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Everything posted by Starlight925

  1. I'm Jewish, and I've had little "funny Jewish jokes" tossed at me. It's a horrible feeling. I kept putting myself into Orion's shoes, and I gotta say, if the partner handled it the way Lauren did, I'd be grateful. She stopped, accepted his explanation, took the time to look it up, and showed genuine remorse. What else does he want? I once had a friend make what she thought was a "funny" comment to me, which upset me very much. I wrote her a long text, explaining my feelings, and she was so remorseful, so apologetic, so understanding and appreciative of my explanation, that our friendship grew stronger. Orion uses this as his wedge against closeness.
  2. “Carolyn” had texts going back to 2017, while he was still with Toni. He met her while he was doing maintenance work, so he knew her while he was still married. That’s how he was so able to jump into something so quickly after her death….Carolyn was already there.
  3. Theresa, once upon a time….that red lipstick is a permanent fixture.
  4. Theresa and Gerry are not Jewish, but it's possible that one of her kids married someone Jewish, therefore the Hanukah celebration.
  5. Interesting, because they were handed a physical check for $200,000 on AFTR, and they didn't break up until 6 months later. Did they never cash the check, or did ABC make them keep the check in an account until they actually used it as a down payment? Michelle had said she was going to donate it, and at the time, ABC was (supposedly) fine with that. I guess we will never know the true details.
  6. The beautiful dress didn't ultimately work out for Michelle lol. There's some shade being thrown now by her ex (Nayte), with whom she split 6 months after the "most romantic proposal ever". She accused him of cheating (probably true). ABC had given the couple a very large sum of money to buy a house together, and when they broke up, she was going to donate it to a charity, but Nayte is now saying she kept the money. All of that aside, as much as I'm not crazy about Theresa, she looks amazing in that dress.
  7. I dated a guy like Kyle. I used to call him "Defense, Deflect, Blame", because we couldn't get through one conversation without him using one of these 3 tactics. The shade she threw at Sutton over her apparent disordered eating was Kyle deflecting from the questions she's getting over her own intense new workout schedule. Kyle making fun of "pushing potatoes" to the other side of the plate, while not answering a single question in an authentic manner about herself, is just sad. If Kyle calmed down and had an honest conversation with the ladies about how yes, her marriage is very rocky, and that she's found solace in working out, and how she'd love their support, they'd embrace her. Instead, she attacks Sutton and deflects from everything, not even being supportive of Sutton with the possibility of her ex moving her son overseas.
  8. If you want to really view the dynamic between Paris & Carter, watch "Paris In Love". He would go to her events (where she DJ's) and try to figure out ways to meet her, because he "knew" he'd marry her. At first, it sounds like a cute romcom love story, but when you watch how he controls her, in little ways, and the way she acquiesces, while yes, ignoring his own daughter, it's creepy. Meandering into the Hilton empire by controlling the weakest one.
  9. Looks like she may have been a little tipsy with her misspelling of "southern" in her hashtag. But he's adorable, and they make a cute couple. And hey, he likes her as is, cat sweater & all. My favorite type of date: at a bar, watching a game, casual. Lose the bubbly airhead matchmaker and make Sanjit happen.
  10. They look so happy in that photo. All smiles and love. Yes, I mean that sarcastically. 😜 I'm not saying she's on Ozempic, but something is clearly going on. She's restricting, or extending her fasting window (she's a huge "faster"). My family member was the 1st person I had heard of Ozempic from (actually Wegovy), as he's a Type 1 Diabetic and was prescribed it about 2 years ago. He lost 25 lbs. (he's not overweight) within a month. He went off of it because it made him feel so sick, that even looking at food made him nauseated, and he said he just enjoys food so much and that it wasn't worth it. Heather said, when they were building the massive house, that they installed a pizza oven, and she allows herself ONE time a year to eat pizza. So while I don't know if it's Ozempic, I do believe there's some disordered eating.
  11. Yes it's been 5 months since they "met", but only a few weeks since they've been a couple. In those first few months, they only saw each other one on one a few times, only spent a few hours together. And since then, it's been about an hour a day on the phone. I do hope they each have their wills, beneficiaries, TOD's, etc., all in place. And that they get a prenup for each of their sakes. They each need their own lawyer to comb through each of their financial history, current assets, and wishes for future, as things can get ugly really fast.
  12. I wouldn't be bothered if they were on an agreed-upon sort of script, if everything we thought about Gerry before all of this recent news came out, was true. If he truly was that grieving widow who hadn't dated in 45 years, blah blah blah, and not the man who it turns out he was. Now, I view him with such a different lens. I'm in his age range. The last guy I dated, 2+ years, wore hearing aids. He did not move his lips when people talked. Nor do my SIL, or any of the other people I know with hearing aids. Heck, I had a date last night with a 64 year old with hearing loss. No lips moved while I spoke. So yeah, I'm suspect.
