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Everything posted by rtms77

  1. That really tells you the writers just didn’t care about reality or even follow their own show canon. Kara has been missing in action from Catco for the last two seasons, doing only the most sporadic reporting/stories. She is has no where near editor in chief experience. But all the writers wanted a happy neat ending. A manip of a scene , with clever photoshop. That’s the scene where they hug. 😂 nice try I guess.
  2. I ve had some time to digest the final, and I have to say … at least they were consistent about the bad writing and sloppy social commentary. So many dumb decisions. So many flip flops and OTT moments. One thing that bugged me was the whole fight could have been over had Supergirl done one thing, as demonstrated by Esme. Sine Esme was able to break the Allstone , would that not mean all Supergirl would have to do is break her piece into a trillion , gazillion slivers and scatter them across the universe? Lex and Nyxly would take for ever trying to find them. Not to mention it would give the superfriends an opportunity to capture the other two pieces and do the same. The final fight was just an overwrought excuse to bring in a few more friends some how for two minutes of pointless fighting. Mon el gets to do the cape trick , which sorry Kara was doing long before season 5 but oh well a man can explain it better. Guardian somehow showed up out of nowhere? And all Winn does is fire a shot from a ship, proving once again he’s as useless as ever. The best though was Eliza just stepping out and blasting those owls like she’s done it a thousand times before..oh wait she never did that 😂 And then to have Lex and Nyxly get defeated by hubris? And locked in the phantom zone? Does that not mean the drastically changed the future? Or does the Legion not come from the same future? I’m confused, 😂. I haven’t liked Alex for a few seasons, and this episode proved why. She went from a butt kicking, take charge, smart , medical scientist to….whiny over wrought emotional mess supposedly superhero. They just killed her character over the seasons. She is the worst mother material ever. Sorry but her and Kelly have no chemistry and never had in my opinion. Not to mention the worst superhero makeup disguise ever! Nia and Brainy was another wasted couple. The whole going away to the big brain, only for Brainy to show up 3 weeks later just fine was whiplash inducing. Again the writers just rushed and threw everything away for neat and happy. I swear they turn every smart woman on this show into emotional and dumb idiots. Not to mention ruining their great looks. I really hope if she shows up in any other Arrowverse , Lena has ditched the witch garbage and just goes back to smart science Lena with a heart of gold. She was at her best then. As for that wedding look? Either the shows costumer was trying to convey her new powers or the writers wanted her dark to Kara’s light but WOW that was a HUGE MISSTEP! Goth Lena was not what that wedding needed. And the awful make up job? It aged poor Katie. I guess shippers got everything and nothing, depending on your point of view. I’m actually happy they just let Kara be who she wants to be without any entanglements romantic or otherwise. As for revealing herself, meh it’s Kara, when has she ever thought anything through. I mean she agreed draining the sun was a good idea until she saw what was happening. Over all Supergirl was ok, good at some points with a few great stories. I do love Melissa , who brought such vibrancy to Supergirl. She’s the best character and this role will be iconic for yrs to come. I do hope she makes some guest appearances but the Arrowverse is winding down. I hope she got to take one of the costumes home as a remembrance.
  3. Yes a few episodes ago she used them to break into Lex place and get files, though she seems to have completely missed who the superfriends really are.
  4. As usual teens are always right and old adults/parents are just interfering goobers! Courtney needed to lay off Pat and get off her high horse. What she didn’t seem to understand was that Pat was truly traumatized by what happened and the decision to kill a guy. He’s trying to keep such things from affecting the team. Yolonda was not his fault, and someone needs to tell her it was a good kill. Ah Shade, why are you being so …Shady! 😂 Sorry had to. But yup that was a good red herring that he was helping but not. Well I should say he was only helping to get better. I wonder about Dr Midnighter and if he lied about the Shade or told the truth. Another almost no action episode after a promising start. They really must have blown the budget in the first half to slow down to a trickle now. Hope the final is great.
