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Everything posted by Souris

  1. Some bits of dialogue from oncepromised: I don't even know with the latter one. If they do go the full Snow Queen route with Elizabeth Mitchell's character, then I could totally see them using Hook and Emma as Kai and Gerda. I just can't see them making her Elsa/Anna's mother, because that would such a change for the franchise. It would fit very well with the dialogue anvil from the season finale of Hook being uncertain whether Emma would follow him to the end of the world or time, like he would her. I just wouldn't want the Cold Killian period to last very long, because, ugh, the cursed kiss felt like it went on for-bloody-ever. And, as others have brought up, the anti-Hooks would just have a field day. But, honestly, they're gonna have the same opinion regardless of what happens onscreen -- he could cure cancer, bring Graham back to life and single-handedly save Snowflake from a dragon, and they'd still hate him. So it really wouldn't change anything. And I don't think A&E think about storyline repercussions, like, ever. In any case, it would be a Big Deal for Emma to take a leap of faith and realize that something hinky was going on with him and he didn't just up and leave her like everybody else. Especially if it involved some realm-jumping. I would love to see that, but I know there would be a period of viewer frustration on my part to get there.
  2. I don't think we ever saw any pics of them in that scene where Colin had the coat on, so they must have just rehearsed it yesterday.
  3. I hope it's been long enough I can safely post a new post. According to oncepromised, they're filming tonight at Granny's with Jen, Colin, Josh, Ginny, Lana, Sean, Raphael, Maid Marian and Jared. She can't see what's happening. She thinks that in the earlier scene Elsa ran into the shipyard, but she isn't sure. I wonder if that diner scene could be an immediate continuation of the scene at the end of the finale? Then the daytime shoots are the next morning? I cannot see how adult August fits in, either. That's a totally unexpected spoiler. Either it's an odd flashback or he got de-childed from the second curse. Which begs the question, why? (Not from a magical standpoint, but from a "what do the writers need adult him to accomplish that some other character couldn't accomplish?" standpoint. Or maybe they just wanted him back, since they're going for the whole Cast of Millions thing in 4A.) What would Anna or Kristoff know about Rumple's dagger? ::confused::
  4. I agree. For the first several weeks, it stacked up on my DVR because I wasn't terribly into it. But by the end, I was eager to watch it the night it aired.
  5. Bunch o' nice photos. I am amused by Josh play-punching the guy making off with the stunt baby. [OT] When did Thomas Dekker turn into Adam Lambert?[/OT]
  6. I also had the thought of Elsa making a grand entrance! Sweet sassy molassy! I think after Grumpy's "We're being attacked!" would be a fine place for Emma's "It's only been 10 hours since the last crisis!" After all these photos, I've decided I want some poor schlub to have to walk beside me wherever I go outdoors to hold an umbrella and shade me from the sun.
  7. It's probably rehearsal, since he has the coat on in the scene that this is a continuation of.
  8. This is the first time I've experienced spoilering in the Twitter age. It's something else.
  9. It sounds (and looks) like they're just rehearsing right now, so everybody is probably milling about. Sounds like Captain Swan are standing by the Rabbit Hole talking, then Grumpy runs up. Elsa's involvement TBD. Sounds like Colin and JMo are now filming the continuation of the earlier scene with the Charmings, when they went around the corner to talk .
  10. I LOL'ed at that, too. I think they keep him around just to yell things. JMo and Georgina. JMo and Colin. Also, the Sleepy actor is there.
  11. One of the people there said she thought that was Colin and Josh just talking, not being filmed. Colin yelling ARRRRR at the behest of fans. Ginny and Josh.
  12. Apparently Colin got the watching crowd to do the wave. LOL. Dork.
  13. That is just a weird combo of outfits. Hook, MM & David look like they're dressed for hot weather, but Emma and Grumpy are bundled up in layers. Ah, looks like the ladies took off the hats and shades for actual filming, Colin put on his coat, and Ginny and JMo totally changed outfits: https://twitter.com/canadagraphs
  14. I do not know what in the world is going on with those dangling suspenders.
  15. What's with the dark hats and big sunglasses on Emma and MM? Are they trying to be incognito?
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