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Everything posted by yowsah1

  1. LET THE JOYOUS NEWS BE SPREAD!!! Seriously, if Jason Morgan is no more, this show has just improved by about 1000%.
  2. What makes this worse is that the whole reason Patprick treated Sabrina so shabbily was supposed to be because of his Great and True and Undying Forever Love for Robin. And we all saw how long the "Forever Love" lasted - as soon as Patty got a shot at resting his head on Sam's pillows, his "Forever Love" became decidedly Temporary. Further proof that Patrick is nothing more than a narcissistic, using sociopath. It's the only explanation that fits his actions. Miller is a Y&R steal actually worthy of the name. He's done more and better acting in the few days he has been on then Jason Thompson has since April of 2013 and Maurice Benard has since the Clinton administration.
  3. And then hopefully decides to have nothing to do with SCum ever again for as long as he lives.
  4. From what I heard, Canco was LW's idea, that she pushed for hard. RC just went along with it until something better could come along. And when, from his perspective, something did - Nico* - he dropped Canco and went with his new "super couple". * - CarSon Round #6,556,864 is just the holding pattern until Ron can figure what to do with the two wastes of space.
  5. You can thank Steve Burton for that. He apparently found Jason Q too "whimpy" and "unmanly", and pushed for a storyline that would revamp the character into something more to his liking. Jason Morgan the character was designed almost completely to his specifications.
  6. Lots of actors on this show are in that boat. KMc is, unfortunately, not special in that regard.
  7. I am thinking that Jason will know who he is, but keep his identity secret for some reason.
  8. On the contrary, Patrick is being written completely in character. It's just that his character has been well established as a narcissistic douche. Well before RC made the scene, Patrick showed just what a shitty husband/person he was when he believed Lisa the Psycho over his own damn wife - and that disbelief contributed to Robin having her life put in danger. Then there was the time he sued said wife to take possession of HER womb! Post RC, we've all seen how he toyed with and then discarded Sabrina without a qualm or a second thought. And when Robin went to C-C he declared he would wait for her as long as it would take. Apparently in Patprick's world, "as long as it takes" means "until I get a good gander at Sam's cleavage". He waited all of... what? 3 months?The only man on canvas right now worse than Patrick is Sonny. And given what a titanic shitbag Sonny is, coming in such a close second to him is a rare achievement.
  9. He'd have to take his head out from between Sam's pillows first. Re: All the references to Sonny as Michael's father, in my delusional little world it's a setup for the glorious moment when he tells the pustulent boil, "You're not my father. You MURDERED my father.", followed by, "My name is ALAN EDWARD QUARTERMAINE!" A gal can dream, can't she? Finally, Sonny's criminal empire is founded on running a protection racket for prostitutes and selling sex slaves. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  10. On the up side, at least this way we won't be treated to a scene where Carly brays about how terribly terribly WRONG it is for a child to be taken from his father...
  11. I still wonder why it was that, given the popularity of HOUSE M.D., GH never brought on a doctor character that was a diagnostician. That way s/he could have her/his fingers in any even vaguely medically related plot. "One thing we can be sure of, it's not lupus!" There is no Robin/Patrick/Sam s/l, there's only the Patrick/Sam/Jason triangle. To have a Robin/Patrick/Sam s/l, Robin would have to be a permanent fixture on canvas, and she isn't. I expect that, if they don't go the triangle route, it will be Sam/Patrick/Liz/Jason. Although I could see Ron doing Sam/Patrick/Carly/Jason. Think of how "soapy" it would be if Robin came back to discover Patrick in Csrly's arms!
  12. Problem is, the TIIC seem convinced that the only viable leading man is one that flits from woman to woman like a butterfly among flowers. Make him a lead and he'll soon be just as douchey as the others.