  5. Season 3 teaser https://www.instagram.com/p/CUxmqo8Jrcn/?utm_medium=copy_link
  6. Superfriends, when deciding to have a reporter tag along, it would help you a lot to discuss the rules somewhere other than the headquarters. Secondly any good team would have covered Wills head on the way to HQ. Third I’m sorry but Will is dense if he can’t figure out who Dreamer is, or Supergirl is especially with Alex right there! Maggie figured this out in no time flat! Then after deciding very seriously that Lena can’t be seen or known that she helps the group, they “accidentally “ walk in on her? Come on J’onn you have alien tech from across the galaxy you use for security! And did Supergirl/Kara give herself away when she called him William? Most would have used his last name, and would not be so overly familiar. To me it sounded like a dead give away on her ID. Sigh…. So they kicked out Brainy , the smartest guy supposedly, for the dumbest one just to justify Wills existence on the show? I’ll take Brainy any day over him. I had a good chuckle at the MMA guy just giving Nyxly the totem without any resistance. I guess when you live in National City, the smart thing to do is always give up 😂 and wait for Supergirl to make things worse. I too was scratching my head that Nyxly didn’t immediately go back to The Hague and grab the next totem when she was fine. But since we are only allowed action when one of these activates they had to save it for the next ep. Not to mention they have to save money for the big final, hence these little break out fights now which Supergirl or Jonn should have easily contained. What is Andrea purpose other than being a sleazy news site head? They give her powers and then almost forget about it. She could find out the ID of every superhero now. Heck she should know thanks to those files she snooped. Why give her powers if you never use her?
  7. Eclipso was doing over time this ep. Now he’s brought down half the 4 members . Beth is next I suspect. So what’s Bethany’s greatest fear or anger? Hmmm. Is icicle back somehow? That end seemed to hint at it.
  8. Correct me if I’m wrong but Yolonda didn’t just March up and kill brainwave, he was tormenting her and such and she lashed out in defence. Since he wasn’t expecting her to break his mind trap he was killed. Not really Yolonda fault. There’s murder and then there is killing in the heat of war/battle. It was a righteous kill. I think Brainwave is as he said a part of Y now. He pulled a professor X and transferred himself over. Eclipso may realize this and be exploiting the whole thing. He was at the diner for a reason. And Beth is next. Pat stop leave ng dangeous artifacts lying around where young kids can play with them. Seriously dude lock that stuff up. So do I. Was it a flashback or did we see him ask some waitress about her ex Dugan?
  9. She was supposed to be in Ireland not Newfoundland which is Canada, which I noted last episode. I know the sign said that, but Lena made it sound that she flew to lreland . That was either a complete screw up by the crew or they really did not convey that her mother was from Canada.
  10. Cringy. Kelly gets mad because no one is paying attention to her and the residents? Sorry Olsen but there was a serious powerful villain on the loose who threaten and did hurt other citizens on NC. How is that new helmet any better for Kelly to see? And did she also use an image inducer! It’s become the go to costume invention I see. Somehow the magic book beat Lena home? Now that is fast postal service from Ireland no less! Was it just me or was Diggle implied to be the courage totem ?
  11. Yes this, Newfoundland is a province of Canada! Weird that they would use a name that’s geographically real as a place in Ireland. And poor Katie, the one time she could let loose with her accent and instead has to listen to fake accents around her lol.
  12. 😏 that magic will solve all our problems, 😝 This episode was honestly boring. This whole backend of the season feels like an extended version of Superman 4 , modern woke edition. I feel like the cast just coasted the last few eps of the season and couldn’t wait to get the season done. I mean they arrive with fancy teleporting only for them to stand around and have to get prodded to move by one of the victims no less. And they seriously dragged their feet. Nyx is proving to be fun, she has little time to ham it up like Lex. Glad to see Myxlplx back , he’s always fun. Wonder if he’ll actually help on the good side this time.
  13. Well at least the ending explained why Zor El didn’t try to see his wife right away. Still I see the show has decided to go for broke and go completely woke. Andrea not only saw the dossier on the Superfriends and Kara so has William now. Apparently masks, glasses and really bad eyeshadow works to conceal identities, lol. It seems Lex didn’t reveal the real names of the heroes? For shame Lex your not living up to your mad genius level evil. So Lena shows up only to disappear to Ireland? Hmm.
  14. Glad the Catherine situation is done. I can’t believe she never got the help she needed! Her mother was a senator and then the DOJ AG! Is Ruth that vain to lock her up and try to deal with the girls trauma? I’m glad she’ll hopefully get the real help she needs. And we can all move on from her! As for Clarice, that ending memory! I was hoping it wasn’t going to go the icky way these plots turn out ie molestation which thankfully it didn’t seem so. My theory is that she saw her father get murdered and it so traumatized her she changed the memory to blame her mom or something like that. I really hope that isn’t the implication, that her father did that and she’s blocked it . I still think it has to do with his murder and her mother blames her for it.
