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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. Whit is so self centered with childlike behavior patterns, as we know. Therefore in her world mommy and daddy and pets never get sick or die. They only get attention when a situation becomes dire, and then she's just DEVASTATED! And SHOCKED! Like when Babs had the stroke. It scared her so I'm sure she helped mom out. For a while. But that crisis is over now so I would imagine she's back in her child's mindset... mommy's fine again. Loves Henchi to death but didn't notice the cat was skinny as hell? And yet she snuggles him all the time and sleeps with him? Big annoying fucking baby. Like some of you, I also have sworn off this show this season, I'm only coming here for the snark.
  2. Worst episode ever. Surgery happened 5 minutes before show ended? WTF Will Irene tire of caring for her and boot her ass out? Was her weight loss successful? Will she go home eventually? And most of all....who the hell did hubby move in.....a drinking buddy or his girlfriend? Are they even still married?
  3. I couldn't really give a crap about Lindsay's surgery. I just want to find out what Paul had been up to all this time.
  4. OMG he's moving in a drinking buddy! Doesn't seem as though he planned on her coming back at all!!
  5. She's just gonna sleep off those hunger pains LOL. Gotta say she really hides those pounds well. (BTW I'll take me the pimple popper and foot show over Jazz any day. Real happy girl! )
  6. I got me a picket fence, I had it put up myself. I find that many of those who ask where's my silver lining, rainbow, picket fence, etc really just want someone to do it for them. In this woman's case, she also needs someone to go get her food, pack for her, drive her around, etc. For some reason my sympathy meter is very low for this one. I may switch over to tonight's special edition of Live PD, my guilty pleasure.
  7. Not near enough snark tonight. That's the only reason I watch! Does this mean no one cares enough to watch this shitshow anymore? 😭. Bad news for you Whitney, I think the writing is on the wall.
  8. Just got home, started watching with sound off/closed captioning on.... because well I'm in no mood for the braying right now. I will say that geez she looks fatter than ever. I'm confused....is this the live chat? Not many posts. Maybe I missed something?
  9. Just watched the TLC preview, and I think may have gone too far with this one folks. One word.... REPULSIVE. As a 65 year old woman still out there working full time (because I have to), it was sickening to watch that mutant sister tossing all that expensive stuff in her cart without a darn care in the world. Oh Kentucky I'm so sorry.
  10. Searched for updates on this nasty bitch and there isn't much except for a gorgeous staged picture of her that makes it appear as though she is a thin model, very very suspiciously beautiful bright staged looking photo. I'm reminded of some of our Whitney's staged photos that make her look wonderful, when in reality she's as big as ever. OMG we're at the scene where she didn't lose weight, screams and cries in the Dr office and calls her mommy, who begs Christian-uh to stay there and put up with her crap (so that they aren't saddled with her again LOL).
  11. Bestill my heart....so much drama!! I think the whole damned show is scripted/phony, but the stuff they come up with is interesting. Can't wait to see the look on Tater's angry mug when he (hopefully) loses again this season. Why does he rudely stand in front of the girl in his team?
  12. Shouldn't Dr Now be farming out the plastic surgery to a specialist, it maybe this kind of mass fat/skin/lymphadema removal is different? Looks real crude to me ...
  13. The bottom part is VERY forgiving...who knows what's under there. Which is nice actually
  14. Those kids are very fortunate to have such a great father, and I think his wife is grateful. Very loving family, sweet.
  15. Chad's right leg soon looks just like,..........ahem
  16. Fashion tip for Pauline. Wear maxi dresses. Ace the blue pants. And I think June's GF is fattening her up. It's all about the control......
  17. I can personally attest to the fact that it doesn't. Lifelong struggle. Wouldn't anyone seeing this show even one frigging time get that??
  18. Same old Pauline. June struggling. Where the heck is Chad when you need him????
  19. I am generally a "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" kinda gal, that getting a raw deal in the family department isn't an excuse for bad behavior. But Sean's mom was a sick twisted monster who fed her precious baby till he weighed almost 1,000 lbs and therefore would never be able to leave her...ever. When he got so fat that his life was threatened she got scared and tried to save him. But it was too late, and when she died he was a dead man walking. I strongly suspect she destroyed any possible relationship with his father too. Really sick bitch. Too bad that CPS want called while he was still young and maybe savable. Dr Now devoted lots of time and set up many resources, and he was uncharacteristically extremely patient. He really tried his best. It wasn't gonna ever happen .
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