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Everything posted by EllenB

  1. "He couldn't have gone about it in a more respectful way"? Are you shitting me? FU, Lauren.
  2. I wonder if they're told they won't get paid if they pull a Brad.
  3. So Arie says "for those who have been through this". Does this mean he pursued Emily after she and One-F Jef broke up?
  4. Aw, Becca, don't HUG him. Stick out your hand for a cold, formal handshake!
  5. I was really, really hoping Becca flushed that gaudy ring down the crapper while she was hiding in the bathroom.
  6. What the hell is he waiting for? Does he expect her to walk him out and give him a hug?
  7. God, can he get anymore condescending and egotistical?
  9. At one point Becca's fingers curled up, I think involuntarily, and I was hoping she'd claw his damn face.
  10. I changed my mind. What an absolute patronizing dick.
  11. Shown "unedited and in real time"? Yeah, except for the cheesy voiceover EDITED IN.
  12. Lauren didn't even react to getting dumped with any emotion. That's one empty woman-shaped robot.
  13. Kind of a meh episode, but worth it just for Walla Walla Walowitz.
  14. EllenB

    Fix The Show

    I have a fantasy of being able to mute Probst and instead hear Penner and Cirie doing the commentary. I can dream.
  15. Rae might be her middle name.
  16. How many buzzwords did they pay Ross the meathead ex to say? Ugh, get a court order against this stalker creep, Becca.
  17. Short-track speed skating pandas for me!
  18. I'm sure it was fun for whatever athletes got a message or mention from a celebrity, it's just that I thought Tara made it sound like it was the high point of their Olympic experience. But I can't think of any show-business celebrity who would make me giddy, so it could be just me.
  19. No, Tara, an athlete getting a shout-out from Brittany Spears (or however it's spelled) only matters to a shallow twit like you.
  20. Paul Wylie and Katarina With both skated to it, can't remember if they were at World's or if they'd gone pro by then. Both were considered pretty controversial at the time. Wylie's was great because he was always so good with movie theme interpretation (or his choreographer was). With got more flak as a German.
  21. Oh, and on the coach's comments on Adam and Ashley's bodies: neither of them have traditional skaters' builds. Adam admits he has a large butt and what my hubby's family calls Thunder Thighs (when our son was born, he looked like a tiny speed skater with a normal body and huge, muscular thighs). Ashley has a long torso and shortish legs, which might be a factor in her jumping inconsistency since she can make the same movements as another skater but her body might not move in the same way, and her center of balance could be off by a few inches. I imagine it would take more concentration and a tighter, faster rotation to counteract that.
  22. The overused music reminds me of a P.G. Wodehouse story in which the dimwit main character Wooster is convinced he has a great singing voice, and enters a singing contest. His butler/valet Jeeves puts a stop to it by bribing all the other contestants to sing the same song. By the time Wooster appears, the audience is seething and as soon as he starts singing, he is pelted with produce. Not saying this should be done, but it's so tempting!
  23. And I wish her panties were blue. The tightie whities were glaringly distracting.
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