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Everything posted by EllenB

  1. Eff you Jeff for the unnecessary comment when Chelsea missed her shot, "Chelsea has achieved her goal of participating." Grrr. She may not be a power player in any sense, but that was ridiculously mean considering how many others, including MEN, did not do any better and didn't get that kind of rudeness.
  2. I want Hannah's hair. I used to HAVE Hannah's hair decades ago, but time has not been kind to it, and I'm one of the rare reds who went completely gray at an early age, and it's no longer thick. Sigh. But I immediately started cheering for her in memory of my younger self. I guess I've been lucky and not encountered much male vocal fry before. Holy crap, it's worse than the female version. I couldn't understand a word he said; it sounded like he was talking through a clogged-up, rusted sieve.
  3. I was pretty much over both Chris and Dom by the time they went to TC, because I really hate when anyone hijacks the game by making it so personal and everyone else gets dragged into it. But that tribal was effing hilarious, and I'm willing to put up with Dom for now, to see if he's more tolerable without the silly playground feud. He and Chris reminded me of the South Park guys when they get into fights.
  4. I was up for a high-level security clearance in 1970, and although there was nothing in my own background, my sister was dating a radical type (I didn't even know his name) and my mother had relatives she'd never met or corresponded with in Eastern Europe (communist at the time). I didn't get the clearance. I never found out if it was one of those circumstances, or if one of my friends from high school or college days had done something considered objectionable.
  5. Is that an Idol or are you just glad to see me? Oh, never mind, he's only 18.
  6. I wonder if Dom was going to vote for Libby and changed his mind back to Clueless Dick Bradley when he mouthed off at TC. He had an "Oh you idiot" look on his face.
  7. I'm trying to remember if the original version had more spoken dialogue. I think this was advertised as a staged concert version, and subtracting commercial time from this production would make for a pretty short theatrical production. But this show is all about the music, so any dialogue isn't really missed.
  8. John Legend was better than I thought he'd be, but he just kind of disappeared compared to Brandon Victor Dixon, Norm Lewis, and some of the others. But I don't have a problem with that, because it gave more emphasis to the other characters' reactions to Jesus, which is what I always thought this show is about. And I saw the first touring company nearly 50 years ago, so I'm not exactly new to it!
  9. Judas just made me cry. The break for commercial made me scream in rage.
  10. Norm Lewis was a brilliant choice. He's so damn good. And hot.
  11. I don't think Penny was going to do much except show him around, introduce him to some staff, and make some work-related small talk before handing him over to the professionals. I worked in a completely different field, but it was normal for a visiting big shot to get a tour and schmooze from someone before taking the guest to the meeting with the pros. The guide would have certain talking points to cover during the tour part relevant to the meeting, which is what Penny would have been studying.
  12. Aw, I liked Charlie. Skeevy, sure, but he never pretended not to be, unlike the fake "good guys" from the last several seasons. And Charlie did get a pretty long-term relationship out of the show -- weren't they together about five years? She wasn't one of the airheads, either; a nurse who was on the quiet side, I think. And I'll always love that season for giving us delusional Big Sarah, whose own father told Charlie that she was batshit crazy.
  13. I LOVE The Orville and watched every episode, and I still didn't get that one. Out of sight, out of mind, I guess, since it had a short season. I had Erebus in my mind and knew it wasn't right, but I couldn't dislodge it in time. I don't mind category jumping, but I don't have an orderly mind.
  14. I said Continental Shift too, and then felt it was wrong but the brain wouldn't let go of it. I think I grabbed the general sound first and would have had to go through the damn alphabet to get back on track. The Chernow book was a huge non-fiction best-seller. It's also not the same as a musical "book" for a show. But "Hello, Dolly" is a musicalized version of The Matchmaker", a play by Thornton Wilder, who is probably best known for "Our Town.". And that's my Cliff Claven moment for the day.
  15. I thought I heard Chris Harrison say, right before proposal2.0, something along the lines of "This is the last time I'll talk to you" to Cardi-boi. I was yawning a lot by then, so I may have mis-heard it, but I remember thinking it sounded dismissive.
  16. I wonder if Arie was allowed to do a ring swap.
  17. I think production puts heavy makeup on the women who will occupy the couch, which could account for some people thinking Molly looked different. Becca also had more makeup on than usual, but she has strong features (in a good way) that don't get hidden by spackle.
  18. I thought Molly looked great, and even mentioned to Hubby that neither she nor Jason look much older than during their season. But I admit I was Team Molly then and now. Melissa always seemed like a chirpy half-wit.
  19. Bwahaha! Nonononono. And no stalker Ross, either.
  20. Well, she's already been engaged to the horse's ass..
  21. I hope Becca didn't have to watch that damn proposal from backstage. Ugh. I was listening for vomit sounds.
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