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Everything posted by JKL845

  1. So is the chalk and pin the tail on the donkey for dexterity for Rebecca?
  2. I really liked this episode. I haven't liked much of this season but this felt like the show I enjoy. So Toby hasn't been to Kevin's house before....hmm. Happy to see Beth and Randall back. I love them, but not this season. I don't like Beth's boss (and maybe Beth as well) looking down on their clients. They could love dance just as much as Beth does. I think Kevin and Sophie end up together. I'd like that. But not until the last season. I would want Sophie to decide on her own not to marry the other guy because she doesn't love him like she should. I feel like they were showing Kevin flirting with that nurse because he's charming but also because Sophie is a nurse. The last season they could have flashbacks of their relationship...dating, married, divorcing and then getting it right. I think they will all be happy in the end. If Kate and Toby are divorced I think they will reconcile over her mom's illness or something. Randall picked Tess up and they drove to Kevin's house, so it must be on the east coast. Nick could be at Rebecca's bedside because he's part of the family now. He is the uncle, it doesn't have to mean any romance between the two.
  3. If it's between Beth giving up her dream job or Tess and Deja taking turns being there for Annie, they should have the sister's helping out. I'm sure Deja wasn't involved in after school activities when she was with her bio mom. R & B could even have dinner planned before they leave, it's not that hard. People with a LOT less money do it every day. There a many different ways for them to make it work but for them to not even explore it with how smart they are, doesn't make sense. I help other working parents out all the time and know plenty of people who do too. Sell the expensive car for something more reasonable. That should get them through until Annie is old enough. What were they doing during the summers and school breaks before this? Did Beth only work when the kids were in school? Doesn't seem like it. They worked it out before, why not now?
  4. I guess I'm just mad about this manufactured fight. The writers are better than this. We are supposed to believe that this successful, wealthy, hard working couple doesn't have babysitters. For social events, date night etc. Not that these children even need a babysitter at their ages. Also why would they need someone who specializes in adoption or gay issues. They just need someone a couple of hours a week to help with homework and dinner. If Tess and Deja need help, then find a counselor who specializes in their problems. R & B are too smart for this to be a big issue between them.
  5. If it was real and not a tv show I don't think anyone would be advocating for divorce. Their problems shown so far are very fixable. However, they are trying to hint that they divorce by what they have shown of the future. So if they are divorced in the future, from how bad I feel this episode was, I'd prefer they just go ahead and do it and not prolong their misery and ours! I didn't like or recognize this Beth and Randall. This Beth that has no problem rejecting Randall over and over again and still gets him to come back for more, puts up with 7 years of spending EVERY Sunday with his mother and doesn't say anything?! That is not the Beth I know and love. She is not a pushover and they are playing games with my favorite couple on the show. Not buying it.
  6. Just meant if they are divorced in the future, may as well go ahead and get it over with if they are making each other miserable. Last night showed the relationship wasn't very good in the beginning. Somewhere it got better because I thought 1st season they were awesome together.
  7. Team neither one. The best thing is to divorce and each of them find someone they are more suited for and passionate about. They are equally exhausting. I loved Beth and Randall the first season. This episode clearly showed they never should have married. There was zero passion between them when they were dating. We saw no love at all. Young Beth was terrible to Randall. Seems like he only pursued her was because of the challenge not for any real affection for her. Only showed a very shallow relationship last night. For her to turn down numerous proposals tells you this is not a good relationship. If she loved him and was passionate about him, she would have happily said yes and then discuss the right time to actually set the date. Maybe after she/they accomplished some goals. But she just came across as cold and indifferent to him. At this point I like the little kids and the teenagers but none of the adult children. Too bad because I used to love this show.
  8. True. Emily is one of my all time favorites on the show and they haven't done nearly enough with her. They haven't shown her relationships enough at all. Hope we get more for her.
  9. I've never seen any vitriol for JJ. I've always liked her and still do. I like the whole cast. Just thought this episode was extremely silly and not good enough story telling. Felt very flat. Story wise and acting. Didn't feel like a love declaration or shocking to me at all. JJ had more emotion and it meant more to her telling the unsub what she was going to name her daughter (why the unsub would care about that either, I have no clue), than anything she said about Reid. It was like an afterthought, like okay, okay...my daughter's name didn't do the trick...think, think, think...how about me telling him I love someone? Just more in line in what I would expect from a CW tween show and not CM. It won't really change anything for JJ or Reid.
