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Everything posted by yowsah1

  1. Hell, a throwaway line that he Skypes his kids, a la Robin, would not be amiss. If only she could ...
  2. He can turn out to be A.J.'s child by someone other than Carly. He will be vastly relieved that neither the Greaseball or the She-Beast are blood kin to him. When it comes out that Levi is not only the Real MyKill but that he's really the product of a drunken one night stand Sonny & Carly had before the HateSex That Ate Port Charles, Eeyore casts off his Eeyore-ness and, channeling the audience, points and laughs.
  3. I'm thinking they bond over their mutual pain of losing a child. Conflict arises over Silas' anti-Patrick jihad and Sabrina still having residual feelings for her ex-fiance.
  4. Felicia deserves every brick at that gets thrown at her over her terrible parenting, but Mac? If it weren't for him Maxie wouldn't have had ANY parenting at all.
  5. The only non-douchey guy in Port Charles is currently laid up in the hospital with a bullet hole in his shoulder.
  6. Look at Levi's hair. He's the Real MyKill, come back to terrorize us all...
  7. Hmmmm... Given that Nina is heading towards Franco for a Nico pairing, & Sam is heading towards SamTrick Hell, I'm going to guess that this is the first shot across the bow for a Silina pairing.
  8. It will turn out that Levi is a Quartermaine, and Ron will give himself kudos on Twitter for "rebuilding a core family". The big reveal will happen off screen.
  9. I don't think Jax could be ruined worse than the "being raped is totally the same as committing adultery, and when it happens to a guy, it's HILARIOUS!!!" story that Guza cooked up. But who knows, Ron could surprise me.
  10. Apparently none of the EMTs could make it on site because they were all on upper floors and the elevator was broken... ;)
  11. Given her recent shenanigans involving Rocco, I have to think that Britt isn't getting many clients...
  12. I want Ava's baby to either be a tock, a hysterical pregnancy, or have her be faking it. I've said it before and I'll say it again - the last thing this show needs is more fucking Corinthos spawn. While I am not really a fan of Liz/BH, one thing I did like about her character is that, in stark contrast to Carly, whenever Liz did something bad or made mistakes she got called out for it, and hard. I still remember the scene where Lulu publicly berated Liz for cheating on Lucky. If someone had done that to Carly once in a while, I might find her character worth more than a bucket of warm spit.
  13. Every once in a while, Ron can serve up a real shocker. I really have to hand it to him with the Levi story. In retrospect, it seems like all the things posters were convinced was evidence of bad writing - Levi coming on like he was giving Maxie Zen enlightenment when in actuality he was manipulating her and shutting down her life - were actually carefully planned seeds to build up to Levi's big heel turn (or, more accurately, heel reveal). Couple that with the genuinely out-of-left-field Mac shooting, and I have to say well done, Ron. If, on the other hand, Mac dies and his heart goes to Alice there will not be enough "FUCK YOU, RON"s in the world for me... Whether accidentally or on purpose, I think RC has stumbled on to a couple with real potential. Hopefully, he will follow up on this. Given how Ron loves to troll certain posters, I'd say, emphatically, YES.
  14. If Ron does this, I promise to not say anything bad about him for a whole entire month!
  15. Because it more-or-less effectively blocks said actor from returning to the show.
  16. Or maybe, now that the friendship seems to be on it's way to being patched up, they figure it's best not to bring up painful recent events and not to rock the boat. Besides, they've been so wrapped up in baby drama that they might not know how icky Levil* really is. As far as they know, he's that nice fellow who helped Maxie get back on her feet after she went through a bad time, what could be bad about that? * - That was a typo, but I liked it so I kept it. Oh, phffft, Purina and PurinaHate is soooooo last year. RC's new Shiny Toy Du Jour is SamTrick - he made sure to have Patrick believe that Jason was dead just to clear the way for the inevitable SamTrickFuck with a side of JasonIsAliveInterruptus. The new Fetch is SamTrick - and, as far as Ronnie is concerned, you better love it. Or Else. And I want Sonny to get found guilty and take the needle. I also want World Peace and a unicorn. I could see a scenario where Nina's scheming gets exposed and everyone turns on her except Franco. (On the grounds of, "Who am I to judge? I killed people"). And then the two draw together, a la the "Most Pathetic" contest Todd and Blair had when they started hitting it off.
