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Everything posted by EllenB

  1. I have a difficult time remembering Mike's and Nick's names because I think of them as Statler and Waldorf.
  2. I hope Gaby never has to build a fire at TC. All her weeping would dampen the tinder.
  3. I just can't get on the Gabby train. She cries WAY too much, and she looks like Gollum. I guess Christian is her Preciousss.
  4. Some of my co-workers talked about a legendary Halloween party before my time there, at which one guy dressed as another, and not in a complimentary way. Oh, those crazy PhDs! The one being imitated was a dick and a slob and deserved some humiliation. Sheldon's a dick and a control freak, not to mention rude and condescending, and also deserved it.
  5. I think the stairs thing is similar to taking the same route to work every day for years. I know how to get there, but I don't necessarily know all the street names, or how many blocks per street before the next turn.
  6. Why why why do these characters let Sheldon get away with being such a self-centered, bullying dick? Grrrr. And back to reality, why do the writers think he is in any way funny at this point? They had allowed some slow social skills growth over the seasons, but now he's back to the old ultra-obnoxious Sheldon, made worse by the fact that he pulled that crap on his wife.
  7. The next reward should include a copy of "How to Win Friends and Influence People."
  8. I'm in the minority in that I love Leonard and Penny together. Sure, they bicker sometimes, but manage to work it out. Their relationship has always been about overcoming their basic differences. And I really love it when they are not the main focus of the plot, but are in the background doing their Statler and Waldorf commentary as a united front. Oh, and I'm one of those who never particularly wanted kids or pictured myself as a parent. I didn't even find my nephew and niece all that appealing when they were little. But, I had my whoops moment in my early 30s, decided to have the kid, stayed with (and later married) the father, and it turned out fine for all of us, and still is 36 years later.
  9. That was a pretty enjoyable evening. It's so nice to have a season with nobody loathsome on it so I can actually watch for once. Just a few specifics - Nancy's dress was such an improvement, but her makeup was really harsh. She's one of those women who look better with a more natural face. She seems very likeable. John is better than I expected, which I'm happy about because he's good scenery and I hope he's around a while. I'd never heard of Bobby Whosits before this show, and now I wish he'd go away immediately. Can't he close his damn mouth? He looks like a fish on speed, and he is about 99% less cute than he thinks he is. I'm not familiar with a lot of the younger ones, but they're mostly enjoyable so far.
  10. Aha. I've figured out why Christian comes across as somewhat "central casting nerd": his voice and mannerisms are very close to those of the character played by Hank Azzaria on "Friends," who was, oddly enough, named David. And looking at Christian's casting photo, he got a Clay Aiken-level makeover for the show.
  11. Stuart was back to awkward but likeable in this one. I hope they keep him like that, instead of the sad sack loser he'd become in recent seasons. And I like the young woman - didn't catch the character's name - who is funny in a natural way, and the two seem comfortable together.
  12. Probsht shounded ash ifph he'd had shome bad dental work. And he alsho sheemed to be hiding under hish hat vishor with hish head tilted down mosht of the time.
  13. Too bad John S. was safe; I'd have liked to see him move around in that white suit - nice old Hollywood-style eye candy there. Nancy's dress was appallingly ugly, and from Val's comment on the color of their outfits, I'm not sure it was his choice. But otherwise, she looks lovely and has matured nicely. Mary Lou's face has that rode hard and put away wet look. Kinda scary.
  14. C'mon, Drew, save me from the Papal Ninja Twit!
  15. I think it was the late, great author Sir Terry Pratchett who came up with the perfect term for people with zero personality: charisn'tmatic. It describes Colton to a T.
  16. I can just picture the parade of women as they get out of the limos: Hamsterette: "Colton (Squeal)!!! I'm Asheleighannalisalaurenchelsea!! How ARE you???" Colton: "Duhrr. Um. Purdy. Um. Duhrr.". Starts sobbing. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
  17. The only thing that would save a Colton season is to pack the house with Corinne-level oversexed brats. Temptation for the Virgin! My appreciation for fun horndog Charlie increases every season.
  18. Those hanging white cones looked like grade school Christmas ornaments with the gold blobs added. All the wedding arches looked too narrow. Hope the bride has a slim-fit gown rather than one with a full skirt.
  19. Hmm, wedding couple like nature & neutrals and minimalism. How's that going to go over with Ms. Etsy with her preference for gaudy and over-decorated?
  20. I haven't watched this season but I accidentally caught the last minute. I have a question: what the heck is up with Tyra's eyebrows? Oy!
  21. Do they draw straws to determine who will be the batshit crazy stalker each season? I haven't watched much before.
  22. Thank you Chris and Krystaaaal for hooking up so no one else accidentally winds up with either of you.
  23. "I didn't hook up enough so I'm outta here."
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