  10. What happened to Criminal Minds?! Hard to believe that was the season finale. Seems like they let a bunch of 12 year olds write that. The bad guy playing truth or dare with JJ? Seriously? What's next, getting out the Ouija board or playing spin the bottle? Yes, why didn't the judge shoot him? When JJ stepped up and said she would do it, why didn't the guy just tell her to shoot the judge or Reid? Why would he care about her deep dark secrets? Was he planning on going back to prison and saying "hey guys, you'll never believe the juicy gossip I discovered!". Ridiculous. So juvenile. The bad guy knows nothing about JJ so how would he know the truth anyway. So disappointed in this episode. As for JJ and Reid, there is no way JJ has romantic feelings for Reid. She loves him in a non romantic way. If something happens to her husband she would find a new romantic interest, it wouldn't be Reid. His true love is his mother anyway. He is totally devoted to her.
  11. It really is all about the editing. I'm sure all of them have made moves that aren't shown. All of them have been smug & secure about where they stand, etc. Last night it looked like Mike was trying to get rid of Christian but was rebuffed. However, Christian did go so maybe he made his case & Mike was the one to orchestrate Christian's exit. I would like to see when it comes down to the final 3 they show a montage of unseen footage where we see moves from all 3, making a case for each one to possibly win.
  12. I'll just say Emily and Gabby are equally attractive. I find it very mean spirited to criticize Emily especially since we know absolutely nothing about her except that she is shy. I agree with Nick about the Carl move. Too soon, they needed to get out a couple more Goliaths first and he and Davie should not have been blindsided like that. Christian and Gabby actually did to Nick and Davie what Gabby was crying about Carl doing to her! I like all the remaining players, which is rare!
  13. If the final 3 are Nick, Mike & Angelina that is pretty much three Goliaths. From the get go, Nick seemed more like a Goliath than a David. More so than Mike even. Davie seems like a Goliath as well. Really these labels mean nothing. If Angelina makes it to final 3 I think she should win.
  14. Gina's divorce proceedings could go pretty smoothly and I hope for her and her children's sake it does. But I think she underestimates how difficult it will be after that. She won't always be "best friends" with him. His new love interest will take that spot. It may not be so easy if the kids ever get a stepmom either. If he goes on to have more children with someone else, that could also complicate things for her. I just see where the ladies come from with trying to stay together at least until the kids are older if they are still attracted to each other & get along. The women have seemed to attack her over it and no one would respond well to that.
  15. I didn't categorize them as an obsession with Lex. They are examples of the many things Lana got from Lex. I would say her obsession with Lex started in season 5 and ran to the end of her time on the show. In season 1 and into season 2 Lana was thinking of Whitney, her first love. Seasons 2 & 3 she was also thinking of different guys she dated. Season 4 she was thinking of Jason. On and off she was involved with Lex and Clark. Lex was the biggest parts of her storyline, especially in seasons 6, 7 & 8.
  16. I liked Clana for most of the series. I do think they messed up Lana's character the most, though. Just all over the place and didn't have much planned in her later seasons. For Lana the show was always much more about Lex than Clark. EVERYTHING Lana got she got from Lex (except what she got from Nell). Her one & only birthday party-Lex, her birthday present from Clark-Lex, her first non-date with Clark-all Lex. He pushed Clark to ask her and did all the arrangements. Her only jobs-Lex. Her trip to Paris-Lex. She got fired from her only non Lex job after only 1 day. Where she lived-Lex. Her only marriage-Lex. Her pregnancy & fake pregnancy -Lex. The reason she came back to Smallville in season 8-Lex, not Clark. The power suit -Lex. Her obsession with Lex is what the show was about for Lana.
  17. That's just it, you don't know. You are just speculating. But these are real women in real pain due to her actions. You already condemn him before his trial but coming up with excuses for her without all the facts. Maybe she was the one who escalated things and influenced him. You never know. The combination of the two of them working together made things worse. I don't think either of them are evil, but both of their actions are.
  18. Please stop with the justification. Just because she once played a character you loved, it's hurtful and a disservice to the victims. No doubt he could point to something in his childhood, too. Kristen made her choices and Allison made hers. Let's hope the truth comes out and the victims get justice. If she is not found to be culpable and no charges brought against her, great. But if she is guilty her victims deserve justice without people excusing their pain. If she was convinced it would help the women he probably was too. Can't excuse either of them. If he's a monster, so is she.
  19. No pass. Allison is an adult and was an adult when she first got involved with the group. It won't change my enjoyment of the show. Just diminishes Chloe's role. No problem. While I enjoy the cast, my only deal breakers are Clark and the Luthors. If I have to skip them it wouldn't be worth it to watch.
  20. Ugh. Allison is a vile person. So, rewatching it does taint my enjoyment of Chloe. Same for the works of anyone who's scandals have come to light, male or female. Smallville is one of my favorite shows and I rewatch at least one episode a week still! The cast is large enough that it is easy to skip over Chloe if it gets to be too much for me. I might have welcomed it back then if they explored a relationship with Chloe and Clark, but knowing what I do now, when I watch, I'm really happy that Chloe and Clark were only friends. More enjoyable watching. Now if something comes out about Tom like that, I'll have to stop watching.
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