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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. I had to laugh at Liza when she came in to Charles' office thinking that she had absolutely nailed the meeting with the woman writer. "She hated you." The change of expression on her face was a good bit of acting by Sutton Foster. It never occurred to me that maybe Charles was lying and Liza's actually going to be promoted because he seems pretty straight forward. I figured that the writer really did hate her, and Diana was interviewing a new applicant to show Liza that she shouldn't step out of line (by trying to do anything other than be Diana's assistant) because she's easily replaceable. The tub scene was probably supposed to be sexy, but the entire time I was wondering, Whose bathroom is this?? Yuck, no way I would be taking a bath in Josh's bathroom. You know that nobody has ever bothered to clean in there. Gross! And yes, you all are correct. Younger was renewed for a second season.
  2. Totally missed the part where Gordon took some coke from his desk. Ugh, am I going to have to watch him become an addict and blow his Cardiff check on drugs and stupid luxuries? Probably, yes. I think that he's one of these people who isn't happy unless he's miserable.
  3. Wow, Gordon's likability increased by like 100% from last season. But why do I feel like he's one breakdown away from blowing that big fat Cardiff Electric check on something stupid? Here's hoping that Gordon's nosebleed is just allergies like he said. Nosebleeds are one of those things that are pretty harmless in real life but signal scary things like death and brain tumors on TV! I hope that the guy selling stolen goods can't track Donna and Cameron down. I could see him popping up at some point later this season. Happy to see the guy that Cameron picked up from prison (can't remember his name). I liked him last season and enjoyed the dynamic between him and Cameron. I hope that this season focuses on Donna and Cameron because that story looks way more intriguing that watching Gordon be a sad-sack or Joe acting like a lunatic.
  4. I like Jack and the nurse, Faith. I think that the show should explore these two in a relationship because she's cute and I just can't with Elizabeth and her "Charles and I are just friends, but OMG, you talked to a woman and didn't tell me. How dare you!" Tom, I don't even really like you, but please run as fast as you can from the youngest Thatcher sister before she gets you arrested. Really, I don't think that it's noble of him to take the blame for the accident. Like Julie's father would do anything to her that has serious consequences if he found out that she was the one driving. She would be fine, but Tom? He'll end up in jail if someone doesn't fess up. I never cared for Rosemary last season, but she's growing on me. They did a great job casting her love interest/sawmill guy because the dynamic between these two is really working.
  5. Shit, if this turns into some twisty time traveling show, I'm gonna be so confused!
  6. Sorry, I worded my post a bit funny. I believe that Kate really has been in Wayward Pines (I'm just going to use WP for short) for twelve years (her hair is much much longer now than it was when Ethan was interacting with her outside of WP). But by my math, every day that Ethan's family spent looking for him equated to over four months in WP. I'm not clear how long Ethan's wife and son had been trying to reconnect with him since he disappeared, but it had surely been more than a day. So, at this point, Ethan has been a resident of WP for many months, but it sure doesn't seem like that. Unless maybe as others have suggested, he had been asleep for awhile, or his perception of time is all messed up, or time moves differently for different people? Why do I feel like the big reveal on this show is going to be a massive disappointment?
  7. So, if Kate has only been missing for five weeks, but she thinks that it has been twelve years, how long does Ethan think that he's been in Wayward Pines? If he's been missing from the outside world for even one day, that should be over four months in Wayward Pines' wonky time, but it doesn't seem like he's been there for four months. I was thinking more like a few days, or a week, maybe? This weird time difference between the two "worlds" doesn't seem to be adding up.
  8. Grr, Terrance Howard's wobbly voice is driving me nuts! Maybe he's gone for good now (probably not, though, with this weird show). Good idea Ethan, running around with a flashlight in the woods as you're trying to escape. I'm sure that won't make it any easier for the bloodthirsty townsfolk to find you. Not that it mattered, since nobody seemed interested in slitting his throat once he was discovered, anyways. That seemed kind of dumb for Ethan to show up at Kate's house when he had to suspect that she's the one who turned him in. They spent last episode showing us how you always have to answer your phone when it rings, but then Kate doesn't? "They're not calling for me." In a town where you get killed for disobeying the rules, do you really want to risk death for not answering your phone? The Secret Security Field Office's security sucks if you can just show up, wait for people to be distracted, and then log into their system. No password protection on the computer, or some other security measures? So the kids at the convenience store knew about Wayward Pines, but I wonder if they've heard any weird stories about people on their way there disappearing, never to be heard from again? I'm happy that we avoided weeks of the wife thinking that Wayward Pines is a friendly quaint little town. I wasn't looking forward to Ethan insisting that this place is fucked up, and her thinking that he's gone crazy. Haha, I too thought about the Smoke Monster! I also thought about Jurassic Park. Are there dinosaurs on the other side of this fence, or what?!
