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  1. Been trying to watch and like the reboot. I just cannot with Sam Waterson. His character is such a rule bound, non-empathetic, self righteous POS. First I found it hard to like the police, but they started to grow on me with character development. Didn't take to the DA's office staff. Still don't. Nolan Price is a $tore knock off of Jack McCoy. And ADA Maroun just (to the date of the episodes I have been able to watch through) hasn't made much of an impression. Maybe TPTB thought they were getting star power with bringing McCoy back from whatever dead file closet they had him in but they failed. Lt. Dixon (Manheim) is who I'm watching for. With the crossovers to SVU she has proven a rounded character. McCoy, Maroun and Price are the Flat Stanleys of the L&O franchise
  2. I have enjoyed meeting Gamache and the residents of Three Pines via audiobook. The narration, to me, is perfect. Part way through the series the narrator passed away and there was much concern on finding a new narrator who would convey the same atmosphere. Louise Penny has had a say in all of this, including the tv series. She said she was a bit uncomfortable with some changes but as a whole it goes forward.
  3. I am about done with mama and son. The grand standing about “I’m not leaving until you tell me why”. Dear god. Your daughter in law/mother was assassinated because of Stablers’s job. When he tells you to leave you f’ing leave. When the cop knocks on my door and tells me to evacuate I go. And asking Eli if moms has taken her meds - putting the fox in charge of the hen house. Add in the wife and the brother who think they know best even though their cop relatives say don’t, there is nothing good to come from your actions Are people really that pig headed yet successful lawyers and pastors.
  4. Oh purse lady aka Gabrielle Rose, Canadian actress known best for her Hallmark movie appearances as the spinster aunt/dotty grandmother/evil neighbour. Sighting her usually is the tell tale sign of a Canadian production. I’ve no idea how she has managed to make a career of playing only slight variations of what is hopefully not her actual personality.
  5. Considering I’ve watching this on a “I started it, I’ll finish it” not sure how I feel about the fakeout ending. If this is the ending. She quit once (took leave) and came back. Now to see if it’s been renewed or can I delete the series from the pvr
  6. looks like Nicholas Campbell is off the show Wondered why we only heard his voice this episode and saw a bundle in the bed https://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/nicholas-campbell-impasse-racism-1.6231055
  7. I am now at the “it’s an obligation to see this through” watch level. I cannot enjoy any of these characters. I sort of get damaged Jenny protecting her dad, but for crying out loud for an educated woman she is 3 short of a dozen. Her depression leaves a man with dementia in the care of her suddenly reappeared mother (how’s the for a plot twist) and her next to useless flake of a kid in an isolated farmhouse. Why she has not found him a safe place to be is beyond me. Been there, done that with a parent. It’s hard, but you have to keep them safe and not just muddle through your own mental fog. The scenes without her and her drama he’d family makes for okay watching. Can we keep the cops and and Pree from Killjoys (Thom Allison). And burn down the farmhouse Tragic.
  8. I kept thinking the lead actress reminded my of someone. Jessica Alba lite from LAs Finest. Re costuming. Why on earth wear a tight white tshirt to work? And that it needs to be such a low u-neck? I find it so distracting and not in a good way. Hard enough to stick with this show as much as I have loved the book series. The Amelia Sachs character I know was a former model, athletic but bad knees, drove a bad ass car, and dressed in button downs okay, at least she isn’t running around I high heel shoes but put on a work shirt, please
  9. “Kelly” is also the vice principal on Burden of Truth. She’s a very busy Canadian actor.
  10. I’m glad that the manic energy and ego of the former hosts and designers are gone. At least with this first episode it appears they are designing for real life and not an impractical themed room. I’ve seen Jessie Ferguson on interview shows and he is a charming interviewer and interviewee. His role is most likely as the liaison/ point person with the family and the volunteers. Those originally houses were overbuilt show pieces and impractical to live in It would appear that these new ones are being built smart. Property taxes are what they are..
  11. Okay. This show is set in Canada. I would think that a hospital employee would have a drug plan. And sure it’s not perfect but buying street level drugs for his illness? Please explain what I’ve missed out regarding this. And the hazing crap by the senior nurse - give me a break. Nurses I know in hospitals have some fun but is this juvenile nonsense for real?
  12. In the UK it’s called a cooker. As construction workers are called builders Though why the back of a car is called either the tuck or the boot has still got me baffled
  13. I am just generally annoyed with the tv trope of the texting ticking sound. Good grief people, everyone turns it off. Or their kids do it for them. Why does the genius doctor not do it? Ben is an idiot in so many ways, crumpling like wet cardboard and blowing Vance’s cover.
  14. I am confused about Sam. I thought he was Muslim. But he’s been drinking beers and talking about wine tours. Did I miss something?
  15. kb3

    Season 02

    I dislike the character payed by Alana de la Garza. I’ve not really warmed up to any characters she’s played. I miss Sela Ward. Though she was the authoritative character there was still so warmth to her. Subbing in de la Garza feels like they went for a similar look but didn’t quite make the feel. They trot her out with her statement so that Sisto can shout out his lines and then put here back in her office until someone needs to see the principal.
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