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Everything posted by Coffeewinewater

  1. I wonder why we hadn't heard about post Kensie hook ups earlier? I'm sure she wanted to piss him off before. Maybe it's a sign she's over Thomas and doesn't care what he thinks. Idk, I'm not shocked so much it happened, more surprised we had not heard of it before. Really? I know plenty of new mom's that have used hand me down clothes and blankets for newborns. Is that an odd thing? I used plenty of my first babies blankets and clothes for my second child (Shrugs). I gave almost all my baby things to friends and family and they seemed grateful and used them on the babies. I want to add my wonderful aunt made both my oldest children beautiful baby blankets, I still have them and was holding on to them till they have children. I never thought that they wouldn't want them. Sadly she passed before my 3rd child was born.
  2. Shep and Kathryn, ugh. Kathryn was a hot mess after Kensie, so I'm sure Shep was probably the best of the worst at that time. I don't like Kathryn but no, with Shep. She needs to get with a grown man not a man child. If she's really trying to get her life on track, getting with an alcoholic playboy is a bad idea. I'm icked out that Shep, who's supposed to be "nice" and "good guy" would hook up with Kathryn when she as we all know, was going through a rough time. Chelsea lord lady. That hug! I go back and forth with her. I don't like that she's keeps dangling herself at Austen. She clearly doesn't want him but she want him to want her. Victoria is needy AF but Austen needs to leave her alone ,he is clearly still feeling Chelsea. Victoria, while she'd annoy me. She was very on point when Chelsea tried to say I stepped away. ..Victoria was right. Chelsea stepped away from Victoria but not Austen.
  3. I'll miss this show. They have been so emotional these last couple episodes, it was nice to see how much they loved doing the show. One thing that has me a bit annoyed. I was thinking, that they'd be showing clips from over the years on Friday and I would love that. . Now that I think about it, they probably won't because of Mario ugh!! I would love to see old clips. A segment of them talking about old shows. I don't see that happening.
  4. What the bloody hell did I just watch??? Tinsley and her mother wtf?? Is Tinsley’s mother always in off white, taupe, beige?
  5. Did Whoopi really say she never eats???
  6. Jon Hamm is curiosity to me. I find him absolutely stunning in Mad Men. Then in interviews or other movies/shows, I'm like, eh, he's ok. It's odd. I do think he's handsome, but in Mad Men wowza.
  7. Me too. I get together with my best friend once a month for dinner and drinks, no kids no hustands , just us, ( we didn't see each other much in the last couple years...putting everone before our friendship ) After the first time we went to dinner,I got home and my husband was asking what had for dinner. I said guacamole and margaritas lol. He thought I was joking. I wasn't . Guacamole warm tortilla chips and margaritas is a meal. My point is I was drooling seeing the women enjoy what was probably some bomb ass Guacamole.
  8. They all ignored her lol! She was awfully quiet after the first segment , makes for a good show.....I thought she was off trying to find her eyeballs. She rolled them nonstop at the start of the show.
  9. Absolutely. I actually never thought of the that, he was staying away till the DNA test. Smart move for him. Of course Kail wouldn't mention that part. She went from complaining about visitation then the supervisor during the visitation, and ends it with a cracking voice saying, her son still loses in the end because he doesn't have his mom and dad together. She wants Chris to want her....she thought having a child would secure that. After all it worked on Jo and Javi.
  10. Thank you. Your post brought some of that back. I remember that now. I hear you about Johnny. I feel for him. Grieving is hard and different for everyone. He's just so nasty I'm finding it hard to feel for him. Especially when Liz was sharing her own experience of loosing a child. I thought, damn, Jenny also lost a child.
  11. This was exactly my thought. The minute I heard "the kids kept us up all night" mmmhmm ok. They were in hurry to get out of there to drop the kids wherever and ditch the cameras and crash for the day.
  12. Yes, the Anthony Bourdain news , was a big part , of what really did me in. I'm pretty good at just moving forward. Even with all the crazy going on. But I was just gutted by the news and have felt drained....
