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Everything posted by ozziemom

  1. Plus Josie has 2 girls not 4. I think the longing for a boy was greater at the Webster’s house and lasted longer. Alyssa is also bad at disguising her preference for Rhett.
  2. Actually the Duggars only need to watch someone else do something and then they can do it themselves. At least that is what JB said regarding them building TTH when they were children.
  3. Katie posted a vague Trav will be sharing what he’s doing soon, so we will have to wait and watch their SM! Apparently he hit 100k on Spotify but I’m not sure what that means.
  4. She’s probably convinced herself that KJ will babysit. I wouldn’t be surprised if KJ was encouraging Katie to move to Tennessee so Hailey could be with family and participate in all the photo shoots at BSB, lol.
  5. Maybe we should message Jill to ask how she is? Seems like the Bates girls often go silent on SM and after a while they come back and post about how. concerned everyone was, but not to worry. And then a pitch for some makeup or hair product. That doesn’t usually stop her, lol
  6. They can call it a date! It never fails to amuse me when a married couple goes out to dinner or whatever, and calls it a date, or double date if another couple goes too. Like Jill Rod and her triple dates, ie going out with her daughters and their husbands.
  7. They still seem to stay with C&E whenever they are in Tennessee. I think anyone would have been exhausted by C&E with a newborn. But maybe once they are actually living in Tennessee Katie will realize how good she had it in NJ. If Travis is serious about his musical career and is in Nashville a lot, I’m not sure Katie will be too happy about that. She seems to be clingy like Carlin.
  8. Well said @cereality and @BitterApple. Katie definitely doesn’t see what really goes on back in Tennessee, rose colored glasses I guess. Plus when you’re the one living far away it’s a big deal when you come home, not so much when you live down the street. Wonder how long before T&K get tired of party party with Carlin & Evan……
  9. NO! She will never go away, I grudgingly admire her tenacity, but just think if she had applied herself to anything other than her own self. SMH.
  10. The Rod family acts strangely once again, like seals performing at the circus. And Nurie is barely even showing, when is this baby due?
  11. IIRC he was encouraged to go to trade school to show he could support Carlin and a family. He had a random office type job before that I think. Maybe it had to be a manly man job like electrician for Gil???
  12. I think at first she knew it was a sure fire way to get Evan by her side 24/7. Later on she did complain about the loss of independence but in reality what do they do all day? Go out to eat, do through the drive-thru, run to Stbux, go to Target, etc etc.
  13. I think Carlin used the no driving as perfect excuse for Evan to be with her 24/7. Then it started to get a bit inconvenient for her and Evan is not ever going back to electrician work, so she was “cleared” to drive. I’m skeptical about when she had her last episode (or if any of them were real seizures) so her driving is NBD. Plus as others have said, not driving due to seizures is pretty much honor system. I’m sure if your doctor advised you not to drive and you told the doctor you would still be driving, they could notify DMV, but unless you got stopped, not sure anything would happen. My husband had a seizure a few years ago and he didn’t drive for almost 2 years just due to his own nervousness about it.
  14. In reality nothing will stop a person from driving if they want to. So I doubt she had some kind of clearance or whatever to drive, C&E just set a date so they could make a SM post about it. They have been extremely silent on the whole “episodes” once she had the 5 day test
  15. Yup I think the Clark parents and Travis’s grandfather Clark are very much in control of $$$ that funds a lot of T&K expenses. Plus they act very much like patriarchs. During the summer there are beach vacations that are family traditions, trips to the recording studio etc. The Clark family seems to spend a lot of time together, funded by Papa Clark. So maybe T&K will now be visiting NJ as much as they currently visit Tennessee.
  16. Maybe Papa Clark figured that to stop Katie’s whining about how she misses her family, Tennessee etc etc was to let them move there. I think the Clark’s are very involved in each other’s lives and the Clark family church & school business funds some of Travis’s expenses. And Travis may be pushing this move as good for his music career. So Papa Clark agrees to let them try it figuring reality will set in the first time Katie needs a babysitter or someone to take their dog.
  17. Poor Haley, Katie will have to homeschool now too. I don’t understand this move but all a Fundie has to do is say “God’s plan” and The Paine’s are in Florida and the Clark’s move to Tennessee etc etc.
  18. IIRC the Plexus trip where she and her choir were singing was a training conference. Maybe for people who just moved up to gold or something. So not a reward trip and I think JillyBean mostly posted about all the wonderous things she was learning. So I think this is a different crowd than Jill and Dave are used to. Plus the Diamonds probably are at a good party, lol.
  19. BME rationalizes that her kids want HER to get the souvenirs as she is so special. Dave doesn’t seem to buy much of anything so all the more for JillyBean.
  20. Maybe the rest of the Bates family finds Layla’s duck lips and constant posing annoying and not cute?
  21. That is exactly what I thought too. JillyBean would be doing much more pumping herself up about this SEVERLY wonderful trip she earned if she was actually going. But you never know with her. Perhaps once she gets to Nurie’s the Keller clan will need her or something. Five minutes with all the viciously sick Rodlets and Nemo and Newby will be sick too.
  22. Maybe this stuff with the brother has made going to visit Evan’s parents not a party party all night long and that’s why C&E haven’t been off to Nashville as much….
  23. JillyBean will probably get her all girl Plexus choir to sing hymns in the lobby of the resort, lol.
  24. Is there no I love you day this year? Or did I miss it?
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