  13. Heather may be hitting the Ozempic needle. She probably figures that since she doesn't really have a pretty face (I never found her pretty), she might as well be the skinniest. Remember when she put leeches on her stomach for....some bizarre "beauty" reason? And how long it took for the bleeding to stop, all the while saying, "Oh, I'm fine, I'm fine", as she kept wiping blood from her torso. https://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-10/episode-13/videos/heathers-leech-therapy
  14. Yes, I not only noticed it, but he never stopped doing it. It was like they were reading in sync from the same cue card. It had a creepy feel, like if Teresa got off the "script", he was going to correct her. If you watch it again, it's like he's a ventriloquist and she's....his dummy. That he can control. Teresa, please get a prenup.
  15. Oh wow, I didn't catch that. I'm going to go back and re-watch. That's just downright creepy.
  16. Interesting that Kathy is all-in on Morgan Wade too. On WWHL, Kathy said how amazing she is, what a talented performer, etc. Which makes me suspect this whole crew is propping up Morgan Wade for some reason. My guess is, they've invested in her career and are profiting from it. Paris just "surrogated" another baby, and didn't even tell her mom until the baby was born. Such a great bond between Paris and her dear mother Kathy. Who does that? Who doesn't share this with their own mother? What an odd family.
  17. They've never even been out for coffee together on a random Tuesday, but they're getting married and moving within a month. But they wuuuuv each other. I was all-in on sweet, mourning-Toni Gerry, until this recent development. There were apparently texts dated before Toni died, with Gerry saying how he wakes up thinking about "Carolyn". So is the lake house for sale? Is Teresa selling her house in New Jersey? Have they hired movers? And where are all those darned passwords, Teresa, to all those accounts....Gerry needs to make it permanent before she has a chance to think straight. I watch. Too. Much. Dateline.
  18. So they were well aware that they would not be taken to a reunion or special event if their dress size went up?
  19. My dad was a crier. He was also a very vibrant, outgoing, gregarious guy. He looked more like a boxer than anything else. A cross between James Gandolfini and Robert DeNiro. So yes, men cry. But this whole narrative of poor me, my dear Toni, I don't know what to do, I'm so out of practice, my daughters really wanted me to get out there, boo hoo, boo hoo. It's all a pack of lies, and ABC either didn't do their homework, or twisted the narrative, or a combo. I'd love for this Carolyn woman to come forward. A surprise appearance by her would be just the drama we all want.
  20. Naomi failed Craig in the one aspect men want the most: appreciation and support. I can still picture her mocking him, saying, "You pretend to sew", when in fact, he now has this whole business, and he's truly a one-woman guy who wants a family. I don't love Paige either, as she's too snarky. He's attracted to her, plus he probably likes a Type A woman. But at least Paige is supportive for Craig, and seems to love him for who he is, and what gives a man peace, allows him the space to love.
  21. Yeah, I think it's all a big fat lie. We were all duped into thinking he's this sweet soul, mourning Toni, the "love of his life". (ok many of you were skeptical, so I'll speak for myself). When in fact, he had this woman lined up already. Plus all the other lies we are now finding out, re: his work, etc. Not bringing her to his reunion because she was 10 lbs. heavier than his ideal. No telling how he spoke to Toni, may she rest in peace. I'm 61 and single (divorced) and have been through it with lies. The last guy I dated, for almost 2 years, lied to me the whole time about his financial past. I was like, oh I'll never look him up, I "twust" him. I finally looked him up after our breakup, and he had duped a charity out of $1 million and had lost his brokers' license. So why I fell for "sweet, soulful Gerry" is beyond me. I need to slap myself.
  22. I hope that whoever he picks gets to the bottom of this and if it's true, she dumps him.
  23. I noticed that he kept the skinniest, tiniest ones. The antithesis of his wife. And I questioned early on how she mysteriously died so quickly. I watch too much Dateline. Sounds like he had that girlfriend already lined up. Turns out, he’s not this sweet, kind Midwestern guy. He’s just like all of Leslie’s exes. And yes, he did perk up when he realized Theresa knows a thing or two about money. This could actually turn out to be the actual “most dramatic season ever “.
  24. https://www.realitytea.com/2023/11/24/alexis-bellino-says-shannon-beadors-ex-john-janssen-is-a-new-friend-in-a-similar-place/ From the article: John Janssen and I are two people who met by happenstance,” Alexis explained. “We are discovering that we’re in similar places in our lives. As divorced parents both emerging from recent heartbreak because of relationships ending.” Oooooo, good one! It’s true, both are single. Alexis recently cut Andy Bohn loose after a 3-year relationship. That said, Alexis is playing coy and clearly playing the game. She added rumors that she and John are banging would be “very inaccurate.” Right now the label seems to be “new acquaintances” and Alexis is looking “forward to hanging out with my new friend.” Hearing this will make Shannon “lose her mind.” A source shared, “Shannon is absolutely devastated that John would spend time with Alexis. Knowing how much pain and hundreds of thousands of dollars the lawsuit her ex-husband filed caused her.” Shan also thinks John was using her to be “in the spotlight” but unfortunately for John, the spotlight basically showed he is “a total POS.”
  25. Wow, Pat was born in 1941? So she's 82? What a stunning woman.
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