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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. If you watch The Fosters or Switched at Birth, they are having their special Christmas episodes Monday (the 8th).
  2. Per Guggenheim, Felicity was saying "hocker" in the Flash part of the crossover. http://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/540880148887633920
  3. Sorry in advance, I have a hard time keeping all of these spoilers straight. When is Felicity supposed to be alone in the dark with a pair of scissors? Or did that already happen and I just missed it? So, just one punch to the guy, and Laurel knocks him out cold? Mmmm...no.
  4. Doesn't he strap a knife or something to his hip? Here: http://forums.previously.tv/topic/18041-spoilers-only/?p=564608 And if you scroll down further to the crossover pics, you can see the strap too. I think there used to be only one strap, but maybe they added another weapon or something on his leg, and now he matches Roy with the two leg straps.
  5. Regarding the leg plate, I think that the lighting in the photo is just funny. If you look at Colton's stunt double's right leg, it looks similar. I think that's just the seams of his leather pants.
  6. I don't think that the ammo thing is new. It was in the crossover: http://forums.previously.tv/topic/18041-spoilers-only/?p=616358
  7. Well that's kind of dumb that they're doing Hong Kong flashbacks when Oliver isn't even in the present day story. "Oliver's not here right now, but have a look at this thing that he was up to a few years ago that has nothing to do with what's happening now." I guess that they could try to parallel it with Laurel's story, but I don't know if it's a good idea for the show to be comparing year three of Oliver's journey through hell with Laurel's four episode journey.
  8. So, thinking about the fact that Felicity won't be searching for Oliver has me thoroughly confused. If Oliver is like, "Hey, Boo. I love you and I promise you I'll come back after I defeat Ra's" and then Felicity hasn't heard from him in a month, won't she get worried and begin looking for him? Even if she thinks that he's dead, I still have to believe that she wouldn't be satisfied until she saw a body. I mean, she's witnessed Sara, Slade, and Oliver himself all return from the grave. So then I think that maybe she knows that he's alive and knows where he is. But if he's alive and well, why are we only getting flashbacks after the winter break? But then I wonder if flashbacks would even make sense if we're supposed to think that Oliver is dead. They usually try to connect the flashbacks to the present, but if Oliver is not in the present, what purpose do flashbacks serve? So if Oliver is alive and Felicity knows this, what do we think that he's doing? It must not be important enough to show us if we're only getting flashbacks. Maybe he has to take a little Hong Kong detour with Maseo? I'm going to go crazy thinking about this, I swear.
  9. Krysten Ritter is Jessica Jones in Marvel's New Series for Netflix http://deadline.com/2014/12/krysten-ritter-cast-jessica-jones-marvel-1201309398/
  10. Legends did survive Sean Bean! http://tvline.com/2014/12/04/legends-renewed-season-2-tnt/
  11. Yeah, if this scene is not a 10 because "no sex," well, a forehead kiss won't cut it. Felicity seemed pretty calm when he was kissing her forehead, so I think that the big scene is going to come before that and they've already said their heartfelt goodbyes. Maybe he shows up at her apartment the night before he leaves and they just lay (lie??) in bed together with his arms wrapped around her or something (please??).
  12. It would be great if the EPs would analyze the episodes that do really well and take note of what is working and what is not. I mean, if you take a look at the this episode's thread, you'll see multiple people independently praising the same things. Unfortunately, I think that the EPs probably just pat themselves on the back and then continue to make the show that we "need."
  13. I've not been this excited/anxious about an upcoming episode in a long, long time. I may tune in to episode 10 (without giving them the ratings bump, of course) to see why Team Arrow isn't searching for Oliver, but after that, I don't think that I want to tune in live until Oliver returns. I'll just find a new series to binge and think happy thoughts while Oliver is away. I am looking forward to some things after the break, so I hope that these things haven't been oversold. Felicity really needs a female friend, so I'm excited about the Felicity/Thea interaction. EBR says that we should expect some more big Oliver/Felicity moments after the break, so I'm excited about that. I'm excited about the Dig/Lyla wedding because it probably means Oliver in a tux or suit and Felicity in a gorgeous dress. Sigh.
