sarcastic but such a stand up person and mom. I feel so proud of her?!?! From that little funny tomboy to the depressed and sometimes downright mean teenager to a caring mom. I just. Love her so. I don’t know what is going on with her and David, if it’s over for good (kinda sounds like it is but you never know), but I feel like the best of David and the best Darlene would make an amazing couple. I feel like Roseanne when they broke up.... “No new people!” ? Becky has a boyfriend now?!?! I wanna meet him!!! Lmao driving a truck into a house. Oh Becky. I hope we get a lot more from her this season. Lecy has been such a scene stealer since last season, even moreso than she was in the original run and she was pretty damn good then too. Dan and Jackie broke my heart so much. Such realistic reactions. I wonder where they will go from here. They have amazing chemistry together too, always have, not saying I want the characters to get together but I am so excited to see more scenes of them together. Anyway excellent reboot of the reboot- I hope we get more of D.J. in future eps (since Geena is only home for 5 days, maybe the unexpected pregnancy is hers?)- but I also want more of everyone. It’s so different having a 10 ep season vs 23 eps but I will take what I can get. I love the Conners so much. ?
  20. I think the show will be pretty good actually.
  21. I haven’t watched Shameless but I saw the actress doing a few interviews last spring and she is a delight. I hope they make Harris a bit more likeable this season, I know she is a teenager and comes from a broken home but maybe we can see some more depth.
  22. I woke up to a bunch of reviews- mostly very good. I am excited!
  23. This is just my opinion but I thought Sara Gilbert and Lecy Goranson were fantastic in the reboot. For those who haven’t watched, Darlene is a lot sweeter as a mom, probably more like Sara in real life. Lecy was just a riot.... personally I was quite impressed. Also their scenes together were great. A lot of good sisterly chemistry.
  24. Just saw the new teaser and that reminded me of something I thought earlier- do you guys think they will eventually put Dan and Jackie together ?
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