  9. Yeah, with this latest episode, I'm left thinking "Run Liza, run!" No need to put up with Josh's gross friends. Even at 26, I wouldn't have put up with that shit (pun intended). Other than the sex, I'm not really getting the appeal of Josh. He's a nice enough guy, but they don't share the same interests, they don't share the same friends, they don't seem to have meaningful conversations, they aren't at the same maturity level, and Liza feels the need to continue to lie to him. If Charles learns the truth about Liza's age before Josh, I think it will just be another sign that maybe he's the guy that the show is telling us that she's meant to be with.
  10. The ice cream scene this week was just weird. I erased the episode off of my DVR, so I can't go back and check, but the Sheriff said something about his ice cream cone as he was eating it and then tried to make it relate back to Matt Dillon's situation, and it just made no sense whatsoever. I remember thinking wtf is that supposed to mean? My guess is that the Sheriff has the postal service locked down tight as well. It wouldn't surprise me if somebody is tasked with reading all of the mail. You try to mention your old life in any correspondence, and you end up with an appointment to have your throat slit on the town square. Or maybe your letter just ends up "Returned to Sender", but I don't see any way that any correspondence makes it out of Wayward Pines. And if a letter did somehow make it out, with the apparent time difference of the outside world, how long would it take that letter to arrive at it's destination? Hmm, lots of questions about this weird show.
  11. Last season was so long ago that I don't even remember Carter saying that she used to date Max. Even if that was the case, I wouldn't have been too bothered by Taylor dating Max since Carter/Max would have happened before Taylor and Carter were reunited as sisters, so the only knowledge that Taylor had of the relationship is what Carter told her. She wasn't actually a witness to any of it. Plus, Carter was there giving her blessing to Taylor, encouraging her to go for Max. What majorly grosses me out now is that Carter has been telling Taylor and Max all season that they love each other and should get back together. She's been rooting for them as a couple. And then she's having a bad day, so she goes and sleeps with Max? It really seems out of character for Max as well. I have a hard time believing that knowing the bad place that Carter was in, he wouldn't have put a stop to the whole thing. I guess it would have been a different situation if Carter found herself falling for Max, and she approached Taylor to get the OK to move ahead with a romantic relationship with him. But nope, it was just a quickie thing to make herself feel better. Gross. So disappointed in Max and Carter (but really, I don't care too much about this stupid show, so eh, whatever).
  12. Yuck, Josh's friends are just gross Staying over at his place was like living in a frat house. I'm really not seeing a whole lot of perks of dating a younger guy. I had no idea that Kelsey's boyfriend is the brother of her friend, Lauren. Lauren's dad was a major creeper, and I thought for sure that he was going to return later that night to put the moves on Liza. I would have been locking or blockading my door while I was sleeping! Someone else mentioned this in another thread, but I can't read any of the texts either. The font is way too tiny. Josh and the dragon tattoo...not anywhere near as bad as getting Liza's name tattooed on his arm, but still a bit weird. So from next week's preview,
  13. Ew, sleeping with your twin sister's ex boyfriend. Ew, sleeping with your ex girlfriend's twin sister. What idiot thought this would be a good idea for a storyline? I don't find it dramatic...it's just disgusting. So now I can't root for Max and Taylor to get back together, and I'm left thinking that Carter is a shitty sister. This show just keeps getting worse, and I don't think I'll be sorry when it is cancelled.
  14. Haha, I forgot to comment about that in my post. In the gambling scene at the end, there was some over the top rock music playing, signaling this is the beginning of the end for Harry, I guess.
  15. Since she's supposedly romantically interested in Jack, the way that Elizabeth is acting with Charles is really starting to bug me. Oh yeah, sure, Charles is "only thinking of your wellfare", Elizabeth. There's clear flirting there ("I'm fully prepared to work hard to earn that A"---that just sounds super naughty!), so I wish that Elizabeth would either shut it down or tell Jack that she's interested in Charles. Pick a guy, Elizabeth! Sawmill guy (Deputy Andy from Eureka) is kind of adorable with Rosemary. I love the way that he's so amused by her, but he's never condescending. He seems genuinely happy to spend his time with her, even when she acts quite ridiculous. Speaking of Rosemary, I felt bad for the actress at the end when she was singing to Sawmill guy. It looked COLD! Clara's new suitor seems pretty bland, eh. Also, I wouldn't be upset if Jack Wagner just disappeared. I'm not fond of his character at all.
  16. I'm intrigued right now, but this feels like one of those shows that is going to end in a very unsatisfying way. I wonder how in the world Ethan avoids having his throat slit in the middle of town after last episode's events. Is he going to pretend that he was trying to stop Beverly (which doesn't make sense since he ditched his chip and ran), or maybe he has to agree to have the procedure that Nurse Melissa Leo discussed with him? Hmm. Can't say that I'm a fan of Terrence Howard's "acting" in this. The way that he recites all of his lines with a shaky voice is a bit irritating. I've seen him in other things, and he's never bothered me, so I don't know what's going on. Juliette Lewis was a bit over the top, too, when she was walking with Matt Dillon to go have dinner at Reed Diamond's house. She was supposed to be nervous and terrified, and she looked like she was going to laugh!
