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Everything posted by dbell1

  1. We now know that whoever robbed Dorit and PukeK left all of her clothes. I might sue for $5,000 for emotional distress from that horrific zig zag robe she had on. Denise is so flipping funny and laid back. "Sure, wear sneakers." I know some might question Aaron's motives, but he seems a good match for her and he cares about the girls. I want to see the kitchen remodel, forget the vacations!!!
  2. Are there rules about not killing anyone on this show? Because Reem would be a sand outline on the beach otherwise. Remind me again why Wentworth was such an awesome idea for a return player? All I've seen is pouting and crappy challenge and game play out of her. I'm not loving this season, and that's coming from a day 1, season 1 watcher.
  3. Well, that was another shitshow. Camille looked fabulous. Dorit looked ridiculous. Teddi looked like a flip flopping fish, Denise looked high, EJ looked too covered up doing the photo shoot. Seriously, we never see her casual. Lisa and Kyle's friendship- those scenes in the car and the restaurant, those things are what drew me into this show. They used to be best buds and now, ugh. Hey Teddi, are you sure you've never lied?
  4. She wants a story book house, he needs a room to show off his action figure collection. Their budget is $850k in CA. I'm in the wrong line of business. And he looks like my ex bf, so I hated these whimsical people from the start. 😕
  5. It's amazing how fast the episode went with ff. No Kyle, sorry Kyle's awesome dogs, no Rinna, that was a relief, and just watching Denise figure out a wedding date, the horses, the ugly Erika house, and LVP and the texts o'doom. I'm team dog. And I'm really still here for the Beverly Hills lifestyle, not a pile on of piranhas.
  6. So is the needle used to put dogs to death in shelters.
  7. Well, that episode was ridiculous too. Dorit dumped a dog. Two of them. Only 1 made it back to VPD before being dumped in a shelter. She's not innocent and if I did that to any of my friends in animal rescue, they wouldn't be my friends anymore. And to anyone defending her and PukeK? Go to a shelter. Look at those dogs. Tell me she's blameless. Cold hearted grifting pile of bones and hair clips. I'm with Lisa VP. But, I'd have walked out sooner on this pack of bleating yapping hags. And shut up Teddi. Own your messages. All of them. Kyle is not a friend to LVP. The sooner Lisa realizes it, the better. I wish we could have seen more of the scenery and the nightclub, they looked like they were actually having fun. But, instead we get Dorit on a cross and Lisa R not shutting up. Hi Camille - I like you again. Hey Denise - stay casual and cool.
  8. Animal rescue people have seen things that would break your heart. Lucy was a rescue who then found herself in a kill shelter after being passed around like a toy, not a living breathing being. Of course the employees and Lisa are going to be rightly pissed off. Dorit and PukeK do not get a pass, friends do the right thing. Rinna was like a piranha. And this episode made me sick to my stomach. I want pretty views, beautiful food being ignored, designer clothing and a wish to live that way, not a batch of screeching harpies trying to squeeze out a tear while some big lipped hag pulls the strings. Denise, run away before they pull you in.
  9. And just watched Lady Gaga and the drummer. She's a retro cook, he's a closet drummer who buys tubs as presents. They've dated 5 months and are spending $450K on a house in Orlando. I seriously think this show is the Twilight Zone.
  10. That camp worker couple was really annoying. They had 2 dogs, 2 cats, she wanted room for crafts, books, a flipping double sink, entertaining, and his daughter (who always came last on the girlfriend's list), and were looking at 200 square feet? Of course they were going with the 5th wheel. I guess they'll never see his child.
  11. I really liked Justin, wanted Adrienne gone before him. I wonder if the ultimate kiss of death on this show would be risotto two ways? Sarah's ego was already really big, that win would just make it worse. Voltaggio was very subdued tonight. Hi Gail. Bye Graham and his glasses?
  12. Good idea to make the candy as a present. None of them would eat it anyway. Except EJ. This thread is on fire. "Bowling ball breasts and wig seams" should have been the title. Best thing about watching on delay is being able to ff through Rinna spawn.
  13. Chesapeake VA couple was grating on all my nerves. He wants shopping and a busy area. She wants something brand new. So, they moved to North Carolina. Okay. I don't care how close it is to the state line, who moves into a construction zone and into new school systems. Ugh. Pretentious guy, annoying wife and bratty teens.
  14. There were some ugly tears in my house watching that. If I had the money and space, I'd have nothing but shelter hospice dogs and cats. Hell, I'd even take in other animals. I thought Matt moved north with a girlfriend? Going back for 2 months is super loyal, but what about his new life?
  15. Every rescue animal I've adopted has come with a return clause. I'm even on my mom's mom's contract for her cat. So, for Dorit and PukeJ to give the dog away knowing she's a biter? Wrong on every level. Good thing the shelter scanned the dog. Speaking of biting yapping things, shut up Kyle. And take the morally corrupt Faye with you.
  16. Nigel is not going to go "awwwee" when VK blotches a move. I predict she doesn't make it to the show, let alone past the first cattle call audition.
  17. I'm sure Gina saves puppies from burning buildings in her spare time, but hell no to her at point. She'll hair flip her way out of the triangle. Off to the side, the extra isn't that noticeable. Out front it would be a mess.
  18. When I think of Nashville and country music stars, Kings of Leon aren't on the list. Wasn't there anyone remotely related to country music available? Or did they all see Adrienne vomiting and bailed? I picture a line of tour buses heading out of town.
  19. Why is she posing in a handicapped spot? It's bizarre.
  20. What a joyous finale. I loved Titus staying on Broadway for his dream, but still getting his happy ending with Mikey. Kimmy getting her own amusement park was awesome, just wish her backpack had made it into that final scene instead of her mother. The backpack was much more supportive. Oh Lillian, never change. I knew TNT couldn't kill her. Jacqueline got a career and a guy. Jane Krakowski just nailed everything this season, and looked stunning doing it. These final episodes were a perfect wrap up to a crazy series that lost its way for a bit. Thank you showrunners for not bringing back the Reverend again, we needed him to disappear and stop haunting our girl.
  21. Fatima dying is just heartbreaking. Such a beautiful soul.
  22. ChitChat, thanks for giving us your Kelsey insight. Love reading stories about people meeting the cheftestants. Last night was ham steak and a virus with no power. Great episode. :/ I'd have tossed Adrienne's food. Ick. Bye Brian. Go make crap food on LCK.
  23. I hope Malena stays away. Last year wasn't kind to her and if she's got a great job, why deal with the pressure of MTT? Plus that cut was just brutal. Not looking forward to VK II: Mascara and Muffin Top Returns.
  24. Glad to see Brother leave. He didn't deserve the third chance he got. I'm annoyed they bring back past season chefs for new seasons. Have a second chance season or "all star", but stop mixing people. Guess I wanted Nini back despite her total meltdown in RW.
  25. I had no idea that Icelandic Killer Flatnose was wrestler The Edge. Guess I don't keep up with casting and he's just so depressing and grey. Aud jumping into the waterfalls worked for me, I'd be tossing myself off a cliff too just to leave. A bit bored by Gunnhild the love goddess. Harald and Bjorn both have crap track records with women, so she'll just pick the lesser loser. Judith makes other horrible mothers look like saints. But, I was fine with her sending that random character packing. Should have killed her, not Aethelflad. Oh look, another invasion. I'm shocked. Guess Ubbe won't be getting the crops in this season.
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