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Everything posted by Cosmocrush

  1. I'm watching Erika rewrite history, trying to tell Crystal that her marriage devolved over time. Puh leeze. She was fine with it right up to the point the money she was spending like water from her criminal husband's crimes stopped flowing. Hey Erika, it's not hard to stop the anxiety over money when you make what Bravo is paying you; just stop spending more than you're making. You're in your 50s, the sugar daddies are with the 30 year olds. Stop shopping, get rid of the glam squad and do something for someone else.
  2. I've always thought Sutton was a psycho who thinks she's better than everyone else (which makes her an entertaining RH). If she pissed off production I'm guessing it had something to do with that.
  3. I hope you're right although Sutton comes off terrible so I'm not sure why she would do that on purpose. I was even thinking that if she speaks to waitstaff even half as badly as she spoke to Avi it's probably one more reason why she has a lack of second dates. I've long believed you can learn a lot about a person's character by the way they speak to and treat waiters, especially on a first date.
  4. Especially if you do it repeatedly. I thought Magic Mike show was a fun idea, I wish my girlfriends had done something like that on my 40th birthday. Everyone but Sutton seemed to be having fun. I'd bet anything Erika's simulated oral sex isn't a regular part of the act but something she choreographed before hand with those guys. Remember she said Mikey's husband (partner?) is one of the dancers. Yes, Erika was filthy but she's been filthy since day one. She had a whole act showcasing her raunchy behavior for years. That's who she is and everyone including Sutton know that. No one else got too worked up about it - not because it wasn't disgusting, it was, but because the fun seemed to outweigh her few minutes on stage.
  5. I think this references a trip last year where Kathy, Crystal, and a few others pranked someone by seemingly downing martini after martini but in reality the martinis weren't vodka, they were water. Sutton wasn't in on the prank, Crystal tried to let her know but Sutton once again got all butthurt about it and made her hurt feelings into a thing. Sutton has seriously thin skin for someone that talks to her assistant the way she does, screams insults at Crystal (a previous season) and bullied pregnant Teddi right off the bat. She needs to calm down and lighten up. Also, anyone that talks to their employees the way Sutton does just isn't the classy person she imagines herself to be.
  6. Hahaha. Poser PK is my new name for him. Erika said she knew all those guys and Mikey's partner is one of the dancers. I would not be a bit surprised if they (or just Erika) choreographed that bit of clothed porn when Erika talked to them about the women being invited onstage.
  7. I'd bet that boutique is mainly a fun tax write off for Sutton. I have no idea why in the hell she wanted to become a RH, maybe she got bad advice from a friend; it wasn't for the money, but for the fame. And she clearly enjoys it or she would not continue. It's a mystery to me.
  8. Sutton eats using European style with the fork and knife, because she's she's so cultured don't ya know. But how about the fish ball? That was its own gross display and I kind of loved the cameras zeroing in on it. Good grief, Sutton what would the other ABT board members think?!
  9. Exactly . This is the same Sutton that made a HUGE scene stomping out crying and wanting to leave Garcelle's birthday party because she didn't bring a gift and Kyle, Kathy, and Crystal did; thus taking all the attention away from Garcelle. This time it was Crystal's birthday she ruined, which is a shame because Crystal looked like she was really having fun!
  10. If a person has to ask what empathy is and how to get it AT AGE 50-something then I’m putting her in the irredeemable column. No wonder it was so easy for her to take off the minute her wallet/husband’s crimes were exposed. I’m hoping none of these women think of her as a real life friend, just a sociopathic coworker.
  11. What is "informal probation" anyway? Something rich white women on TV get so they don't have to check in with a PO like a "regular" criminal? Judges (and juries) notoriously go easy on non-fatality DUI cases, which is why some people get three, four, and even five arrests before they kill someone or multiple someones and face real consequences. I've always maintained if you wanted to murder someone, just run them over with your car and then down a bottle of booze. That is a much lighter sentence than killing someone any other way.
  12. Dorito may be a dum dum but I think she always looks gorgeous in whatever she's wearing.
  13. I agree except I was one of the half dozen people who watched that show and kind of liked it. But then I watch this show too so obviously my TV viewing bar is pretty low. 😎
  14. As @BusyOctober noted, Dorito said her handbag was stolen out of her CART. Lol, $10k would go a long way at Target. I’m kind of surprised she isn’t robbed more…she had to see a surveillance camera to notice three men following her around the grocery store or wherever! And doesn’t everyone know to strap their bag into the cart using the kid straps?? Well I think she said the police viewed the surveillance video so there would be a report. Besides don’t you need one to file an insurance claim?
  15. When she described herself as being “intellectually superior to most people” the mystery of no second dates was solved for me. Sheesh Sutton you’re not even smart enough to stay off this show.
  16. And pretend I’m Richard Gere; except during the Berlin serenade, then pretend I’m Tom Cruise 😛
  17. It's not the spousal support payments, it's Sutton declaring she is modeling "financial freedom" while her ex-husband pays for it. Financial freedom is not relying on your ex husband's checks.
  18. And see I get the feeling she wears whatever she saw on a Paris/NYC runway without considering if it's flattering on her or not. Taste differs.
  19. Is that little Beverly Hills shop she has more than a tax break though? I don't begrudge Sutton her divorce settlement at all. And with that amount of capital she can easily parlay it into much more and probably has done just that. But it bugged when she acted like some hard working self made success since the divorce.
  20. Okay, but claiming she is modeling "financial freedom" for her daughter while cashing spousal support (aka alimony) checks was ridiculous. And speaking of ridiculous, what was the expensive looking Heidi costume in Sutton's talking heads? She may have the money but not too sure about the taste. Lovebean may have another new face but I think she's found a good cosmetic surgeon and continues to look great.
  21. Don’t forget Whori Laurie’s Cat Crap Condo. Or Jeana’s oldest kid cussing her out when she showed up at one of his games. Hilarious and real.
  22. But that seems to be the RH formerly rich now divorced broke with alcohol problem way: Luann didn’t let a little public drunkenness or getting thrown in the clink for resisting arrest stop her cabaret act. Sonja tried to get in on it too, but without the arrest record. They married for money, (although I get the feeling Shannon came from some money) got on TV to be famous and now they need to cash in the fame for money.
  23. Yeah but her dog died you guys!!! THAT'S WHY she was the same ol' shit stirring hateful Tamra. She had a TERRIBLE year. Her business closed like thousands of other small business after Covid but this was somehow WORSE. Then she got her dream job back at BRAVO the one she'd been wanting back since she got fired so of course it was a terrible year and that's why she was SO ANGRY all the time. Also, she's happy with her life. *snort*. 🤨
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