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Everything posted by pennben

  1. Not that it necessarily means anything, but in Gordon Holmes interview Drea was pretty negative about Maryanne—said she didn’t connect with her, that she was like Romeo and just laid around camp all day. If Maryanne spoiler true, perhaps Drea is vote against.
  2. Wouldn’t that be delicious! Omar keeps Mike’s idol thinking it’s real & kapow, goes home when he plays an inactive idol!
  3. So both sets of spoiler have errors now right? lindsay one: do or die maryanne one: KIP being used successfully. to be settled next week, I guess.
  4. Well, the writer’s are responsible for the sad & angry, surely they could have mustered up a story of the transition🤷‍♀️
  5. I don’t see it as caving, rather it was the mature thing to do to accept what was the best arrangement. And I do believe it was her prompting the two egos to actually look at their mother & touch her & accept her, that got them all on the track of getting to the best solution. Kate has a lot of things, but she did nothing wrong here. Indeed, she facilitated coming to the best resolution for Rebecca.
  6. Fun episode with the dueling final 3/winner spoilers: Oh, Lindsay, walked right by idol you didn't see, not the winner Oh, Maryanne, finds idol (winner), time spent on you promising to keep this idol secret, you spill don't you, not the winner. Lindsay wins reward, here's her uptick in edit, winner. Lindsay spills a lot of tea to Omar (also shown talking Jonathan coup literally right next to Jonathan), maybe getting sloppy, not the winner. Lindsay guns for big move with immunity, pulls back to go with consensus (anti-Jonathan trying to dictate like last week), the winner. Maryanne, Jenga analogy at tribal, shows Lindsay nodding a lot, Jonathan agreeing (perhaps to stop longwinded analogy), winner. Lindsay says something about vote to take out obvious power, Jonathan reacts adversely, may be Lindsay misplays power down the road? Loser. Wheeeeee!!!
  7. Romeo is also very close, if not there, into why not keep him around as my ally territory as no one will vote for him to win. The two perspectives go hand in hand. Interesting to see how it falls here.
  8. Still catching up. Since when has 50% been mandated? I still understand why a lot of POC still don’t trust the system of reality show casting. Hopefully with more consistent racially balanced casting, trust can be had.
  9. My favorite thing about him is he told us how he knew it was important to not try to steamroll when he was in position of power & then, basically tied to do just that! 😀
  10. Interesting point. I just think that’s something they felt they needed to deal with tonight because it’s been exhausting for many years without diversity. And, totally unrelated to you, but I can see how they don’t trust everything within the Survivor system that it basically took a mandate to get fairer representation on the island.
  11. One of the things I appreciated tonight was he kept his damn mouth shut when Maryanne & Drea were talking. Or, allowed editors the good sense to keep his talk show nonsense to a minimum.
  12. I honestly don't know. I flip in and out every season. Was just legitimately asking why an anthropology student would specifically object to this episode. That's all.
  13. I am sincerely asking how what happened tonight in the "forming of a society" that Survivor purports to be made you see machinations beyond what are typical machinations in Survivor?
  14. I'm not sure this is unpopular, maybe it is, but this feels like the best place to express it. I'm pretty sure if you look way back in this thread, I've said it before, but here it is again: the folks on this show are not good storytellers. They rely on gimmicks & flashes forward & backward & reveals (earned or not) & anything to not truly develop a satisfying storyline. Honest to god, from about midway through S2? when Rebecca was absolutely being vilified for wanting to do a tour when the kids were teens & it freaking turned out that she was only going to be away from home for a few weeks???!!! I was made insane! From there, I'd catch maybe the first couple of the season, the last before winter break, and then the last couple of a season. When I tell you that I entered S5 having missed a ton of episodes, but none of the reveals, because all they do is tease, I am not kidding. I have slogged through this season thinking I should watch all episodes for completionist sake in this final season, this has been exhausting. Without watching every episode before, I know everything about the story. I wish I had stuck to prior strategy because this is absolutely the longest season of a show I've ever watched......it is exhausting and there are 4 freaking episodes to go. These folks are good at manipulating, trying to create tension, payoffs, tidbits here & there, but they are not good storytellers if I know the whole story & I've missed maybeish a third of the episodes since season 2 before this & I have caught up on all of the actual movement in the storylines throughout in the "previously ons",
  15. Perhaps there will be a flashforward of an elderly Sophie going through Kevin’s things after he passes & she will open up a shoebox & within it will be a box full of ‘grand gestures’. All the other old valentines where the girls circled yes & other trinkets from first dates, just in case Kevin fell for someone else & needed to pull out a big move! She will just sigh—-‘that scamp’. Also, took me awhile to remember where I’d seen something similar, but finally recalled that it was The Gilmore Girls—Luke & Lorelei’s first date where he had pulled something out of his wallet that he had kept since they first met.
  16. I think she had given it back to him with the “yes” circled indicating she would be his valentine. I don’t save episodes (one viewing is more than enough these days😊), maybe someonelse could confirm
  17. Good for Meemaw that you didn’t feel like physically abusing her?! Go on with your good self meemaw!!! Ignore those that would abuse or lessen you. What nonsense.
  18. He was mimicking the officiant from The Princess Bride movie. Google ‘mawwiage Princess Bride’ to find a clip. He was going for laughs.
  19. If my ex had called me on my wedding day to my new husband, I would wonder why the hell is he calling me on my wedding day, just as you described for Kate’s reaction!
  20. Yes, because Toby does love to play the martyr. And, while I’m at it, of course he had to insert himself on Kate’s wedding day Loathe him Glad we are done with this divorce mess. Ready for show to wrap up.
  21. Who knows what Toby would do! Not relevant. Just a gentle fact check on where the show actually showed her mind to be in the timeline of the big egg/argument. Obviously different than what they showed where she was in the in the past. That’s all.
  22. Of course, applied but not gotten yet. Feels like that does provide evidence of her not just wanting to be a mostly SAHM with a hobby job as suggested.
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