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Everything posted by Souris

  1. I'm wondering if Comic Con this year will focus on Michael Socha and whoever they cast as Elsa and Anna.
  2. According to a post on Twitter, Colin's new band Chyld is going to be doing some recording/mixing on Wednesday, so that may be part of why he went back to Vancouver a bit earlier than the others.
  3. Ohhh. I didn't realize Alice's London was meant to be a fictional one. I just thought the Rabbit could time-portal with his holes. Well, that shoots down my Will theory I came up with today from the Spec thread!
  4. That was a theory? Ah, the things I missed not being in the fandom until this March-ish. I wonder what that ship name would have been then? Toddler Queen?
  5. When it would actually make sense if it was the other way around. There was no real reason for Alice's London to be fictional.
  6. We don't know where Hook's magic bean came from/who he traded the Jolly Roger to for it. I suspect that will become a plot point at some point. Whenever TPTB decide, Oh, we'd like our ship back now, please!
  7. I started a new thing: Scenes From Season 4. I've written part of the next chapter, but it needs much filling in. We'll see how much I can do on this series of vignettes before spoilers make it AU. No porn in this one -- it's TV-show rated. I am such a slow freaking writer that I cannot seem to get anything long and involving a lot of plot done. I have ideas, I just can't output them! The Secret of Drowning is a fanfic that I love, but it's been so long abandoned, I can't see it ever being finished. So know that going in if you haven't read it. Hook & Emma getting sucked into the Team Princess-era portal, and traveling through various worlds trying to get to Storybrooke.
  8. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I take MAJOR exception to somebody inferring that Marian isn't a good mother because she somehow -- we don't know exactly how -- ended up in a situation where she was captured by the Evil Queen and refused to give Snow White up to her death. We simply don't know enough about how she was separated from her family and captured to make any sort of moral judgment about how much she loves her family. And who's to say Regina wouldn't have killed her anyway even if she did turn over Snow? I'd think that once she defied Regina, she was marked for death regardless if she later told what she knew about Snow. By the logic of "a good mother puts her child before anything, even doing the right and noble thing," any mother who has a dangerous job -- military, firefigher, police officer, etc. -- isn't a good mother because there's always the very real possibility they could be killed in the line of duty and leave their child motherless. I strenuously object to this inference. And what about the fathers who hold these jobs? Are they thus not good fathers? Is it only women who should stay home with the child and never risk anything or stand up for anything? Should only childless people be in the military or be police officers or firefighters?
  9. Honestly, IMO, most people who didn't see that Emma was attracted to him and had feelings for him simply didn't WANT to see it. Not saying that's true for everyone, but I think it definitely played into it for many of them. Never underestimate the ability of people to see what they want to see, or not see what they don't want to see.
  10. I was pondering the Will issue as I mowed the grass (because that's just boring and annoying as all get-out, and I tend to zone out during it), and it struck me that we could get Will from ANY point in his life, thanks to the White Rabbit being able to time-hop as well as realm-hop with his holes. So it's not necessarily the Will that's currently happily ruling Wonderland with Anastasia as the White King. It could be the Will from anytime between when Cora took out his heart and when he went with the Rabbit to rescue Alice from the insane asylum. So that would explain the lack of Ana along with him. Seriously, if only all the characters knew about the White Rabbit, there would've been a whole lot less need for hats, curses and magic beans. And David would still have his heart. Also, a lot of people seem excited for a bromance or snark-offs between Hook and Will. So I'm thinking that maybe they actually won't like each other all that much to start off, because they're just so similar in many ways. Like, "Hey, wait a minute, I'M the sassy one with the accent!" Or they had a run-in at some point in the Enchanted Forest. ITA with this. This Robin is edge-free. There's nothing nuanced about him at all. He is very much a bland good guy. Where's the legendary thief who got down and dirty in the forest?
