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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. No, apparently Ray isn't shrinking (or at least not right away??). But he is flying (no joke).
  2. Oliver quitting the team because of Laurel? I wonder what kind of reaction that would get from the audience. Probably none, unfortunately, since the show has been shelling out crap for a while now, and it hasn't seemed to make a difference in terms of viewership.
  3. I do appreciate that SA is aware of what people like about the show and is honest when doling out little spoilery bits. He seems to take no pleasure in messing with people. I may not agree with his "best episode ever" declarations, but he seems generally aware of what people love. Contrast that with MG who said that his favorite thing about Olicity is the internet. I've wondered many times if I'm just being majorly conned by that man.
  4. I'm with you there. If I knew how, this is where I would insert the Leslie Knope "Everything hurts and I'm dying" gif. You may be on to something there because episode 18 last year was Deathstroke. Maybe they are continuing that trend with a villain in episode 18 this year.
  5. From the Guggenheim interview: See, this is exactly what I was afraid of! Like I said in the ratings thread, this is probably all the justification that MG needs to keep shoving superheroes into the show.
  6. Can we get a game of hangman up in here, MG? Hmm. How about "Palmer Dies"? ETA: Haha, I see that someone on Twitter already suggested that (not me, though).
  7. Chances that KC goes to the Indianapolis Con on Valentine's Day weekend? I'm predicting a cancellation notice very soon. Or did she already cancel that one?? Yeah, she might have *runs off to check.* ETA: Yeah, that appearance was cancelled. I'm an epic failure today, I guess.
  8. Now is this something that the cast are required to do, or would EBR have the option to say "no thanks"? Emily just seems to not be really big into the public stuff, so it's possible that she wouldn't want to do the event (if given the choice), which could potentially leave KC as the only female on the panel (unless they get Audrey Marie Anderson or Katrina Law). After the last blowup, that might not go over so well. If it was all about TPTB trying to keep someone's appearance as a surprise, wouldn't they just not announce that person as attending? Obviously, I don't know. Never mind, I see you all figured it out :)
  9. Maybe we're in for another TCA debacle, and they know that the lineup is going to piss people off, so they're holding out as long as possible before announcing the panelists.
  10. Ugh, I didn't even think about Canary Cry. No to Lazarus Pit or Canary Cry. The more that this show embraces comic books, the more it manages to kill any remaining enthusiasm I may have.
  11. Maybe it's "The Betrayal." MG is so evil that I could see him killing Laurel only to bring her back with a Lazarus Pit. Like "Ha, bitches, bet you thought she was dead!" I have already prepared myself for that scenario.
  12. Who is this Dinah Laurel Lance person they speak of? Seriously, like nobody ever calls her that. In the history of the show, I think that Tommy has called her that twice maybe? It bugs.
  13. I will have to rage if they even try to use a Lazarus Pit on Felicity, I swear.
  14. On a show where you can be skewered with a sword, kicked off a cliff, and still survive, eh, concussions are no biggie :) You would think that if the EPs had a large role in mind for Ted Grant, they wouldn't have hired an actor that was currently on another show. It kinda comes off like the storyline wasn't a priority for them.
  15. Non-POC female characters...kinda narrows it down to Caitlyn, doesn't it? I'm finding it hilarious that people are angry at Felicity because Iris isn't getting enough screentime. Felicity isn't even a character on The Flash, how can this be her fault?!!! Personally, I think that the EPs screwed up and made the same mistake they did with Laurel by creating a character who could be completely removed from the narrative, and the show wouldn't even miss a beat. I'm really hoping that Felicity doesn't get blown up while on a date with Ray because this show really doesn't need to repeat Oliver/Felicity moments with Ray inserted into Oliver's position. Been there, done that, don't want any of those parallels. Well, I mean, at this point Black Canary is kind of the sidekick's sidekick. She's basically below Roy, which is not good.
  16. I don't think we'll get much of Oliver/Felicity in the next few episodes. There'll be some interaction in 13, but I think that a good portion of the episode will be Laurel stuff with Oliver trying to rein her in. The present-day stuff in episode 14 will be on the island, so we won't get much in that episode. Then it sounds like 15 and 16 might be LoA stuff, so I wonder if Oliver is even going to be in Starling City for those episodes? Wow, just noticed I used the word "stuff" like a lot.
  17. The grease and vinegar in that burger would kill me. It sucks getting older. Anyways, moving on. I love that Emily loves her dog. I feel like anyone that loves their animals as much as she seems to has to be a good person.
  18. I mean, I like bacon cheeseburgers, but that thing is a monster. Probably just me. I'm not a huge meat-eater (not a vegetarian either, just not that fond of meat, what can I say?).
  19. Ugh, Willa's lunch. I'm not sure what it is (bacon cheeseburger??) but that just looks awful and it's humongous. ETA: Just to be clear, I'm criticizing the burger, not the fact that Willa's eating it. Everyone should eat whatever makes them happy...but I still think that the picture makes the food look really unappetizing!
  20. I'm betting that Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson are really regretting ever doing the movie right about now. They pretty much hate each other and seem disgusted by some of the stuff that they filmed, and now they get to go relive that experience for two more movies. Sounds fun.
  21. Maybe Ray takes his suit over to Central City and something on it malfunctions, blows up, and nearly kills Felicity. Then it would become a really easy choice, wouldn't it? Hmm, Oliver or the guy who nearly killed me? Not that I actually want it to happen that way or anything. As others have suggested, I would prefer some accident that has nothing to do with crime-fighting and has everything to do with Felicity being in the wrong place at the wrong time (gas explosion at Jitters or something stupid like that. Goodbye, Iris!).
  22. If this hypothetical bomb goes off and hypothetically injures Felicity, what are the chances that it's Malcolm Merlyn's fault? Felicity and Diggle were so adamant against working with him, and the result is that is nearly gets her killed.
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