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Everything posted by deirdra

  1. The problem was that she chose a key to sing in that is too high for her voice; she wasn't as bad in some of the practices. Her accompanist told her she needed to start lower, but she chose to ignore him. Just because you were a first soprano as a kid doesn't mean your vocal cords haven't changed.
  2. Is this photo of dirty dishes, new merchandise, electronics, newspaper etc. a "before" or "after" photo? Silly me, Janelle is not going to clean or organize anything. House cleaning and organizing is good exercise and yes, the results will lift your spirits. If the three dishes/utensils are not all yours, Janelle, why haven't you trained Savannah & Gabe to clean up after themselves ???
  3. Joy's knowledge of history is not limited to what she sees on TV (such as The Crown) or reads off of blue cards.
  4. Janelle's bio-dad died when she was three, but she did have a stepfather growing up, before her mother Sheryl married Kody's Dad. Kody's mother was named Genielle, which is presumably pronounced like Janelle. I think the money she inherited came from her grandmother or an aunt.
  5. As Jillian would say to deflect her fat-shaming, chubbiness is not fun if he gets diabetes.😉
  6. The purple jacket coordinates well with the plaid pants or skirt of similar fabric weight. The yellow jacket over the beige-tan-navy-lightblue lightweight dress don't coordinate if you ask me. If the beige were changed to the same yellow, it might.
  7. If it were true, Whoopi and Joy would have mentioned it was because of "family reasons".
  8. Routines also mean learning to say no consistently until you don't need to say it at all because kiddo knows that he cannot stay up past bedtime or eat candy bars instead of dinner, and quits asking.
  9. That was my thought as well, especially because she's got all the receipts together in a wad. She is probably buying them the Disney shopping bags and keeping the contents for herself.
  10. "Unprofessional" with "daily infantile tantrums" come to mind. It was so refreshing to hear adults having an actual conversation today.
  11. In the new opening there is a pic of Kody standing with his hands on his hips with a big gut, perhaps an 8-month sympathy belly from when Robyn was pregnant with King Sol or Areola, but he has since lost the baby weight. His comment about losing 10 lbs due to the move suggests that he may be the type of person who loses weight due to stress, whereas others tend to gain weight. In that scene where Kodoofus was standing on the very top of a ladder at Robyn's rental fiddling with a gutter that looked perfectly fine, Robyn was holding the ladder and looked ~6 months pregnant. Maybe she did have a miscarriage or stillbirth.
  12. But did they have a store outside the gates like lots of stadia and entertainment spots?
  13. I wonder what her fond memories of Disney were. Watching TV and going to the Downtown Disney store to buy a T-shirt to make her classmates think her plyg family actually had the money to take them all to Disneyland? Yes, today's "Episode 2" was the second half of last Sunday's "Episode 1". Presumably this upcoming Sunday's is "Episode 3".
  14. He reminded me of Maddie, who sometimes put on that wide, teeth-baring fake smile and talked without moving her lips or jaw (she sometimes does it with teeth clenched rather than mouthbreathing). They may be thinking that they can be contractually obligated to talk for TLC, but nobody can make them use their lips or jaws to enunciate consonants properly. Gabe's posture was laid back, but he seemed pissed off. Perhaps he was stoned.
  15. And Truely forgot to mention him at all, so he is really not cool.
  16. I'm a white woman and think Michael B. Jordan, Chadwick Boseman and Idris Elba are all hot, along with many men of other races. Each race is not limited to one hot guy. The hotness is based more on confidence, tenderness, sense of humour and bone structure, not race.
  17. Jillian Michaels commonly comments on other people's weight without being asked, so it was bizarre that she would object to a host asking her. Me-gun doesn't even wait for gaps in conversations, she interrupts mid-sentence and sometimes mid-word.
  18. Is this why she took today & tomorrow off with no advance notice? It is interesting that the bell is on the table today since we haven't seen it in a while. I wonder if she showed up this morning, something happened, Whoops said she was bringing the bell, and Me-gun stalked off like a tempestuous toddler.
  19. Especially when MM did that lopsided & exaggerated smile-smirk while waiting for EW to take the bait. I wish EW had said putting labels on things doesn't solve anything.
  20. The chin and forehead movements are just like Meri's. I'd hate to see you animate Janelle's digestive issues. LOL.
  21. deirdra


    The sizing makes it clear why so many of the LulaNo jackets and "kaftans" cannot close. S/M = 2-12 and L/XL = 14-28. A 28 is 3XL or 4XL, not "XL". Kaftans usually fit over the head and don't gape open in the front like a Harvey Weinstein robe.
  22. Maddie wanted a one-woman man, but she acts like she needs a Christine-like sister wife to raise her kids. I certainly hope that Caleb's job came with a good health plan and benefits.
  23. Hey Christine, everyone does not have a Dad. And you applied for food stamps and welfare on the basis that you were a "single mother", so it is no wonder that Truely thinks of Kody as King Sol's & Areola's devoted Dad who occasionally stops by Christine's to sit in the corner, ignoring the kids while checking his phone.
  24. Maybe if he stopped making carb-heavy meals he wouldn't still be chubby.
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