  13. Yeah, because foreign policy as she sees it, is a "Republican" thing. Ugh. Their "Values" , whatever. I'm feeling exhausted. I wish MM wasn't on the show. She is fake as hell. Nothing she says really rings true. Sorry, I've been in a funk all weekend. I feel like we're living in the twilight zone. Watching MM scold people for a stupid word that the President uses, plus much worse , is doing my head in.
  14. Than you! She seems to be offended as a Republican. But yes, you're right, she never has called Trump out for all the things he is destroying only the destruction of her damn party. Where is her passion about anything else except HER party.
  15. Lol!!! I don't give a fuck if his base is offended Meghan! I'm offended everyday I watch the show, not mention everything else that's going on. I'm so tired of Meghan and others scolding people. We are fed up with what is going on. Yeah, sometimes people use strong language. What Robert DeNero said is so gross to Meghan??? STFU Meghan. Try to explain to us where DeNero is coming from. Come on, you can a find a way to explain Trump's base everyday on this show.....I want to say so much more regarding her saying how gross it was, but I'm sure that's off topic.
  16. Rosie left pretty quickly. The show seems to be losing so many actors. I don't necessarily dislike Alya , she is annoying as hell most of the time. I never thought Luke should have been with her. However Aiden did trust her and was very close to her. She took him in when he was homeless. She worked hard by side. I can see why he left the factory to her. I'm sure Carla will end up with it but I do think Aiden wanted her to be a part of underworld.
  17. Haha. No I'm not sorry but enjoyed you recapping it. I thought I saw him straining it. I started to watch the scene when Kathryn walked with soup and thought, oh ffs I can't. But tried not to ff too fast because if I'm not paying attention I skip whole portions of these people and their lives lol. Yeah, I need a life. Thank you for the recap : )
  18. Thank you Canned soup lol, that's funny. I give the producers credit that was probably a cute segment. I just couldn't sit through it. Lol.
  19. I wish Meghan would stick with the phrase his base and not lump all of middle America together.
  20. I saw that, I wondered why they did that? I then saw the news about Anthony Bourdain. I assume they didn't want people to think they were ignoring it.
  21. I just realized I must have FF through Austen and Victoria. I don't even remember doing it. I know I ff through most of the Kathryn brings Shep soup part of the because I don't care about what the producers want to us to think. But now I'm curious. ..did he drain her soup? As it was ff I thought I saw him doing that lol. I already deleted it. If he did, why?
  22. Watching Shep walk out of the surgery was pretty funny. He should have worn basketball shorts to his surgery, easier to put on after . The party was nice, still dislike Thomas but I'm glad he and Kathryn got along for the kids. It all went smoothly. I've never thought Kathryn was some great beauty like other have thought but she looked good at the party. I like that she goes makeup free often. It's way better than the smudged up over the top makeup of a few seasons ago. Ashley is not very good at holding down her crazy to get what she wants. Psycho. She's playing herself. Thomas was right in putting her in her place when it comes to Kathryn and the children (still hate him). Speaking of makeup didn't you all just love when they woke up from the fake sleeping Ashley already had her face done. Lol. Cut to everyone else with their makeup free morning faces. I see you Ashley. Shep and Kathryn is definitely a producer driven story, for sure . I did laugh when his mom paused at the mention of Kathryn driving Shep to his surgery. Chelsea was very dramatic about the house. I'm sure it was hard. I just thought an odd ending to her trip. At least she learned to take care of herself and not to wait for a man to take care of her. Danni and Naomi whispering "what's going on?" "I don't know? " haha.
  23. I haven't watched yet. I actually wasn't to excited to watch this show anymore, but your post cracked me up and I will watch just to see this lol.
  24. When I first saw it on Facebook or some other show, I did bust out laughing. Then, I thought, wow, let go of the anger people you're only hurting yourself. Why even put all that in an obit. The woman is gone, you're not embarrassing her.
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