  17. This is the show that's most iconic character is a rapist who became a romantic lead, and who's two lead characters for the 20 years prior to RC showing up were a Mafia thug and a killer for hire presented as romantic leads while they were committing their crimes. Disney probably got told, "We're re-casting that character that James Franco played and reforming him" and went, "Fine", and moved on to overseeing whatever Shonda Rimes was coming up with.
  18. Michael Muhney hasn't been cast as anybody, as far as I can tell. I put a post in the Speculation thread that he would make a good Stavros, that might be where the confusion arose.
  19. I think RKK plays the character just fine, it's just that he seems more than a little old to be paired with Lulu. Couldn't he have a son who carries on the great Cassadine male tradition of obsessing over Spencer women?
  20. When Matthew Ashford was essaying the role of Tom Hardy, there were some pretty heavy hints laid down that Tom had a dark side, so casting RoHo in the part and making the character an anti-hero would have worked out perfectly. Which is why tocking Gabriel was such a butt-stupid idea. I wouldn't hurt the character of Patrick to have another child, but the last thing the GH canvas needs is another fucking Corinthos. I would be okay with that too. Silas could have a long-lost identical cousin or something show up and lo and behold he turns out to be a cop, and it could turn out that Franco isn't really Franco but Scott and Janet's son who had a breakdown for some reason and assumed Franco's identity. The Kiki problem, however, would remain...
  21. The thought came to me today: Michael Muhney as Stavros. Just putting it out there...
  22. That would be too awesome for words... and a great swerve too. What would be even better is if an egg opened up and it turned out that a revived A.J. was inside it. It's never Patrick's fault when he sticks his penis in someone not his wife, is it? It wasn't his fault when he stuck it in Britt ("She seduced me!"), it wasn't his fault when he stuck it in Sabrina ("I was peer-pressured into it!"), then lied to and used her to boot, and it won't be his fault when he sticks it in Sam ("I wouldn't have done it if Robin hadn't spurned me!"). Patrick's consistent refusal to take responsibility for a single damn thing he does is a major reason he comes off as such an unmitigated asshole. I don't really buy it either. KA's character Starr had been a major character on the OLTL canvas for years before Cartini took over, and she was (IIRC) well into her teens when they showed up. So it's not like she grew up from a mere sprog under their fond guidance.
  23. Nobody in Port Charles, outside of Mac, puts in the slightest effort to raise their children so I don't see why Nik should be any different. If he is, it's backfiring horrifically. The only person coming off bad in these scenes is Patrick. The obvious time to have broken them up is when Robin came back the last time. You still could have had Robin interrupt the wedding and her & Patrick getting together again, but then you could have it turn out that, try as they might, they just can't make it work. Then if Victor Cassadine had to show up and Robin had to go off and unthaw Jason, there could have been a bittersweet parting. But no, once again, Patrick has to be propped and pimped at all costs... I've said it before and I'll say it again. The real pet in the whole Patrick/Sabrina/Robin clusterfuck of a story was Jason Thompson/Patrick. From day one, everything about the story was written to glorify and prop Patrick. ... and if I believed for a second that Patrick had given even two shits about the porr little thing (or his mother, for that matter), I might juuuuusssssst buy his anger. But as it is it just comes off to me as a handy-dandy excuse for Patrick to dump his old lady and jump Sam's bones while still coming off to others as "righteous". And to all those coming aboard the "I Hate Patrick" train, from one who has been on it for a good two/three years now, welcome aboard! ;)
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