  11. It's funny how my writing can change from day to day. One day, all I can write is dialogue and description is like pulling teeth. The next day, everything that comes out is description. So I have to write a scene in stages. Whatever I do when I start it, I have to come back later and even it out. I don't know why that is, but it's annoying.
  12. Colin just tweeted that he's Vancouver-bound, so he's going back a little bit early.
  13. I have to agree with everyone else that: 1) Hook's transgressions weren't nearly as bad as the litany of Regina's, so he had far less to be forgiven for; and 2) He has shown and verbalized actual remorse and acknowledgement that his actions in pursuit of revenge weren't the right things to do. He realized that revenge and villainy weren't all they were cracked up to be and weren't fulfilling, and he made changes to his behavior. Admittedly, he backslid a bit when he was in the Enchanted Forest without Emma, but it seemed more going through the motions of being a pirate than actually BEING a pirate at his core. He came to realize that he couldn't go back to that life for real. And his backsliding consisted solely of returning to piracy, not murdering or raping people or going on some other new revenge quest. He wouldn't even accept a paid-for prostitute!
  14. I think the Frozenbacks are post-movie, too. That makes more sense to me than it being their mother. I would think it would be Anna looking for Elsa, because I can't see much of a reason for anybody (besides Hans out of revenge, or maybe somebody trying to extort Elsa) to urn up Anna. The scene begs the question, Is the ship she's on the Jolly Roger/Jewel of the Realm? If so, why does she think whatever she's looking for is there? And how did she get on the ship? How did what she's looking for get on the ship?
  15. I really want/like the idea of Emma crossing realms to find Hook, but I agree that I wouldn't want the separation to last very long -- an ep or two, not half the half-season or anything. Too long would fall into the manufactured angst camp. (Alas, which means they'll probably do it.) I mean, technically the cursed-lips things didn't last more than a few eps, but it felt like for-freaking-ever. I don't want something like that again, it was so contrived. I definitely want some Hook/Snow interaction. Henry/Gold is something that needs to happen. If Emma's wanting to work on her magic, would she turn to Rumple, since she's likely not going to want to ask Regina now?
  16. I'm suspecting that if this scenario plays out, Hook might end up back in the Enchanted Forest with Elsa chasing the Jolly Roger rather against his will, and Emma and whoever (probably David, perhaps one other person) will end up going after him. So she gets her turn crossing realms to find him. Who could Hook have traded the Jolly Roger to for a bean? This may be an unpopular opinion, but I hope like hell it wasn't Blackbeard. I just never thought he fit into the show, being an actual historical person, and his character wasn't all that interesting IMO. My possibilities include Ursula, Davy Jones or some heretofore unintroduced character -- OUAT's version of Jabba the Hutt. Whoever it is could be the Big Bad for 4B. I'm still uncertain how Will is going to fit into the show as a regular. I can come up with several recurring ways that work, but not to weave him into the story fully. Unless he has some tie to Elsa.
  17. My head canon is that Elsa lost control of her magic again when something happened to Anna. I also doubt Disney would allow for killing either sister, so I imagine the "something" that happened to Anna was that she disappeared/was urned up. Or perhaps both sisters were urned up at the same time. (Could Anna and Kristoff be in the same urn? They're not exactly bound by the laws of matter and physics here.) Hans is the obvious choice of villain, perhaps in some sort of cahoots with Rumple. So it could have happened any number of years ago, with the sisters being held in magical stasis at the age they were when they were urned up. Perhaps Hans took Anna's urn and Rumple took Elsa's and put it in the vault, since she was the "dangerous" one. Hook could've come into possession of the urn when the Jolly Roger pirated Hans' ship, been unable to open a magically sealed urn and had no idea what/who was in it. So I agree, it's back to the Enchanted Forest to get the Jolly Roger (or at least the urn) back from whoever he traded it to. I have ideas that I hope I get around to writing fanfic for before too many spoilers start coming in. (A dragon could come in handy during an eternal winter.)