  17. I actually like Taylor too, but that is because of all of the goodwill that she and Max earned from me last season, not for anything that she's done this season. I hate her stupid downward spiral storyline, and I thought that she was way out of line for getting bitchy with Max because he hadn't told her about this very traumatic thing that had happened to him when he was a kid. I mean, maybe he would have told her someday, but they're not even dating anymore, geez. It's just drama for the sake of drama. I think that it was a terrible idea to break Max and Taylor up this soon, and there's not really much that I'm interested in anymore.
  18. Loved the imagined conversation about ice. "It's a collective noun!" Also laughed at the dodgeball girl saying that Josh is as dumb as a box of hair. I don't believe that he's dumb, he just seems sort of laidback and a bit unmotivated, maybe. I feel like the show is steering us toward a Liza/Charles pairing, and that's the couple I'm rooting for. I think that Charles would challenge Liza intellectually, and Liza would get Charles to lighten up a bit. And his kids already love her, which would be majorly important to a single dad like him.
  19. Mr. Grove is such an ass. The entire time I was wishing he would die in a fire. He's the worst. I hate how he is completely horrible, and then all is expected to be forgiven because he is nice for two seconds. Now I can't even enjoy Miss Mardle's story because I hate that they ended up together. So, now is she going to quit her job to take care of Mr. Grove's children when she just said an episode ago that she's lacking maternal instinct and she couldn't wait to get back to work after watching baby Ernest for one weekend? NO!!! George is really a sweetheart. I'm liking him more and more each episode which is surprising since he was kind of forgettable to me in the first two seasons. I'm glad that Gordon chose Grace over his job, but I wonder if that's going to stick. I hope so since it's one of the few enjoyable storylines left on this show.
  20. After watching this episode, I'm rooting for Liza and Charles. I just prefer his personality and maturity when compared to Josh (I don't dislike Josh, I just like Charles more), and I think that he has loads of chemistry with Liza. I HATE Liza's work clothes. They're seriously awful. She never matches, and she wears ugly flannel shirts or flowered coats over her tops...I don't get it at all because I never see ANYONE dressed like that in real life, let alone 26 year olds. In one episode, she met up with her ex and was wearing jeans, a black top, a scarf, and a long coat. She looked lovely. More of that, please.
  21. So, Russ and Holly finally get together, and then she's leaving for law school in another state? What was the point of that?! My guess is that she would have transferred to a closer school or something like that in season 2 so that she could see Russ more often, but we're never gonna find out since the show has been cancelled.
  22. I don't really pay attention to the women's clothes or hairstyles, and don't care if they are period appropriate, but I have to laugh at the fact that it looks like Daniel Lissing (Jack) wandered on set in his street clothes. Did men wear jeans, henleys, and plaid jackets in the early 1900s? Guys dress like that nowadays, so I find it a bit odd. I don't recall how Mr. Gowen became the Mayor. I hope that he wasn't elected by the people of Coal Valley (or I guess it's Hope Valley now). Otherwise, the townsfolk are idiots. I'm glad that Elizabeth has returned to Hope Valley. She didn't do much but stand around while in Hamilton, so that was not so exciting to watch. I hope that she becomes more motivated to learn things like how to cook, how to do farm chores, how to hand pump water (I find it hard to believe that she's never had to do that since she arrived in Coal Valley. What exactly has she been drinking???). She's learning to ride a horse...that's a start. I thought for sure that Clara (Abigail's daughter-in-law) was hiding the fact that she had a baby, but I guess not. She really lucked out in the mother-in-law department, because Abigail is so kind and has so much patience with her. It looks like maybe Abigail and the Pastor will be involved in a relationship.
  23. If the guy that Sylvie was hooking up with at the end of the episode (apparently his name is Roman) has ever been on Chicago Fire before, I must have missed it. From Googling, I discovered that he's on Chicago PD, but I've never watched that show before, not even to see the resolutions to the crossovers. From the two seconds I saw of him, he seems fine, but I wish this show wouldn't insist on pairing up Chicago Fire characters with PD characters. I DON'T WANT TO WATCH CHICAGO PD, OKAY DICK WOLF?!!!!
  24. The whole Gabe storyline was weird...I felt like I missed an episode. Gabe was flirting with the counselor last week, and now they're texting and hooking up? Hmm. This could be entertaining if he was charming, or had a personality at all, really. I preferred Taylor when she wasn't spiraling out of control, but I did laugh at her telling Bird that the mural was stupid. I mean, she wasn't wrong...it had nothing to do with the college fair. That was nice of Carter to take the blame for the car accident (I guess the lady that they hit didn't notice who was driving??), but I am not OK with next weeks preview. Did the little spoiler tag icon disappear?? Doing this manually:
  25. And his little wind-up motorcycle and knitted cardigan/matching hat set. Adorable.
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