  15. sigh D knowing Roybn is off the grid is going to get annoying. I hope it's wrapped up soon. At least McCall was willing to let the police find the exchange and arrest everyone, but of course this becomes the one episode where she's not prepared or doesn't think ahead and gets caught. At least she's only responsible for a few deaths. Dante is a mixed bag. He's flipped flopped all season on whether to accept the vigilante stuff or go by the book. Going all in i think is a mistake. Like he said someone will find out, and the DA is ambitious.
  16. Well not a serial psycho killer , but yes she’s going after Buffalo Bill momma. She’ll get off with a long stay at the psych ward while her moms career tanks.
  17. This episode had me rolling my eyes. They are using victim methodology. They Adeila and friends have clear cut cases but nope let’s hook our hopes on blaming Clarice who has nothing to to with it and has never demonstrated biased against any black colleagues. Not to mention they may rue the day they try this if Clarice and company get in way over the FBI heads. Suddenly all those claims are going to look like the fake opportunistic of a dirty FBI agent etc. They’ll have a hard time out running that fire. As for Julia, boo boo it’s not Clarices fault, she has no control over what the media who manipulate stories will promote. Even if she did try, they still wouldn’t have bothered. This is a woman who can’t even talk to the victim without sounding garbled. Speaking of Catherine, wow she is dangerous! How has she avoided a stay at the physc ward? If this is renewed they need a better , more coherent season , maybe mini arc but more episode of the week baddie. Just too much filler .And be consistent in schedule.
  18. I believe it’s because of the various rights . The TV show can’t use much or anything from the movie, hence I believe they have to use the book. The writers can muck it up from there. https://www.thewrap.com/cbs-clarice-hannibal-lecter/
  19. Lol when Brainy and Nia called themselves Brenda and Brandon I expected “The wonder Twins” and a fist bump. It was the perfect set up. You are so right, and the ending where Alex gets mad at her about losing a trip to Europe was telling. They are not bonding as sisters, and in fact weirdly mirrors the first episode with Alex berating Kara for using her powers. Yet in that same ep she helps out with a date outfit. The timeline is screwball. Cat should already be at the head of her media empire, not still being a gossip columnist for the Daily Planet. If Kara is 17-18 and about to enter university that means she’s got 6 yrs before the show starts. Cat Grant was WELL established by that point, enough that she’s been with Cat for some time. You don’t go from one story to media mogul that fast. Crisis can’t really be the reason. So the hunter is a cross between the Collector/Lobo? Ok. I wonder if he sent the meteor that Kara got hurt, as a way to capture her but failed. A two parter? Didn’t think we’d get that. But glad to see the young actresses one last time. They have been wonderful ever since they were cast , I just wish we had more with them.
  20. Combination of all three I think. Plus I think everyone is just burned out on this show. No wonder Melissa called it quits, it can be syndicated, she and the cast can sit back at make money, and she can focus on family. This arc is really displaying the need for major counseling for every character. These woke people are completely dysfunctional.
  21. So does this mean Zor El is dead? Or did he leave the building before the explosion? I swear Lena is more of wreak than Brainy, but at least he has Nia Who is helping Lena? And where is Kelly in all this? one good thing we haven’t had any dumb Catco scenes with Will and Andrea. The super friends are down as it is. Ya another Midvale ep!
  22. Yeah a new case! This show works better if Clarices stuff is the B plot or even the c plot. urrgh once again we have to endure an already questionable boss with folding to pressure. Krendler is already edgy, why do this. I guess we shall see if his job or family. Wow Clark! That is so sad. So now we know he , Clarice and Tripathi have had some sort of serious trama in their past lives. Did Martin pick this group out or the bureau ? Because some one is playing games with the group. Including Krendler who has a whacked out wife and it’s a miracle this team is still going. No wonder shady lawyer thinks he can boss K around. He has more connections than he lets on . I loved the scene with C and A reminiscence about their fathers. I’m curious what happened to Clarice mom, given the description of her constantly fighting.
  23. Yes I kept waiting and still think this is some weird coping mechanism for Kara to deal with the Zone. If it is she’s still out cold suffering.
  24. William never even mentioned his missing GF , or even commented on her. And they expect us to believe they will go off into the sunset at seasons end? He really is just the foreign pretty boy.
  25. Forget the blue braid- I can’t see past the eyeshadow/eyebrow situation. How exactly does she get ready? Does she use an image inducer like brainy to project that image. And if so who advised her on that get up? The eye shadow does nothing to obscure her ID, lol.
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