  14. Yeah, I just don't see how she would get into a relationship with Ray after Oliver possibly telling her that he knows what he's fighting for now. Maybe she will become more friendly with Ray during the Buckle Saga, but I see her promptly shutting him down if he tries anything romantic. I'm just worried that they are going to destroy us with Oliver's return. If he's coming back in episode 12, are they really going to let us have Olicity that soon? With their love of "one step forward, two steps back," I'm so worried that they are going to have Oliver come back all messed up in the head, or something like that :(
  15. Crap, I forgot about that. I hope that he's lying. I don't think that I can deal with a heartbroken Felicity.
  16. Oh my gosh. This morning I decided that I was going to bail on spoilers for the next week because I wanted to be surprised about the Oliver/Felicity level nine scene (you see that this did not work out so well). Then I came in here just to peek and saw the forehead kiss. I can deal with that, but if there's more than a forehead kiss (which there'd better be because a forehead kiss is so not a 9 on a scale of 10), I think that I'd like to be totally surprised. So, I'm hoping that not much of that scene leaks. Oh God, I think that I'm going to be left sobbing in the corner at the end of this episode. I'm hoping that it ends with Oliver hanging off of a cliff, and Team Arrow knowing nothing about it. Then when we return in January, maybe Diggle is losing hope that Oliver is still alive, but Felicity is searching the ends of the earth for him. Oh, this is going to be awful.
  17. But Felicity will never give up hope that Oliver's alive if there's no body, right? Right?!
  18. I'll just very politely point out that Laurel was in the episode for like two minutes tops, in case that influences your decision to watch. She had one scene with Barry, Oliver, and her dad, and that was it
  19. I'm sorry, I know that some people don't like Roy, but I think that he's an adorable little mini-me. "Watch Daddy, Son." Seriously, the way that his actions mirror Oliver's cracks me up. I think that this show would have been so much better this season if The Flash hadn't been picked up and Barry stayed in Starling City. It's a dilemma because I like nearly all of The Flash cast, but I'm not attached to that show like I am this one. Oliver to Barry, "I'm sorry, Barry. I'm not as emotionally healthy as you are." Understatement of the fucking year right there! No! Lyla was shooting up the Arrow cave and Fern was caught in the crosshairs! I think she (Fern, that is) survived, though. Loved that all three women were badass and completely useful in that scene. Loved Barry talking to Oliver about how he (Oliver) wouldn't have survived if he didn't have a light inside of him...and then Felicity walks in on the conversation. Yay, happy times for Diggle. Aww, Barry has his own little costume dummy. Aww, Felicity telling Cisco that the hood has sentimental value. Yay Barry, for the inspirational pep talk. Just wish Barry would have told Oliver that he's wrong, guys like them do get the girl! I loved Cisco's humor, I loved everyone going for drinks at Verdant, I loved that The Flash team calls Diggle "Mr. Diggle.", and I loved how everything flowed. Oh my gosh, I seriously enjoyed this episode more than the first part of the crossover. Definitely one of my favorites this season.
  20. Oh yeah, that's why I recognized her. I thought she looked familiar. I was kind of wondering where he's storing all of these clothes. He has a heavy winter jacket, a lighter black jacket for his secret underground meeting (maybe that's under the heavy jacket?), and an Arrow suit (although maybe that picture was just thrown in with all the LoA ones). For his sake, I hope he has an extra shirt lying around if he's left dangling off the cliff there at the end (for my sake, I hope not). Nyssa looks so awesome in that picture where her coat is flowing in the wind. I would love her as Black Canary.
  21. That might be awesome if we actually get to see any of it. Like I've said a bunch of times before, they could technically do it by flashing back to "one month earlier" or whatever in episode 10 to show Oliver fighting and training with the League. But, I think we might be going the "everyone thinks he's dead" route. I just really don't know anymore, is what I'm trying to say. If he joins the League, I'm worried about him coming back even damaged than he was from his five years of hell from Lian Yu/Hong Kong/Russia :(
  22. I like that the LoA just have a random cabinet of weaponry out in the middle of a snowy forest somewhere. Yeah, that totally makes sense.
  23. I'm not sure that having Laurel pretend to be Sara while still keeping the murder a secret from her parents will exactly make the audience feel any warm fuzzy feelings towards her. So yeah, this could totally be it. Didn't SA say he would have a good reason for being shirtless in episode 9? Not sure what that would be, but I'm not complaining.
  24. One of the things that has disappointed me this season is that Oliver hasn't really opened up much about his missing five years. I had high hopes early on when he told Felicity that he wasn't always on Lian Yu and when he told Thea about their father making it to the life raft before committing suicide, but things have pretty much stalled since then. I won't expand on this much since this part probably belongs in the Hopes & Fears thread, but I really hope that Oliver begins to reveal more details to Dig, Felicity, and Thea regarding his time away.
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