  13. Much as I utterly despise the character of DoucheLord Drake, I feel honor bound to point out that "must have a love interest at all times" is pretty much SOP for any leading man on a soap. And TIIC at GH very clearly see Jason Thompson as a leading man - they have pushed and pimped him as such, they pulled every string known to man to buy him a Best LEAD Actor Daytime Emmy nomination, they have pretty much done everything and anything to establish him as leading man short of putting a title card reading, "...And Starring Jason Thompson as Patrick Drake!" in the opening credits. So he is not going to be without a bed partner EVER as long as RC is writing this show. Good. It's long past time a story centered around a female character and gave her some POV on this show. You mean the bashing TeCa is still getting? I would like to think that the answer to this question is "No", but, based on available evidence, I doubt it. Especially since JT now knows that he can tank scenes as much as he pleases and all the blame for their failure will be heaped on the shoulders of his scene partner. Laying down my bets right now that if the slim possibility that Sam actually dumps Patrick if the truth about Jason comes out*, he'll take up with Sabrina again without missing a beat. Can't let Patty-poo sleep in a cold bed... In other news, Morgan officially got the Stupid Line of the Day today. Perhaps the Stupid Line of the Year. * - I also bet that the truth about Jason will come out long before the truth about A.J. comes out, assuming the truth about A.J. ever comes out.
  14. Robin had to remind Patprick that the woman he was about to marry, who's life he had just upended, might be a tad upset that she was DUMPED AT THE ALTAR, and that he might want to say a few words to her besides, "See ya!". The two are really opposites - Robin is always putting other people before herself and Patprick is always putting himself before other people, even the ones he claims to "love". It would also have been a perfect way to land a product placement deal with Avon or some similar company. Scenes could begin with a nurse dropping off her order for Moisture Therapy Hand Lotion and telling her fellow nurse how well it works to keep her hands from chapping from all the times she has to wash them, then segue in to the meat of the scene. Stuff like that.
  15. Like you, I am a proud Early Adopter of DoucheLord Drake Hate. NULOPH Forever! ;) Robin only exists to be kidnapped. They should start calling her the Much-Abducted Scorpio. I'm hoping that Patrick and Robin mutually decide it would be best if Emma went with her mother.
  16. After getting away from Hells, Robin and Jason share a warm but chaste embrace, maybe a kiss. Somebody takes a photo of it and sends it to Patty and Sam. Patty hotfoots it down to the divorce attorneys office and gets a divorce on the grounds of adultery. Sam is thrown into a tailspin, especially when Patty treats her to the"logical" explanation for the picture. PATPRICK: "They both faked their death so they could run away together!!! We're in the clear! Let's fuck!"
  17. Now that he doesn't have Sabrina to constantly pawn Emma off on, he's forced to look elsewhere for pawn-ees to parent his child for him.
  18. Just think, if Franco is kept on the show for another 5, 7, or 10 years by a writer that worships him and refuses to get rid of him no matter how much fans beg, he too will be a vet that cannot be dislodged for any reason. And before you say, "The show will be canceled before that happens!", well, I said the same thing when Sonny starting eating this show alive and turning it into a pile of dogshit and lo and behold, here we are 20 years later and now we can't be rid of the pustulent boil because, "He's a vet!".
  19. Given her area of expertise and family connections, surely Britt would be a better candidate for this sort of task? Sonny off the canvas and Jason Q back on would do just fine for me.
  20. Given the way Sonny acquired Michael, and what he did to Michael's father, I very much begrudge him that!
  21. I've wanted to try her out with Michael or Morgan since she first came on the show. Anybody but DoucheLord Drake.
  22. Outside of the sound of bus tires squealing as Sabrina is ground underneath them (she and Robin can compare notes on how the struts look), today was a total snoozefest.
  23. Hell, I'd settle for having someone call out Patty on his dicky behavior. The closest we got was at the interrupted wedding when both Sabrina and Robin left Patrick in the church after basically telling him that he knew where to find them when he made up his mind. then later Carlos scolded him about his treatment of Sabrina. But after that? Nada. And I doubt anybody is going to point out to him that his behavior makes him the walking, talking definition of narcissistic sociopathy. This upcoming triangle* is going to based around everything being all Robin's fault. * - I don't believe it's going to be a quadrangle, unless the quad is Sam/Patrick/Jason/Liz. Robin isn't going to figure in it at all because KMc won't be on canvas long enough to do anything but see Jason off to his new life and perhaps get berated by Patrick (because that never gets old ::eyeroll:: ) as she's making her exit. I'd watch that. ;)
  24. I have no faith that Patrick will get what he deserves.
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