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Everything posted by Coffeewinewater

  1. Am I the only one thinking Sonja amped it up to impress Bethany??. ....I've never seen Sonja be aggressive. .
  2. I have someone who I'm close to and rehab sounds amazing. She been to several and they are like luxurious vacations. Ramona is an idiot let Lu right or wrong be the one to post of pictures of herself. Ramona is an ass who hates Lu, so she loses me with "what's the big deal" I'm sure lu is very nervous about the reaction of the court.
  3. I definitely enjoyed Sara way more before Meghan.
  4. Yes wtf??? STFU Meghan, you have never been elected to anything.
  5. I feel like kicking my TV omg, these women are worried about themselves and idiots harassing them. That is not what we should be talking about. Meghan and Whoopie are doing my head in. Don't watch if you have blood pressure issues, it is infuriating.
  6. I had a few episodes that I hadn't watched. Well, last night I had the house to myself. Opened a bottle of wine and actually laughed out loud to many of the things the were saying. They seemed drunk or just didn't care. I loved this show and will miss it. The last few episodes were something I needed. I couldn't watch anymore news shows and needed to laugh and the chew gave me a great night of laughs and I had cheese and wine for dinner it was fantastic.
  7. Me too. He's been on Morning Joe many times these last few weeks. I never watched MorningJoe but when I saw (luckily stumbled upon) Jon Meacham on there a few weeks ago I've been tuning in and love when he's on. His voice(Meacham ) is soothing.
  8. Exactly what I was thinking. That's where they are coming from. That petty pos Meghan had to talk over Sunny regarding the couple and the friend, glad Sunny just kept talking.
  9. Omg yes. Janelle's nonchalant attitude was crazy. I actually said out loud to my self"who acts like that?" If the police were at my door, I'd absolutely think something horrible had happened. To see her just shrug at the producer and say idk when asked why a Sheriff was at the door was insane but also had me laughing. ...what a bunch of freaks.
  10. Omg, yes. Michelle coming into the rovers just kick an already down Eva was hateful as hell. I knew something was up with that Kayla.
  11. Oh I saw it. She was all smirky. Sunny is smarter than both whoopi and Meghan. Whoopi knows it. Ol'Smirky McCain may not but most of us do. So f-off Meghan. I read sonething on twitter that said "so glad that Sarah Huckabee Sanders was not judged by the color of her skin but the content of her character". ...hee.
  12. Hate to break it to Meghan, Time Magazine doesn't have to do a piece on Trump's base or why Trump is popular with his base. We all know who they are and why the love Trump. If she hasn't figured them out yet ,then she's more of an idiot than I thought. STFU Whoopi, no one set Melania up. Can she not read? FYI, I also thought the coat was a fake pic. ...there was no way it could be real. Then it was. Smh. Melania is a callous uncaring woman, just like she let us know with that ridiculous coat. I hate the people who say oh, it's a message to her husband, wtf? So, she's stupid and cruel ? A blind person could see what the message would look like on that specific visit. She didn't give a f! By the way who wears a coat/jacket to south Texas in June? I agree with Sunny, regarding Sarah Sanders.
  13. I wonder if it has to do with Meghan? She was taking off Fridays to go be with her family. Did the producers think we were getting too happy having MM and WG free Friday's?
  14. I don't even disagree with Dorinda's point . Why the hell would Sonja want her EX husband's family crest (lol,wtf sorry this ridiculous crest thing is hilariously stupid) on her brand? I understand Dorinda’s annoyance with Sonja's fake society bullshit (she had to have a snatch gaurd, hey Lu) but let it go Dorinda you only end up looking petty. Bethany sticking for Sonja was nice, I guess, but we're not stupid. She'd be laughing and picking on Sonja over the crest thing if she was good with Carole or Dorinda. I see you Bethany. Carole and Ramona were so annoying this episode. Carole enjoying Lu's arrest too much. Ramona, I just dislike with all of my heart. She's still pissed about an invite to a wedding of a woman she doesn't even like, whatever Ramona. Everyone is too kind to her. Not one of the ladies ever brought up Mario.
  15. This pisses me off. And that right there is why MM puts words in her co hosts mouth. She want to change the narrative. She knows damn well people are looking to jump all over the other women comments and makes sure she twists their words. No. Sarah does make a point to say "I agree with your point" then goes on to explain whatever she is talking about.
  16. There was someday last week MM jumped in and threw to some clip. She apologized to whoopi (it clear WG was getting there) but just had to talk about it. I just rolled my eyes of course no push back from whoopi. Like I said she thinks she's running the show.
  17. I like Chelsea yeah she's boring but I get she has a happy life with (the man who loved America the most)Cole, but time to leave the show. What's the point of sending Aubree out of the room to discuss these matters if you're doing it on camera. I always liked that she wouldn't talk about everything with her in the room. It's just now a bit ridiculous because Aubree's peers can and will see this drama.
  18. Lol, like I said, I don't care about that stupid bell (I know it doesn't seem like it lol) it just annoyed me that she grabbed it and said she hated , so it was to be no more.lol. Sometimes my frustration with MM is petty but whatever. I know it would never happen but would have loved to hear WG say, this bell was hear before you and will be after you're gone. Omg, I'm focusing on the ridiculous because I'm so frustrated with what going on. Ok I'm done won't mention it again lol.
  19. Yes, Joy was trying to make a great point. Too bad Meghan had to turn to whole conversation at the end to "hysterical" point about the freaking bell. Sarah and her giggling was also annoying me. Eta I don't care about the bell but I did like that WG took back. MM really thinks she's running shit. I pretty much feel like Joy. How can you enjoy anything knowing what those children are going through? I fear the stories that will eventually come out about what happened to some of these poor children.
  20. I can believe Thomas. But the production, really? No. Why? Kathryn definitely has me at Thomas but production would have loved when they found out about baby number 2.
  21. I cried.. It's a silly show but I loved it. As I was watching my 2 adult children stopped by ughl, lol. J/k sort of. Luckily I had it recorded so I can rewatch. My daughter saI'd you you're really going to miss this show...I really am. These last couple weeks have been hard. I've been in a funk that I can't really seem to shake. Everything that's going on and this show and Anthony Bourdain ugh. I'll just miss it so much. Off to drink some wine and remember how great it was to have a show of pure fun no politics, just fun and food and an occasional cocktail. The Chew started after my 3rd child was born . I had 2 in high school and a baby it was comfort tv. I felt like was struggling everday...I've come a long way.
  22. She should ask for a refund, because she SUCKS!
  23. I'm going to call bs on Meghan. She has said she doesn't want to bring her dad up all the time, Bullshit ! Ed Helms mentioned that the interview with John McCain and Steve Carrell was his favorite interview on the daily show. He said this earlier this week or last week, im pretty sure on Stephen Colbert's show. I'm sure she knew that before the interview. So she brought it up, don't stop reminding us who your dad is meggie. He who must not be named was mentioned so...
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