  18. There's definitely a zeitgeist recently in terms of the focus being on the villains, not just in OUAT but pop culture in general. In the past in movies and on TV, it was almost always about the hero, the good guys -- the Lone Ranger, Perry Mason, Wonder Woman, the A-Team, Magnum P.I. (Dating myself here, though the first two were before my time, honestly.) The heroes were the constant, with various villains of the week that you really didn't get to know. But then we started getting these villains (or at least anti-heroes) being the focus of the story. I want to say it really kicked into high gear with Tony Soprano. He was a bad guy, but because he was the main character, people rooted for him. There was this spate of telling stories from the bad guy's point of view -- The Shield, Wicked, Dexter, now Maleficent, etc. -- because it was "different" and "edgy." I don't necessarily think OUAT started out that way, because it definitely seemed at first like we were supposed to root for Snow, Charming and Emma. But then somewhere along the way, the focus became more about Regina and what SHE wanted. So to me, that makes it seem more false or forced, because it didn't IMO start out that way. Was that shift because TPTB fell in love with Regina, or because a lot of fans -- conditioned by the recent villain-as-protagonist trope -- gravitated toward her? Or a combination? My guess is the latter. But since I've never been one to really root for the villain, I don't like that change.
  19. I often find villians fun and entertaining to watch, because they do often get the best lines and plots, but I seldom ROOT for them. I don't particularly want them rewarded for their evil deeds, but they are a key component to most stories.
  20. What the frell, people are sending hate to JMo again??? I can't even with this fandom sometimes, either. Some of them are just heinous. I wish they'd all just stop tiptoeing around the batshit crazy element -- that only feeds the madness. I would not want that over-the-top element in any fandom I was a part of. I'd just tell them to knock off the crazy, and if they left, so be it, that would be better for all concerned. If you're sending hate to any actor, you should not be catered to. Of course, that is only one of the reasons I am not involved in any network show! I just want to yell at the people who keep thinking SQ is viable, "Stop trying to make 'fetch' happen!"
  21. According to TPTB, Cosima is still sick. So Kira didn't heal her.
  22. I'm curious. How many seasons do you think TPTB expect the show to last? How many seasons do YOU expect it to last? I think five would be about right. Which probably means it'll go seven! Though, I cannot imagine that Robert Carlyle would want to stick with the show that many seasons. This is based on nothing whatsoever except a hunch.
  23. BBCAmerica put up an awesome extended clone dance party video, with bits of the effects. I didn't notice on the initial airing (or maybe it wasn't shown), but I adored Alison's askance look at Helena's dancing.
  24. That's what I wondered. I was, like, "Wait, what, did Kira just heal Cosima??" That would be quite the development. For Kira's sake, I'm hoping she didn't, because God knows people want to get their hands on her now, could you imagine the hunt for her if she could heal people? I want Cosima to be healed, but I'm hoping that between Helena's embryos and Duncan's book, Cosima can figure out a cure for herself that way. Clonepalooza tonight. Clone dance party! Leettle sestra! And Mark's a clone! Eee! Does he know he's a clone? Was he sent to infiltrate the Prolethians? Because quite the coincidence if he ended up there randomly. Clearly Marian has the Helena of the Mark clone club. I wish the finale had been two hours. It went so fast! I would like to have seen Cal meet all the sestras. Amused by him and Paul meeting, though. Cal certainly seemed to take it all in stride. So Michelle Forbes is playing a good(ish) character? Didn't see that coming! That may have been the biggest surprise. I'm worried about Scott. Is he still at Dyad? Obviously Rachel will be sporting a snazzy eye patch next season. Will the clones find out that Mrs. S gave up Helena, or will they just assume she ran off? Which she did before she got snatched. (The hat seems a big clue for them that she was taken.) I wonder where she was going? miles2go, Mark was one of the guys who tried to nab Sarah in the diner in the season premiere. She saw him then.
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