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  1. I always like Midges routines but I love observational comedy. Just as someone else posted - the Era defined Midge. Late 50s/ early 60s female comic performing blue. Other comics at that time were gimmicky. I didn't even smile one iota at the upthread Joan Rivers piece. And I always found Rivers to be schticky and grating.
  2. I believe Lorenzo is dead. If you guys ever watch Marc Dark on YouTube he shows a scene from clips that showed Lorenzo's body on Law enforcement board outlining the Tejada family and known criminal associates. And it won't be a fake death like Lauren. There's no reason to keep Lorenzo around as a CI or witness. He'd rather die first
  3. Was it just me, or did anybody else wanted this episode to pick up with Kendall floating in the pool?
  4. I'm enjoying it, however early in episode 1 there was a 'check your brain at the door' that basically tempered my expectations After the bombing and Peter says " Thats the guy who did it" and goes chasing bad guy wearing a hoodie- basically NO LEOs anywhere. A terrorist attack on the metro in DC and, at best, limited police, FBI, etc presence. An injured Peter is the only one chasing. IRL that guy, on foot, would've caught in seconds. I thought " OH well, there would be no season if things were realistic So I just watch and let the show take me where it wants to go
  5. I also respect Delroys work. I still think of him as Satchell Paige from Soul of the Game. But I have to agree with most. As much as I like Kerry Washington her character appears to have a together professional life on the surface but a total flake as an individual. Hence her little girl inner voice come to life on screen to show us her inner conflicts Maybe I'm a little fuddy Diddy but I'm never a fan of such young a performer using choice curse words.
  6. I'm willing to bet a lot of people, let alone teenagers don't know Richard Wright. Regardless of color or ethnicity
  7. Lee was never a social worker- always presented as a lawyer. I thought the same thing as the bus station. NOBODY saw anything. However in retrospect I can see how Rudy got away. People are usually not paying attention to their surroundings. Making sure they have their ticket, luggage, etc. So Rudy walking up and getting out of there quickly is believable. What isn't believable is Rudy shooting Eugene in the shoulder at point blank range. And just did Rudy think he was gonna do in the hospital with everybody watching. Even without Eugene yelling out his name I can't forsee Rudy doing anything in the hospital.
  8. My opinion will be in the minority, but why the fuss at this time over surveillance and cameras? Nobody knows Malcolm is missing let alone dead. Simon's murder is fresh and they've barely scratched the surface of the investigation. As for Joe lugging Malcolm's body being caught on some camera, just because there ARE cameras doesn't mean there is somebody constantly monitoring said cameras.
  9. I remember reading an article a few years ago where Penn says he has more lines as a voice over then he has on screen.
  10. I considered Zoe the bored middle aged woman who's feels like she's shaking up her bland existence with some excitement. She'd rather go to this exotic location with this unpredictable street savvy guy than struggle trying to rent out a room depending on alimony checks. Why did it take Harper soooo long to figure, or at least suspect, Emily is Dan's daughter. The age and complexion should've been a red flag for a veteran agent.
  11. There is no season 2 unless Cousin Buddy is back!
  12. The Doctor with a limp is the same person as the kid with the soccer ball on the backseat of the wrecked car. Deja is pregnant with Maliks child. He was in the restaurant working
  13. Whoops. One more thing. I was pleasantly surprised and relieved when Miguel left briefly to get Tylenol Rebecca called out for Miguel and not Jack. That would've been a serious kick to Miguel's teeth
  14. Oh yeah, I'll agree the fans lived and still love him. My first game with the family was at Three Rivers with Clemente playing right field ( I'm too young for Forbes Field). I'm not sure if you still follow the game, but PNC Park in Pittsburgh made the right field wall 21 feet in height to honor Roberto. Also the 6th street bridge, which leads into PNC Park, has been renamed the Clemente Bridge. There was also light talk in Pittsburgh to petition the league to retire #21 in all of baseball just like Jackie Robinsons #42 I was either 6 or 7 when I was listening to the radio when his plane went missing. I didn't quite understand what was going on but my mother filled in the details. Then they talked about it on the news. Very eerie and sad
  15. A little pet peeve from me A lot of people on thos thread are calling the Rivas family immigrants. They are from Puetro Rico. They are American citizens. People from the island have been US citizens since 1917. Also about the tension between Miguel and his dad. Another line that rubbed his Dad the wrong way was " I don't want to look like I just came from San Juan" ( when referring to his hair). I openly cringed when Miguel said that. I can see how his Dad took offense to that and I really expected a more verbal showdown after that line. Another fact.....and I'm sure the earlier poster who went to Forbes Field to see Clemente can attest. Remember when the man who watching the Pirates on TV say about Clemente " Can't understand a damn thing he says". That was very true and reported harshly in Pittsburgh media. They would quote him phonetically. " I heet (hit) thee ball". Made him sound like a Speedy Gonzalez knock off. I'm sure that treatment of Clemente was evident to the Rivases and young Miguel would do what he could to Americanize. I watched a documentary on Clemente a few years ago and they pointed out articles in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette. Probably flew in the 50s/60s but undeniable racist
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